Part 61

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"I am sorry. I wasn't thinking straight. I am sorry." Sana whispered softly. 

"Can you guys please give us some privacy ? I have something to talk to her about." Rehan said after a while as he calmed down. "You can stay." He said as he spotted by the door, who looked wrecked. "Sit down! Have some water. She is fine. You can check for yourself." Rehan offered Parth a glass of water that he gulped down in a go and rushed to Sana's bed, crying as he embraced her. "Why you have to scare me like this every time seriously, don't you feel bad for your brother???? " He cried.

"I am sorry." She said trying her best not to winch in pain as she ran her hand over his head. 

"What happened?" Rehan said as he sat beside the bed as he asked calmly. "Mr. Singhai- is he really?" She asked. Parth and Rehan both nodded. "It was too familiar- I lost control." The tear rolled down her cheek, and it stuck Parth. 

"My poor baby-" He cried out loud clutching onto her hand. 

"Did you know all this wasn't accident? neither this not what happened with our parents. Did you know?" Sana asked after a long silence and Parth looked at her horrified. "Who?" was the only thing he could mutter. "Sidharth. Let's just leave everything- I don't, I don't want to be involved in all this anymore." Sana sobbed the disgust showing on her face. "That jerk." Parth roared in anger when Sana held on to his hands. "He called me. I need my phone, he sent a video- let's just drop everything right here. I don't think I can do this anymore." Sana shook her head, it was quite evident she wasn't in a stable mental state. 


Parth and Rehan had hard time sending everyone back, but they still managed to send Anu and Yuvi back as their joining dates were near. They would still call often, and Rehan was worried that if they were even paying attention to their jobs or not. 

Rehan walked back from the canteen getting fruit juice, while he sensed kind of ruckus from Sana's room. The sight in front of him made his blood boil. Sidharth Singhai was here. 

"You look a lot different from the last time I saw you." He said as he tried to touch her and Sana moved away disgusted. "Why? I thought you will be head or heels for me by now. I even dirtied my hands for you- shouldn't you be thanking me. How come you look more distant?" He frowned. "You disgust me so why don't you get lost?" She frowned slapping his hand away in disgust to which he smirked looking at her weirdly. 

"I told you I get what I want no matter what. Didn't I? You might look forward to it now. I am back for good and stop struggling too much, you aren't as strong as you were. It's quite evident- you are going to be mine anyway." He chuckled caressing her head forcefully when his hand was slapped away roughly. 

"She said GET LOST!" Rehan stood between Sana and Sidharth as he glared him pushing him away. "You need to stop getting on my nerves. Aish!! He just ruined the whole fucking mood-" Sidharth spat rolling his eyes as he faced Rehan. 

"Next time we meet you better keep your hands to yourself. I won't be kind enough to let it pass even for her sake. You being near her bothers me anyways. Stay away from what's mine or you will be next on list, You get me?" He hissed viciously as he gestured his assistant to get going. 

The man looked at waited a while looking from Rehan to Sana, giving a curt nod he left making Rehan and Sana look at each other confused.

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