Part 35

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Sana paced around in front of Boys Hostel willing to spot the guard or warden so she could pass the gift on, there was no way she was willing to face Rehan today, after the anger she faced back in the library. 

Sana could have just asked Yuvi to deliver but he already made it very clear that he won't be meddling in their business because he values his life. Sana hasn't felt this kind of rage building in herself ever before, she wanted to yell at Yuvi saying it wasn't her business either but the line already went dead before she can even react. 

"Yah! You know Rehan Shekhawat, don't you?" Sana stopped a random guy walking into the boys' hostel, who looked startled. "Yeah." He nodded making Sana pump her fist into a quick yes!

"Can you please deliver this to his room?  I have been looking for the guard or warden but there is no one around. You can right?" Sana asked quickly handing him the wrapped present box, "Well I don't think he is in the room, we have semester break. Almost everyone is out plus Yuvi is sleeping in Mintu's room these days because his is locked, No one knows where Rehan is..."The guy said handing the packet back to Sana and hurrying off. 

"He is not in his room? huh? where could this guy be?" Sana sat down nearby as her head started hurting, "Wait... I didn't even see him in the lectures before the break started, I haven't come across him in the library or canteen either, How many days it has been? I am sure he is not at Granny's or she would have contacted me. Where the hell is he?" Sana wondered as she took out her phone dialing Yuvi's number on the phone. 


"Yuvi! I need to know where the hell he is? This guy said no one has seen him in what days? He is not in Hostel, you are sleeping out! What the hell is going on?" Sana fumed. "I don't have any idea where he is, I haven't seen him for a week. He has locked the room already, he isn't even picking up my calls, I just thought he must have gone home on break or something. All he did was ping me not to break the lock- " Yuvi threw his phone on the table for Sana to read. 

"What the fuck is wrong with him? where the hell is he? What am I supposed to tell Granny if she calls?" Sana bit her lip as she sighed, not getting what should she do. "It's his birthday tomorrow, where could he be?" Sana asked as she looked hopefully at Yuvi who shrugged. 

"I haven't checked the room in days by the way... Like I didn't open the lock- I just used to check if it's locked..." Yuvi said after a while, " You mean he might be inside the locked room?" Sana raised her brow, to which Yuvi looked away. "Are you kidding me? How old is he? to be throwing tantrums? and you are telling this to me NOW, that doesn't even make sense!"Sana fumed, "Sana! I don't think you realize... but Rehan is hurt. And I don't see anyone taking a step to make him feel better... I agree that he isn't taking calls from his Grandma so she cannot do anything but... I hoped that you would do something, I am not saying that your life is not hectic but... maybe if you can just stop pushing him out, I don't even know what is wrong between you two, what even is going on but... You both are suffering then why not talk it out huh?" Yuvi said his voice soft as he patted her shoulder.

"By the way, I don't have the key... but the window is open." He chuckled as he walked off.


"I seriously have no time for this... neither do I have the right to keep on meddling, WHY THE FUCK I AM HERE?" Sana kicked the pipe in anger, "My life is already complicated, I am going to kill you today." Sana huffed as she hung her backpack over her shoulder before getting a grip on the pipe.

Sana opened the window without making any noise and stepped in scanning the room, she couldn't see anything as the room was pitch dark inside, she wondered if he was even in the room when she saw a figure moving in the dark. 

She tried to take a closer look and took a step forward near the bed when she stepped on something that felt like a bedsheet tangling in her leg making her trip and landing across the bed, earning a scared and loud yelp. 

"Who the fuck..." A very scared Rehan yelled as he pulled the sheet off his face just to tumble over from the bed and fall on the ground with someone in his arms.

"STOP YELLING for God's sake!" Sana yelled as she tried to get off trying to get out of the goddamn bedsheet, switching on the lamp nearby in the process. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Rehan said as he pushed himself away from Sana turning the lights on, " What do you think I am doing here?" She paused just to look around the room which looked like it went through a storm. 

"Have you been crying?" Sana raised her brows as she looked back at Rehan who stood there with bloodshot eyes. "Not at all, I am just sick." He said his voice groggy, as he looked away avoiding Sana, who frowned. 

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