chapter 46

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"I meet her first then my sister Natsuki," said Rachel with a smile. "Mom was my high school's new science teacher so I meet her when I was 15" that's when Rachel told her everything that happened from what Finn and Shue did and what the boy try to do to her at that Lena got angry and said, "please tell me that they are rotting in jail." "They are Lena don't worry," said Santana with a smile. By the end of the story, every girl at the table and Barry were in tears at what Rachel has been thrown.

"So that's about it," said Rachel wiping her tears away for she never likes to think about her high school years. Lena just got up and hug Rachel and whispered "I know your Mom is so proud of you," said, Lena. "Thank you she tells me and Nat that all the time," said, Rachel with a smile. At that moment explosions happened outside the building. "The Wraths are back," said, Santana. "The Auntie Minotaur is here," said, Rachel. "Mom is it ready," said Rachel as she took out her phone.  "Yes, baby Kara is on her way to you now," said Lena that was on speakerphone. Another Kara appears to throw a portal caring a box with her.   "What is that," said Alex to Rachel? Rachel just opens the box and said "this is to stop the Auntie Minotaur for good we need to put this in him at doing that he will shrink for all eternity" said, Rachel with a smirk. Everyone's eyes widened and smile big as they heard what Rachel said.

"What do we need to do," said Supergirl as Superman appeared with Louis and their son?   "What are you 2 doing here?" said Kara. "We don't know we were in Krypton as it was about to explode then we are here said, Superman."   "I am going to kill that idiot" yells Rachel in pain.   "Rachel, what is wrong," said, Santana?   "That baster just brought Lex Luther back to life" yelled Rachel in pain from the floor. All the supers along with Louis and Alex's eyes widen.   "Alicia gets your team ready we are taking down the Auntie Minotaur and killing the stupid one" hiss Rachel as she got angrier. "What did he do," said Alicia in anger?   "He brought Lex Luther back from the dead," said, Rachel. "What" yells all of Rachel's people in anger.    "Can I eat him said, Male?    "Lena would you mind if Male eats Lex," said, Rachel. "Eat him," said, Lena in shock.   "Yes, she is the purple dragon," said Rachel. Lena just smirk and said, "if she wants to tell her to go ahead."

"You heard her aunt Male," said, Rachel. Just then Lex and Minotaur appear in the Tower. "I thought I told you to stay away from this earth," said Rachel in anger. "We don't have time the final battle just started," said the Minotaur. "Leave now our my family will make you pay for your stupidity for bringing that thing here," said Rachel at the Minotaur in anger.     "I had no choice we need him," said the Minotaur with a cautious look. Lex just looks at all of them with a smirk.     "We need him for my aunt Male," said Rachel as a purple dragon appeared and eat Lex and one bite then left. The mandatory eyes widen and said "you can't do that we needed him. Oh I think my people just did and we will never need that thing and if you dare to bring him back it will be the last thing you will do" yell Rachel as she throws electricity at the Minotaur that throws him out of the tower then she turns and say "Supergirl you and your team go and put this and the Auntie Minotaur and make sure that is in his body."

"Aunt Kara take this lady with you so she does not get hurt here," said Rachel. "I will don't worry," said, older Kara. "Tell mom that the tower will be read in 5 minutes," said, Rachel. "I will let her know," says Kara as a portal opens. Louis just looks shocked at seeing two Kara's but one looks older. "Your son could play with my daughter," said older Kara with a smile.

"Louis is going to love being on your earth," said, Alex. Rachel just laugh. Alicia along with her team appeared as they all fly into the tower with their suits. "What do you need Ray," said Eve taking her helmet off. "I need all 4 of you to help the Supergirl team take down the Auntie Minotaur so please Listen to Sora's instructions on what needs to be done," said, Rachel. "We will," all 4 said at once she was done talking.

During the battle, Alicia saves Sara's life more than once. That got Sara great respect for her. So tell me what are you 4 to Rachel said, Sara. We are her Warriors her protectors said Eve to Sara. Supergirl, Superman, Jone, and Gabriel were going head to head with Auntie Minotaur when Gabriel hit him with an ice sword in his right leg as he did that the Auntie Minotaur scream that's when he did that Supergirl throws the device into his mouth as he swallows it and started to shrink. "Good riddance," said, Mai.

Back at the tower Rachel with the help of Lena hold up Rachel as she was using her powers on the Crystal that was at the top of the tower. "Turn off your powers all of you I will take it from here" yell Rachel. "Go Rachel" yells at all 3 of them. At that moment Rachel turns so bright that Alex and Lena had to close their eyes for Rachel's beam of light wants all throw the  Multiverse and return every earth alive along with the plants that were destroyed. Rachel fainted the moment she stops using her power. "Rachel" yelled Lena as Rachel fell into her arms.

Alex went to go check on Rachel. "It looks like she is fine but we have to take her to the D.E.O to make sure," said Alex. Lena just nods as she holds Rachel closer into her body. Regina, Male, and Lilly all landed at the tower and ran to Rachel's side "we have to take her now she is turning blue" said Lena in tears. Regina made Rachel drink a potion as she did Rachel's color started to return. "We need to take her to Infirmary now or we will lose her and Quinn," said Regina with a worried look. at that moment Natsuki and Shizuru ran into the tower with Quinn in Natsuki's arms. "Ray said to Natsuki in tears. "Aunt Regina what do we do they won't make the trip home," said Natsuki in tears. We can take them to the D.E.O," said Alex with a worried look. "Ok, hope on my back and be careful with my little Warrior," said Male as she turns into a dragon. "Just tell my mom where to take them," said Lilly to Alex that nods as she sees Lilly pick Rachel up and Regina helps Lena get up and tells her not to worry Male would die first then to harm Rachel in any way.

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