Part 18

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"Oh! Sana, are you coming to help me?"Geeta asked as she got up to cook finally after a long hour of fun chit-chat going on between Kids and Adults with a series of card games.

"Yeah! I will be right there just let me win this game"Sana chirped as she teased the kid, who whined pouting, "Woah! What's so great about winning in a damn card game and making the kid cry" Rehan said rolling his eyes, "Yeah! you will say that cause you were out in the very first round. Looser!"Sana teased him with the kids, making Rehan make faces at the kids in return.

"Look at these two? What are you guys? 5?? fighting like kids" Granny laughed looking at Rehan and Sana making them look away embarrassed.

"Sana, can you please go and get some tomatoes and onions? I think we will need more."Geeta came out looking for Sana's help. "Yeah! I will go and get it. Just give me 15 minutes."Sana replied taking the carry bags from Geeta, "Are Sana! take Rehan with you, don't you have any shame? playing around with the kids! Go and help her out...Go am not taking any excuses!"Granny pushed Rehan forward without giving him any chance to argue or decline.


"Wow! I was supposed to enjoy my break but here I am ruining my break with you" Rehan said as they walked on the sidewalk glaring at her to which she gave him the fakest smile she could manage,  "Just say you don't have the strength to work? I can manage alone very well, if you want you can just rush back."She shot back, speeding up. 

"Haha. as if! I didn't come out to help you cause I want to, I just cannot say no to my Granny that is the only reason I am here, and do not kid yourself both of us know that I obviously have more strength than you, neither do I need your help to do work like this."Rehan huffed as he jogged to catch up with her, "Why don't you go and buy the tomatoes and onions then? I will wait here."Sana smiled. "Why should I? It was your job, to begin with, why should I do it alone?"Rehan said as he held on to her arm making Sana jump a little, as he dragged her with himself. 

"Let me hold the bags."Rehan offered his hand to Sana as they walked away from the Vegetable-seller, "Are you sure? Your arms were already hurting, weren't they? I can manage one bag. I am used to it" Sana said looking at Rehan. "How do you know my arms were hurting?" Rehan asked confused,  "You have been rubbing your arms since you came to the orphanage, they must be hurting a lot, did grandma make you carry around all the stuff for hours?"Sana chuckled imaging Rehan following Granny around with all the stuff. 

"Hah... It wasn't that bad."Rehan smiled shaking his head, "Do you bargain like this everywhere? or today was special?" he asked feeling the light mood, "Granny taught me to bargain, excellent student I am, right?"Sana winked making Rehan flush a little. 

"Oh! That's Soman Uncle" Sana said spotting a street food stall across the road, "Hey! Let's go over there for 2 minutes!"Sana said holding on to Rehan as she looked at the running road willing to cross it, while Rehan stared at their intertwined hands as they crossed the road. 

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