Part 64

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Sana was finally back home. Caught up in work and therapy the time passed quickly. Thanks to taking over formalities and complications Sidharth had no time to bother the siblings and Sana and Parth were thankful for that. Taking over wasn't as easy as Sidharth thought, he sure was someone who wasn't exactly capable of handling the business. 

In the short amount of time, Sidharth has managed to leave the impression of being nothing but a narcissistic egoistic jerk on everyone who came across him, to say the board of directors was trying their best to create complications in his taking over won't be a lie. Even though they weren't voicing their opinions out loud as everyone had already witnessed his crazy attitude and nasty temper. The voting was soon to take place and Sana didn't exactly wish to go to the meeting but it was exactly something she could skip. 

"How the fuck can those shitheads do this? Doesn't everything that belongs to the old hag is mine anyways- who the fuck are they to decide who gets to take the position, it belongs to me already why do I have to get the votes??? This is all messed up. You said you will take care of it. Is this how you take care of the situations, you shithead!" Sidharth threw the vase across the office as Vikram stood calmly at a distance watching him throw another tantrum. 

"You don't have to worry about it, sir. It's all taken care of you are going to win today. I have made sure that you win." He smiled politely as Sidharth glared at him. "Wrap all this up ASAP!! This shit is getting on my nerves, I am not paying you this lumpsum amount for you to sit idle and do nothing I hope you know that. If anything- anything goes wrong today. You will regret it." Sidharth said before slamming the door behind him. Vikram sighed taking his phone out as he slid the files on the table adjusting his glasses. 

"Is it done?" He asked as soon as the call was connected, receiving confirmation he let the little smile creep up to his face. "It's all set. Just a bit more, just a bit more." He chuckled playing with the phone.


Parth and Sana were a bit too stunned to react when the votes ended up being in the favor of Sidharth even after the solid opposition he was facing. What went wrong? was the only question they had. Vikram stood there behind Sidharth smiling politely which bothered both Parth and Sana. 

"Did we read the flow incorrectly? I really thought they would make him step down?" Parth whispered as he walked back into the hallway with Sana as Mr. Shekhwat went on with his friends. Rehan had joined Mr. Shekhawat's company, just to get authority and a position to keep an eye on the ongoing things, but even so, Sana managed to stop him from coming to the urgent meeting and attracting unnecessary attention.

"Where are you going?" Sidharth chuckled as he held on to Sana's hand and she pulled away almost immediately. "Don't you dare touch her." Parth Hissed came between them as Sana flinched as Sidharth walked towards her. "You have changed a lot. What went wrong seriously? Why are you acting as if you are a scared cat seriously?" He frowned ignoring Parth. 

"SIR!!" The voice echoed in the hallway, and Sidharth frowned at Vikram. "We have a tight schedule sir." He said politely gesturing for him to walk ahead, to which Sidharth hissed but walked ahead anyway. Much to Parth and Sana's surprise Vikram turned and looked at Sana with an expression that looked pained, he nodded in acknowledgment before walking away. 

 Rehan joining up with his father and coming to at least talking terms with his family was the only good thing out of the whole situation. 

It was still awkward and something unusual, whenever they were together or not discussing something seriously even when they agreed on something and ate together but at least it didn't exactly sting anymore. Some jokes here and there were good, and the mood was a lot better than before now. The Shekhawat family had one person to thank- Sana. 

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