Part 75

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"What?" Parth raised his brow not believing what he had just heard. "But that doesn't make any sense!" He said not getting what was going through Sana's mind. 

"I have made the decision. I don't think I can do this anymore. No, I don't want to do this anymore it's just too much for me- I know I might be being selfish but can you please try to understand?" She smiled patting his hand lightly. "But it's all yours and we finally have gotten what belonged to your family back, and we all know that no one can be a better fit for the position of chairperson than you!! I just don't understand what is this sudden change of heart."Parth was still not convinced about Sana's decision and was willing to convenience Sana. 

"I know two people who can be better than me and am pretty sure that even the elders here will approve." Sana shook her head smiling and Rehan held onto her hand. "I know, you had a hard time. It all must be traumatizing. Obviously, it was. No matter what we say we cannot undo things but think again you can take a break take months even years off- you don't exactly have to give it all up." Rehan said while the adults remained silent. 

Everyone knew Sana wasn't all right after going through all that. After all, whatever happened wasn't exactly something that could be forgotten easily as they say a person who suffers knows the best so nobody could exactly push Sana to not quit work. 

"I understand that you all are concerned and have my best interest in your mind but I have thought long about it and I don't want to exactly do this anymore. I am not blaming business for whatever happened to my parents- no, am not even blaming anyone. Whatever happened just happened and we just got swept in without even doing anything because, to be honest, we really didn't do anything to contribute to it. We did nothing- I did nothing. Maybe we could have prevented it but I don't know, we just kept on waiting for Sidharth to make a move. 

Anyways, I am just saying that I don't want to do this anymore. I want to go back to my kids and start a foundation under my parent's name. I think that's something I really want to do. 

I want Parth to take over." She finally said and Parth looked at her horrified. She took out papers from her bag signing she forwarded them to Parth smiling. "Are you mad?" Parth yelled not even glancing at the papers. 

"Why? You cannot do that for your sister? That's sad I guess it was a lie when you said you thought the world of me." She huffed and Rehan held onto her hand squeezing it. "You don't think that you won just because now you are working with Parth and your dad, everyone knows I am better." She teased Rehan making everyone except Parth in the room laugh. 

"If you weren't I wouldn't have fallen for you." Rehan said bumping his forehead with hers and she smiled thinking about how having Rehan by her side just felt right and everything just happened naturally. 

"I am not doing it." Parth said pushing the papers back. "Parth!" Sana tried.

"No! I swore to get what belongs to you back to you. I promised!" He yelled tears flowing down his cheek, and Rehan let go of Sana's hand nudging her to go to him. Sana went and hugged him as he cried. 

"What belongs to me? Yah! It belongs to every employee who works there. And aren't you my brother what's wrong if I am trusting you with it? What is wrong with that? If you don't think of me as your sister still that would be just heartbreaking for me now." She cried with him and Parth shook his head furiously hugging her back. "My kids don't have anyone right now- they need me the most. My value doesn't decrease just because I quit work, does it? Also, I am not being irresponsible either I am leaving the company in your stable hands of yours cannot you help me? Support me and kids with the money you earn is that too much to ask for?" She chuckled crying. Ridhhi got up and hugged the kids who cried in her arms like no tomorrow. 

"Okay! Vihan and Rehan just go and get something to eat! " Grandma said as she whipped her tears away quickly surprising Rehan. Yeah, the family wasn't exactly on bad terms right now but they weren't close enough to be left alone without being awkward. 

"What are you looking at? Get out be quick I am starving." Grandma said leaving no space to defy her.

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