chapter 26

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Moko stayed at the Mansion doing her research along with Alex and Lucy. What they found made all of their Blood boil in pure anger when they arrested Edward it had turned out that he and Natsuki's sperm donor had been old friends in school they made a plan to get rid of Seiko and take her money away from her along with the villa the rest of her properties Natsuki sperm donor had stayed with the Villa and the China home and her bank account and Edward stay with the properties that were take him away from China. When Rachel and Natsuki found out they broke down and cry. Rachel had to be hospitalized for 3 days Quinn stayed with her and didn't leave her side.

"It is not far from what they did to us," said Natsuki to Shizuru in her arms as she cries. "I know love both will get what is coming to them," said Shizuru as she let her love cry in her arms. Dr. Lopez enters the hospital room where he saw all the sad faces as they hear Natsuki cry as her sister sleeps in the bed with her girlfriend hugging her as she cries about what all of them just found out. Everyone stood up and said, "how is Ray is she going to be ok."   "She finds for now but Rachel has to have rest and no more stress or worry for the rest of her Recovery or she is going to set back her recovery," said, Dr. Lopez.  "We will try and give her any more bad news doctor Lopez," said Leo with red eyes still remembering seeing his daughter turn white and stop breathing in front of them. "You can take her home tomorrow but no school for 4 weeks," said, Dr. Lopez.

Everyone nods as they seat back down and just sit and talk. They all sleep in Rachel's hospital room and pray for Rachel to wake up. Rachel turns to see that her mom that was holding her hand. "Mom I am sorry," said Rachel in tears. "Why are you sorry for baby," said, Lena?  "For scaring all of you," said, Rachel.  "We are not mad we are just worried none of us like seeing you in the hospital," said Lena in tears.   "I don't like it mom they hurt Natsuki a lot" cries out Rachel.   "There you are sist thinking about the rest of our feelings but not your own for they hurt you too and for that, I will never forgive them," said Natsuki.

But Nat she was said Rachel but was stopped by Nat as she glares at her and said "don't you dare finish what you were about to say for I don't give a fuck if we don't share DNA you are my sister and her daughter so don't." "Sorry I guess what Mercedes said last time we talk got to me," said, Rachel. At that Quinn got up from the bed and the rest of the people in the room stood up. "What did that bitch say to you," said Natsuki in anger.

"Remember when Jacob sent me to the nurse's office I was laying down when you all left and Yohko had to leave for a little bit so I just close my eye to rest I thought it was aunt Yohko coming back until I felt someone take the cold cloth off roughly out of my forehead so I open my eyes and I saw Mercedes glaring at me," said Rachel.


"What do you want Mercedes," says, Rachel?   "Don't you think it was enough that they fired Shue and Figgin now Mr. Hunter when will it be enough attention that you want" yell, Mercedes?  "They did not get fired because of me and Mr. Hunter got fired because he put my life in danger my sister and the rest of the kids in the class can tell you," said, Rachel.  "Sister, you have no sister she proudly leaves your life when she gets tired of you" for you are nothing but a burden and good for nothing."  "You are nothing but a waste of space" yelled Mercedes in anger as she came close to Rachel looking at her in pure anger. "What is going on here," said Yohko as she glared at Mercedes.   "Noting I was just living," said Mercedes in fear. "Miss Jackson if you ever come close to Rachel again they will never find your body," said Yohko in anger.   "Is that a threat?" said, Mercedes. "No is a promise," said Yohko glaring at Mercedes.

End of glass pack

Everyone in the room just closes their eyes from the anger that they didn't want to show Rachel for they were not mad at her they were mad at Mercedes. "Is that way you sometimes hold back when we do things together?" said Natsuki. "Yes," said, Rachel. "You idiot Rachel I will never leave you for we are sisters and for me to get tired of you that is impossible and for me to think that you are a burden I would never think that and you are not a waste of space," said Natsuki as she seats in the bed and hugs her sister. "Rest sist for Dr. Lopez will release you soon," said Natsuki. When she made sure that Rachel was asleep Natsuki growled and said "If Mercedes was not in jill I would hunt her down and bet her up into she is bloody and begin me to stop said Natsuki in anger.   "Natsuki you need to come down that's why Rachel didn't want to tell you," said, Lena. "But mom Mercedes told Ray that I would abandon her" cry out Natsuki in tears. "I know sweetheart and I know that you would not and Rachel does too but Mercedes just got in her head and put doubt but you have stopped them in every way," said Lena hugging her daughter.

"I need to go for a walk and cool down," said Natsuki as she pulls away from her mom and walks out taking Shizuru with her. "When are Rachel and Natsuki going to stop getting hurt," said Brittany in tears? "I don't know Brit but we will help any way we can," says Santana hugging her girl. The next hour Rachel was released from the hospital on bed rest for the next 24 hours and she was not allowed to go back to school for 4 weeks to Dr. Lopez's orders. On bed rest, Rachel thought about her new Zee II and thought that she would prefer to release the new one she is working with Natsuki but she would have to talk with her dads and Natsuki first. So doing her bed rest she works on her Zee II and her hologram program when she was not working on it she was working on school work and being with Quinn and the rest of her friends. Natsuki has been a great help along with Shizuru when she came into her lab with Natsuki. By the 24 hours, she called her dad and Natsuki in the office to talk. "Ok, dad's you know I was working on the new Zee box that I show the girls and Noah," said Rachel.  "Yes we know," said, Leo. "Well, I drop that project," said Rachel. "What but it was good It would have brought you millions," said, Leo in shock. "It would have but on doing that I got inspired to do this," said Rachel with a smile as she put the first new Z II box and turn it on. The office turns into a hologram game. "You did this," said Leo in awe. "Yes with  Natsuki and Shizuru's help," said, Rachel. "So what do you want us to do," said, Leo. "I want to hold back the reveal by November of this year if everything turns out well but also I need your help by the beginning of next year I want to open these two places," said Rachel as she reveals the posters of  Zee worlds.

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