Part 68

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It's been months and no one really had an idea where Vikram was. The buzz about Sidharth died once he was proven guilty and was on death row. He was a psychopathic killer to the public- even if he didn't murder people like a serial killer, he was involved in staging and ordering the kills. 

It was still hard to believe whatever happened in a short span of time as it was too quick and there wasn't exactly anything we did, things just happened smoothly that it didn't make sense. Sana was trying to get back to her work and with Rehan by her side with Parth it was easier to move ahead. It was no surprise that the news of her parent's accident being staged, and Sidharth being a literal monster had shaken her up. Rehan and Parth knew it way too well and tried to keep her occupied and in the company. Sana had already suffered once there was no way Parth wanted her to go through all that all over again.

"So how are the work and life balance?" Sana asked as soon as they got seated and Anu clung to her. "It sucks!! Adulting sucks so damn much!!! Where is the person who said once you get a job then it's all fun and games???? I am stuck in that cubical from 9 to 5 and once I am home I just want to pass out. It's just work, where the fuck is life????" She whined and Yuvi giggled. They were meeting after so long. Rehan just thought that meeting up with friends might cheer Sana up and help her get back to normal and the way Sana looked calm and happy, it might just have worked. 

"How are you two doing? I was going to keep it in but you two look different." Yuvi said as he looked between Sana and Rehan, and a soft blush crept up on their faces. "What? What? What is that?? Don't tell me are you guys finally dating?" Anu yelled wide-eyed. "What is this awkward silence???" She huffed as Yuvi tried to calm Anu down, and Rehan coughed blushing as he looked away- they totally forgot about confession, were they dating? Rehan wondered as he glanced at Sana who stared at her hands. 

Everything was fine now right? So they can date now, right? 

"What??? Aren't you going to say anything???" Anu huffed as they kept on looking away. "I think they haven't talked about it yet. Give them some time. We met after so long let's not make this awkward let's just have a friendly get-together and catch up huh?" Yuvi said as he laughed awkwardly proceeding to order food trying to change the topic. Things soon got back to normal once Anu started bitching about her office and how hard it was to see Yuvi, who couldn't help but adore Anu. 

"Yah! Talk to him no? I am looking forward to hearing good news asap." Anu whispered in Sana's ear before she got inside the car and Yuvi shook his head waving to them as they drove off. "Let's go." Rehan said as he walked away followed by Sana. "Should we get a taxi?" He asked as it was getting awkward. "It's just nearby we can just walk." Sana said looking everywhere but at him. 

"But it's late- and kind of dark." Rehan said as he looked in the alley ahead, it might be a bustling area in the morning but it didn't look safe right now. "Why? are you scared?" Sana chuckled making him roll his eyes. "Fine. Let's just walk." he said skipping ahead and making her giggle. "yeah! wait for me." She said as she ran after him.

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