Part 55

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"Look, we just have to visit this... this and this spot. It's a must. And also, I need to make reels and take pictures in some poses which I am sharing right now in the group, so take a look at it. And No one can say NO- especially you Rehan, am not taking a no as an answer." Anu glared at Rehan, who threw his hands in the air giving up.

"Finally. We are here on the bus stand boarding the bus- to my dream trip." Anu grinned almost like a psycho making the trio behind her worry.

"Seriously how much she has packed? It's not like we are going to stay there forever."Rehan eyed the bags as he sighed knowing they will have to take care of the luggage because there was no way a hyper-excited Anu was going to look after her stuff. "We will manage."Sana tried to convenience herself more than Rehan. "You take care of it."Rehan said smirking at Yuvi, who looked at him with puppy eyes. "Let's not be harsh on Yuvi now."Sana giggled patting Yuvi's head making him smile relieved.


"Here you go."Anu handed the key to Rehan as they arrived at the booked hotel, "Our rooms are opposite- me and Sana and You and Yuvi, okay?"Anu chirped as she pushed Sana into their room, indicating boys to get into theirs, "Shouldn't you two get a room though?" Rehan teased Anu, "Just say you want to share the room with Sana" Anu raised her brow to which Rehan glared at her to which she smirked at him before shutting the door.


"Are you happy that we are finally here?"Sana asked as she found Anu flopped on the bed smiling ear to ear, "YES!! am very very happy but I will be a lot happier tomorrow when we get out there- come here! Look at all these hip places and pictures- we are going to make so many good memories."She giggled pulling Sana beside her. 

"We need to sleep well today- so we don't get sleepy. Let's sleep."Sana said taking the phone out of her hand and switching the lights off, "Ohkaeee- Thanks for coming along- even though we didn't get to celebrate my and Yuvi's birthdays because of stupid exams and breaks, but we are here having fun already calls it even!"Anu said as she hugged Sana. 

"By the way that doesn't mean am ignoring the cake and gifts you bought me."She added as she giggled cuddling her. "yeah yeah, I know."Sana said patting her head.

"What do you think boys are doing?"Anu asked again not able to sleep, "Something we aren't?"Sana said sleepily, making Anu's eyes go wide "That statement has a lot of potential Miss. Sana"She giggled to which Sana shook her head, "I meant sleeping."She chuckled, which was followed by a teasing oohh!! from Anu.


"Did you join the beds?"Rehan raised his brow as he came out after changing, "Yeah we will get more space for each of us"Yuvi grinned, "What even is this logic?"Rehan eyed him his face drained of emotions. 

"Oh come on! It will be fun!"Yuvi said as he flopped onto the bed, "Girls have a king-size bed, so I made one for us. You need to appreciate me more."Yuvi said as he tapped beside him asking Rehan to join him, to which Rehan rolled his eyes. 

"Stay on your side, don't cross the pillow wall-"Rehan warned Yuvi as he laid the pillows between them making Yuvi pout, as Rehan laid down Yuvi crept up to him hugging him from behind making Rehan yell out to let him go.

"You know what? I am glad we came on this trip."Yuvi giggled as Rehan tackled him grabbing onto his shoulders, "well I don't want to accept it, but me too."Rehan laughed as he let go of him and they stared at the ceiling, grinning.

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