Part 59

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Rehan banged on the vending machine as his coffee was struck inside when his phone rang. 

"Hey, Parth! How are you doing?" He asked as he kicked the machine and the drink finally came down. "Where is Sana? Is she fine? Why is her phone switched off??" Parth panicked and Rehan could sense something wasn't right.

"What's wrong? Did anything happen? She was in her room- if you want I will call you once I get back to the room." Rehan tried to calm Parth down. "Okay- just call me as soon as you can okay." Parth suggested to which Rehan agreed. 

he stepped out of the store just to find a familiar figure stumbling across, "Sana?" He mumbled not sure if it was her or not- It took him time to be sure that it was her only, as she looked out of it. Her hair was messed it seemed like she cried her eyes out and the way she walked gave an idea that she wasn't herself right now it felt like she went through a storm.

"Sana!" Rehan yelled out as she rushed aimlessly on the street, colliding with people every now and then. "Sana Stop!!" Rehan ran to her as she was dangerously close to the running road. "Damn it!!" He stared at Sana on the other side of the road, as he tried to cross the road. 

"Screw it!" He yelled as he ran on the road not caring about the cars dropping the bag he had in his hands. He could see Sana watching the cars go with great focus. No. just a bit more- he thought as he ran when she stepped in front of a car. All he could hear was the loud honk and people rushing ahead to see what happened. 

Rehan pushed his way ahead, his world seemed to be in a whirl, he was late. 

Sana lay on the ground unconscious and bleeding. "Step aside!" He yelled as he sat beside her taking her in his lap. 

"Sana! Sana!!" He cried as he touched her face he shook uncontrollably. "Ambulance- call the ambulance!" He yelled trying his best not to lose his cool. "They are on the way." Someone from the crowd yelled as they could hear the sirens soon after. 

Rehan broke down as soon as Yuvi and Anu rushed to the hospital. "What happened??" Anu cried hugging him back, Rehan felt like shit he had no idea what went wrong- 

"I couldn't, I couldn't... I just stood there watching-" He cried not knowing what he should do. 

"Are you with the emergency patient?" The doctor asked as he stepped out and Yuvi moved ahead to talk with them as Rehan didn't seem in a position to talk or understand anything right now. "What did he say?" Anu asked as soon as Yuvi walked back to them, she knew something was wrong by the way he looked. 

"She is out of danger, just some broken bones but they want to call up the police. It seems like she overdosed on some pills." He said covering his face not knowing what they should do.

"This is going to be a problem. Mr. Singhai just met an accident and if the thing about Sana gets out media will be here in no time. I am not saying we should be caring about this right now but I don't know." He ruffled his hair staring at Rehan as he stood up from the floor. 

"I know some people who can help. Also, Anu please call Parth in the meantime." He said as he walked away with the phone, not having the heart to let Parth know that he wasn't able to prevent the mishap.

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