Part 7

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"Do we seriously need this Freshers party and all? I mean I will rather stay in and study a bit " Sana flopped on her desk as they came back to their room. "Are you serious? Freshers Party is something every Fresher looks forward to!!" Anu pouted. 

"I know but you can just say am not into parties and stuff! you know? I don't like loud and crowded places and seeing how our seniors were planning stuff, it's going to be like THAT only."Sana huffed, "Don't tell me you are thinking about skipping the party!" Anu looked at her doubtfully, "I mean... I can right?" Sana looked at her hopefully, "NO! You have to come with me!! You need to attend the freshers with me, so don't even think about skipping the Party" Anu said as she placed her arms around Sana, to which she pouted. 


"GOD!! I feel like I have nothing to wear!!" Anu said as she threw another dress on the bed, to which Sana gave her an-are-you-kidding-me-look staring at the clothes lying around the room. "Just pick something already, It's just a stupid party!" Sana said as she took a white top out with blue faded jeans to match with it. 

"Okay okay which one looks good?" Anu said picking two of her dresses for Sana to choose, "Take the red one" Sana said as she held her hair up to tie it in a ponytail. "It will be better if you get ready like real quick, If we reach early we will be able to leave early as well" Sana added pushing her hair back. "Why don't you go ahead? I will be down in 5 minutes. Yuvi is already there, I will hurry" Anu said as she rushed into the washroom without listening to Sana.

"yeah! Yuvi where are you? Anu said you will be down here but I don't see you around." Sana said over the phone, "Oh Sana! I will just be there, you can go in if you want to just give me 5 minutes" Yuvi said hurriedly, "I seriously don't want to go in alone, I will be really grateful if you both make it quick, I am in the entrance hallway okay?" Sana sighed before hanging up the call.


"Hello?" the voice said as the person picked the call, "Hello! ssup?" Sana said in a monotonous voice as she banged her head lightly on the wall nearby, "What's with the foul mood?" The person on the other side reacted, "Ah!! I really don't want to go to this stupid freshers party but Anu said I have to cause she needs company but now she is taking so long to get ready and Yuvi is no better, I have been standing alone in the hallway for 15 minutes. How can they treat me like this..." Sana said punching the wall lightly while pouting, "Aish!! Looks like my baby sister is pretty mad!!" Parth giggled over the phone, "Wah! Seriously are you having fun? listening to how I am being treated, Way to go Parth!!"She said rolling her eyes. 

"Relax! they must be willing to look good in the Party so it's taking time, not everyone can be like you to put on whatever you come across and go around." He said trying to control his laughter. "This isn't helping." Sana said shutting her eyes tight to control her frustration. "Come on! Waiting is part of college life... Try to enjoy it" He giggled over the call, "Yah! dumpling seriously though! don't ruin your mood they must be trying hard to get dressed and make good memories. You should make Good Memories as well. Try to enjoy the party with your friends! okay?" He said softly to which Sana pouted. 

"Yeah yeah... whatever you say! But yah! Stop calling me Dumpling, I am not even chubby anymore!" Sana frowned, "yeah! then why do you still have my number saved with TeddyTalks? Aren't you Hypocrite?"Parth laughed, "Duh. whatever. Take Care Bye." Sana said hanging up the call. 

"I almost puked." Rehan said as she turned to look at the hallway, "What the fuck! Is Eavesdropping your Habit?" Sana frowned, "Don't make me laugh, it's not like I am interested in your love life that I would eavesdrop on your conversations!" Rehan said chuckling, "Then why you are here... get going already!" Sana said shooing him away with her hands.

"It's not like I want to be here, Yuvi told me to wait at the entrance, which is why I am here if you have a problem you can leave, it's not like I will stop you... Dumpling!" Rehan smirked making Sana's Eyes go big. "Don't you Dare call me that..." She fumed willing to punch Rehan across his face to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. "I didn't take you to be the person to be into mushy things but seems like you are. "Rehan chuckled, making Sana clutch his collar.

"Stop poking your nose in my business, haven't your parents taught you some manners? or maybe the concept of privacy?" She fumed. "It will be better if you don't go on about my parents! Cause you aren't perfect either." Rehan said as he pushed her to the wall next to them. 

"Wah! are they dating? Do they know each other from before? Looks like we already have the couple for our year" The group murmured near the entrance making Anu and Yuvi's jaw drop.

"YAH! ARE YOU TWO DATING?" Anu said out loud grabbing the attention of all the people in the hallway. "What?" They echoed in a union, as Sana pushed Rehan away. 

"Then why are you wearing couple outfits! I mean it's fine, we meet a few days ago and all but I still consider you my Best friend and I want you to tell me if you are dating." Anu said pointing at both of them, who looked shocked out of their wits. 

They looked at each other trying to figure out what Anu was talking about, just to find that they WERE wearing the same scheme. "Why the fuck you had to wear something in the same scheme?" Rehan whispered, "I can say the same to you." Sana shot a glare before she walked to Anu, "It's a pure coincidence, do you think I will be with someone like this JERK? his existence annoys me to hell, you know that right?" Sana added further making Rehan chuckle in disbelief.

"Oh! You guys are here. I was looking around! Oh Rehan- Sana, Are you guys dating already- what's with couple outfits?" Mintu said as he showed up in the hallway with his gang.

"WE AREN'T DATING!" Rehan and Sana Echoed in a union, terrifying The whole Mintu gang.

"Okay! I was just kidding." He whispered lightly.

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