Part 45

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"I heard Sidharth was here." Rehan fumed as soon as he found Sana, who glared at Anu, "I didn't even know who he was, I just told Yuvi that some expensive-looking jerk came by." Anu tried to reason with her. "What did he say?"Rehan asked coldly ignoring what Anu had said. 

"Nothing!" Sana tried to shake it off as she tried to walk away just to be pulled back, "Ah! So I guess he just landed and came to see you- cause you guys are what..."Rehan said clearly losing his cool, "I told you he said nothing except some bullshit, that I don't even remember." Sana frowned, " You better tell me word to word what he said- or am calling Parth"Rehan stared at Sana, challenging her to argue further, to which she groaned. 

"Anu- Yuvi, Some privacy please." Rehan said as he looked from Anu to Yuvi, to which they rolled eyes, " Why are we kept out of every conversation-" Yuvi groaned annoyed. "We will let you know- Separately. Just this once please." Sana said nodding to Anu who took Yuvi away.

"Can you let go of me?" Sana said as she  stared at Rehan's grip over her wrist, "Ah!" Rehan quickly let go of her wrist embarrassed. 


"What the fuck is wrong with this Asshole? Who he thinks he is?" Rehan fumed banging his fist on the table, "What even is he scheming?" Rehan wondered, "Ain't that said? He wants my shares- if we get together..."Sana explained just to be cut off, "Stay away from him. I know what he is planning- but I don't want to hear it. You! Go around with Mr. Shekhawat- tell security not to let him in your office- and I will start dropping you off and picking you up from the office."Rehan stated, "Yah! I can take care of myself- plus am not worried about that part- I know he won't do anything odd when we are in public either- what concerns me is the Gift part- what could he mean by that? that was rather strange- I have a bad feeling about it." Sana said biting her lip, " You don't think he might go after kids or Parth, would he?" Sana asked worriedly.

"How can that be called a gift?"Rehan raised his brows, " But then again he is a Psycho. I think we should let Parth know-" Rehan suggested just to earn a firm NO from Sana. 

"We can do nothing but be on guard and wait." Sana said, to which Rehan huffed.


"How are preps going?" Sana asked as she sat across The trio- "Rehan is a genius. I am so thankful that he exists."Anu said not looking up from her notes, while Yuvi just looked at Sana softly. " Don't give me that look- Even if Anu has told you everything." Sana frowned to which Yuvi got up engulfing Sana into a tight hug, to which Rehan glared at them. 

"It's okay. it's just a friendly hug. No need to be jealous." Anu whispered in Rehan's ear to which he looked away embarrassed. 

"Yah! Yah! You are going to kill me. Yuvi! Yuvi!"Sana tried tapping out trying to get out of the hold, "Yah! You need to STOP!"Rehan yelled not being able to take it surprising Sana and Yuvi.

"I am sorry."Yuvi said almost crying as he let go of Sana, "It's fine. Let's not talk about all this again ever though." Sana laughed hitting Yuvi across his arm, to which he nodded.

"There is no way I am willing to talk about it anyway." Yuvi said wiping his tears away, "He is a lot more in control right now, when we were talking he bawled his eyes out." Anu commented earning a quit, "Shhh.."  from Yuvi as he covered her mouth to stop her from talking, making Sana chuckle as she thanked her stars for understanding and caring friends.


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