Part 37

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"I might be stepping over the line right now, but at the end of the day- you guys are family. " Sana said looking out of the window,  "You might think that am saying this because am an Orphan... maybe that is true, but.." Sana looked back at Rehan smiling, "It's fine... I understand." Rehan cut her in between looking away not being able to take Sana talking about her being an orphan anymore. 

"Call Grandma at least, she is worried" Sana said after a long awkward silence. "I will." Rehan nodded when his phone rang flashing the name "Parth" over the screen making Sana frown and raise a brow at Rehan to which he shrugged, picking up the call. 

"Happy Birthday REHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN." Parth sang excitedly over the phone almost making Rehan go deaf, " uh... uh... Thanks, Parth, how did you know?"Rehan asked putting his phone on speaker as Sana kept on throwing confused and betrayed looks at him. 

"Grandma told me back when we were at the orphanage, and I have a good memory." Parth replied feeling proud of himself, "Did Sana wish you?" Parth asked further, "Yeah I did." Sana said rolling her eyes before she could stop herself, regretting it a moment later. 

"Woaaahhhh... you guys are together??? am sorry but isn't it a bit late to be together Sana?" Parth said his tone switching completely to Big Brother mode. "We all are together, celebrating." Sana said not knowing what to reply with, while Rehan wondered how did he got caught up in this. "uh! okay okay, I was just kidding, you guys celebrate. I won't take much of your time Rehan. Happy Birthday once again. Bye-" Parth said before he hanged up.

"He usually gets excited over small stuff... am sorry!" Sana said as they both smiled at Parth's cute antiques, "I never thought he would remember my birthday even in a different country. " Rehan chuckled, "So now Birthday ain't that bad." Sana asked raising her brow wishing her comment won't bring down the mood altogether. 

"If I remove what happened in past, even then- Birthday's are still kinda sad though-  It's like the people who forget your existence for the whole year are reminded of you- Just for one day." Rehan said shrugging making Sana roll her eyes. 

"Whatever now that the mood has lightened- I guess it will be better for you to COME IN YUVI!!" Sana yelled surprising Rehan, and a grinning Yuvi appeared as he opened the door quickly getting in with Anu. "How long have you been standing near the door?"Rehan asked his eyes wide as the two got in "Past 10 minutes, I guess." Yuvi grinned placing the cake on the table as Anu took out candles to place on it, while Rehan looked back at Sana for answers- she shrugged chuckling. "It's time for happy memories to replace the sad one's I guess." She whispered before walking to Yuvi and Anu, and Rehan couldn't help but skip a beat. 


"Happy Birthday to you... Happy birthday to you..." They sang as Rehan stood there looking at the excited faces of his friends...he didn't know when his eyes welled up again... "Are you crying again? Yuvi... go hug him." Sana said pushing Yuvi ahead, who took Rehan into a bone-crushing hug without waiting for Rehan to respond, making Anu and Sana laugh as Rehan struggled to get out of it yelling and cursing. 

"Oh! did we interrupt something!"Mintu said as he covered his eyes with his hands, telling his friends to look away, just for Rehan to swear at him loudly. "It's okay, it's his birthday so he said he will be giving a hug to anyone who needs it, goes on knock-yourselves out, he won't get mad." Sana said trying hard to control her laugh at how horrified Rehan looked at the announcement. 

"Yah!"Rehan protested as the guys converted the hug into a group hug almost crushing him. 

"I will kill you" He mouthed as he looked at Sana, who just rolled her eyes stuffing cake in her mouth.

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