Part 15

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Sana knocked excitedly on the door and took a step behind to wait, the door opened wide as she stepped back, kids rushing out to hug her.

"Yah!! Wait!! Wait!! I will trip. Don't run!" Sana said as she struggled to keep her balance, "Sana di we missed you so much!!" The kid yelled hugging her tight. " Yeah! yeah, I missed you as well. Now let's get in? or do you guys plan on seeing me off from here only" She chuckled to which the kids dragged her and her stuff in, to which her uncle smiled fondly at the kids.

"Uncle! did you have a hard time looking after them all by yourself? I hope they didn't trouble you much" Sana said as she came to her uncle after the kids got busy looking for the things she bought for them. "Not at all. But that doesn't mean I didn't miss you. After all, you are the eldest looking at you all grown up makes me feel how old I have gotten"He laughed patting her head lovingly, making her pout cutely.

"Sana di! Let's play video games!!" Chotu yelled coming in, to which she nodded dragging her Uncle along with her and chotu. " Kids have so much energy !! It's hard to keep up with them" Her uncle said as he looked at the kids playing and running around with Sana.


Rehan rang the doorbell and waited patiently for the door to be answered, "Oh Rehan! you are here!!" The old lady opened the door, embracing Rehan in a bone-crushing hug.

"Granny!! I missed you a lot as well." He said as he hugged her back, " You look so thin and pale, don't they feed you guys in the hostel." His granny said worriedly taking a good look at him, "Oho! I am not losing weight granny! am fit. You don't have to worry about my eating habits! You know I eat a lot and well" Rehan laughed shaking his head, at the patent comment of Grandmothers. 

"You must be eating out. What do the people in the mess know about the food anyway? I heard no mess has good food, so eating outside would be the only option. But eating out isn't healthy.." Granny went on as she went into the kitchen to get him a cup of water. 

"Stop worrying about my food already! as you can see I am completely healthy, but what about you? are you taking your medicines timely? You aren't eating sweets just cause I am not here to keep an eye on you now? are you?" Rehan narrowed his eyes looking at her suspiciously. 

"I am taking my medicines on time, and I am even going regularly for my checkups. I am not willing to die anyway soon. As you can see" She said raising her brow as she smirked making Rehan chuckle, shaking his head.

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