chapter 1

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"I am so tired of this endless hell they don't know me and they treat me like I am a waste of space," thought Rachel as she was going to her glee club "But this stops now" was Rachel's last thought as she entered the club. Rachel came into the classroom sat down and read as the rest of the club entered and ignored her. What she didn't see was Quinn looking at her with a sad look because she had noticed that Rachel had not talked or sung in the last 2 months. "Ok sorry, I am late but I have an idea for the next competition," Shue said. "Mr. Shue can I make an announcement first," Rachel said racing her hand.

"Oh, here we go again Barry wants, everyone's attention," Santana said sarcastically. Quinn saw Rachel tithing her hold on her book and her hand turned White from it. Rachel turned to Santana and said "Why don't you shut up and let me talk for once" Rachel said in anger. "What did you say about the treasure troll," Santana said in anger. "You heard me or are you hard of hearing," said Rachel as she glared at Santana. "That is enough Rachel apologizes now" Shue yells out in anger.

"No, I will not," Rache said shocking everyone in the room. "Then leave and don't come back until you do," Shue said in anger. "I will save you the hassle of waiting for that day to come for this is my resignation letter for I quit the glee club," Rachel said with a smile as she saw Shue's shocked face. "You are quitting," Shue said in a shocking voice. "Yes, That's what I wanted to say I am done with the club," Rachel said getting her backpack, and walking to the door as she did she turned and said "Good luck with your competition then she was out the door.

"She will come back," Santana said with a worried look. All Quinn did was hide her smile for she was happy and sad at the same time for she would miss Rachel singing but she was happy that Rachel would be gone from this club that was toxic to her. "You are right Santana Rachel will have to do a lot of begging to come back," Shue said with a smirk. "You are wrong" whispered Quinn.

Rachel walks to the art club room and knocks at the door as Lena turns she smiles when she sees Rachel. "Hi, Miss Luther I would like to join the art club for I just quit the glee club," Rachel said with a smile. "We will always have room for you, Rachel," Lena said smiling at Rachel. The months that Rachel quieted the glee club have been fantastic for her because, for the first time, she made friends in the school their names are Alicia, Eve, Jones, and Gabriel. They even protect her from the football team and the hockey when they try to slush her. With the help of Miss Luther, they stop slushing her which makes Rachel stop wearing her ugly clothes and start to wear her true clothes.

Throw the months the glee club saw Rachel smile more as she spent time with the two girls along with the boys. The 4 of them never left her through the school day. That's when they knew that Rachel would never come back to the glee club and each day that Rachel didn't come back Shue would get more frustrated because the club was falling apart on him so one day he snapped when he saw Rachel laughing as she walking with Alicia by his Spanish class he growls and walks out of the room and said "are you happy now Rachel because of you Figgins is trying to close the glee club" as he pushes Rachel into the Locker and pins her there. Alicia ran into Lena's room and yelled "Miss Luther Rachel needs help Shue is hurting her."

Lena's eyes widened and ran out of the door when she saw Will slapping Rachel she ran faster and pushed him away from Rachel and yelled in anger "Get your hands away from Rachel." "Alicia calls the cops and tells them to get here now, and Gabriel and Jone get something to hold this fool," Lena said in anger. "It was an accident" yelled Will as he was trying to get away from them but he was stopped by Noah as he helped Jone and Gabriel hold him down. Lena turned and saw Rachel in Eve's arms as she cried. "Come on we are going to wait for the cops in Fugge's office and call your parents," Lena said as she pulled Rachel up and held her in her arms.

"Boys, take this fool into Miss Sylvester's office and tell her what happened here," Lena said as they left. "Jone, Gabriel, and Noah just nod as they pull Will to Sue's office. Quinn, Santana, and Brittany saw the boys taking Will into Sue's office so they followed them. What are you doing with Shue said, Quinn. "This baster puts his hands on Rachel," Noah said in anger as he pushed Shue into the sofa. "What" yelled Quinn and the other two in anger. "What is going on here," Sue said. "Coach Miss Luther told us to take Shue here for he hurt Rachel," said, Gabriel. "What did he do to her," Sue said as she glared at Shue. "Alicia told me that he pushes her into the lockers and pends her there then he slaps her in the face but she ran to get Miss Luther and left her there so we don't know what else he did to her," Jone said in anger.

"You Master I am going to kill you" yells, Quinn in anger, as she tries to launch at Will to hurt him. Santana and Brittany hold Quinn from trying to attack Will. "Fabray comes down now," Sue said. "He hurt her coach" yells Quinn in anger still trying to hurt Will. "He won't hurt Rachel anymore," Emma said as she stood in the doorway with Alex and some officers who were looking at Will as if they wanted to kill him. "Who are you," Sue said. "I am Detective Swan and this is my partner Detective Danvers we are here to get the spineless little man who hurt my niece," Alex said in anger.

"It was an accident," Will said as he got scared when the cops came in and handcuffed him as they read him his rights. They stop in front of Emma who hiss at him as she says "Our family will make sure that you will spend the rest of your days in hell for putting your hand on Rachel." On hearing this Will loses all color on his face as the cops pull him out of the room.

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