Part 23

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"So what do you guys want to do today?" Sana asked as they all sat in the hall, after lunch.

"Sana di! we should be the ones to ask you that! It's your Birthday. Just let us know what you want to do" Chotu pouted, followed by approval from everyone. 

"Let's go somewhere then? Like a small picnic or something? what you guys say?"Sana asked as she thought hard about it. "I like the idea but where to?" Parth Questioned, making everyone think about a perfect spot for their picnic. 

"How about the lakeside?" Rehan said out loud before he could stop himself, making Sana's eyes light up instantly. "Yeah!! Sana di loves the lakeside!! we must go there only" The kids approved happily. "Okay, then it's decided! I will get a vehicle arranged." Parth chirped taking his phone out, signaling Rehan to come out with him, to which he followed.

"Did she tell you about how much she loves going to lakeside?"Parth asked as the two came out, "Not really! I suggested without much thought. I have heard that it's a great picnic spot" Rehan shrugged not looking at Parth.


"Okay... everyone let's get in! No don't rush in... don't fight for the seats you all can get the window seat."Sana said as they got on the bus, Sana was clearly excited and was having fun as she played and chatted with the kids along the way.

"Hah...I haven't seen her this happy in decades, I just hope she stays happy even when I am not here" Parth said more to himself, but Rehan heard him being seated next to him. "She had been through a really rough time after the death of her parents... It just feels good to see her having fun" Parth added as he saw Rehan looking at him with a sad smile.

"her parents..."Rehan whispered inaudibly, sudden realization washing over him, Sana was an orphan that is why she lived in the orphanage, It was obvious but Rehan hasn't paid any heed to the information before, he wanted to say something but nothing came out of his mouth, he felt like a complete idiot in front of Parth, his gaze traveled to Sana laughing with the kids at back.

"Ah... I am sorry." Parth said shaking his head a bit, not willing to get emotional, being totally ignorant to the emotional turmoil Rehan was going through at the moment.

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