chapter 7

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They saw that he nods to Rose and how he takes the breathing tube out of Rachel. They all hold their breath and wait to see if Rachel will breathe on her own they sigh in relief as she does. "When will my baby wake up Dr. Lopez," said, Kevin.  "Rachel will probably wake up by tonight or tomorrow morning," said Dr. Lopez with a smile. "Thank you I will call our family and tell them," said Leo. They call every one of them even Alicia and Quinn when they were on lunch break.

When Quinn got the news she calls her mom at her work and told her and they agreed to go to the hospital together. Quinn walks inside the cafeteria to see her true friends Santana, Brittany, and Noah, not the other glee kids she thought with a frown thinking back about the glee club with the new teacher told them that she will not tolerate any bullying from Mercedes and Kurt when they started to say it was all Rachel fault that they will need 2 new students to Compete this year.

That's when Santana yelled and said "is not her fault is ours we made her life miserable if we had treated her better she would not have left and you should be ashamed of yourselves for what Shue and Finn did was wrong and giving the blame to her is way beyond sick" said Santana in anger and discussed. "Why can't you two live with her alone she is not even here she is in the hospital fighting to stay alive and you are here putting her down and calling her name along blaming her for something that is all our fault not hers that just means," said Brittany with a sad look.

"Brittany is right for what we were doing to Rachel was mist up for she never done anything to any of us other than help us at least we own up to our mistakes I can't say for your two," said Noah looking at Kurt and Mercedes with pure disgust.

"What did Rachel ever do to the both of you," said Quinn with a frown. Kurt and Mercedes just look at each other and said "she wants all the attention and didn't let us sing."  "Rachel never wanted all the attention she avoided so you two are wrong and I remember Rachel telling Shue more than once to let you two sing together but he always told her no so you two know you are wrong" yell Quinn in anger. "I am sorry Miss Holliday but I have to go right now for I will do something I will probably not regret," said Quinn walking out of the room.

"Hi Quinn where did you go," said Santana putting her plate down and seating next to her. "Just thinking back to our argument in glee," said, Quinn. Quinn waited for Noah and Brittany when they seat down she said: "I got great news they took Rachel's breathing tube off and they have taken off the medication that was putting her in a coma so Dr. Lopez said if everything turns out well tonight they will move Rachel upstairs to a regular room said, Quinn."  "Yes," yell all 3 from happiness.

"I see you 4 have got the good news," said Alicia seating down with them. Another thing that changes in the last 3 week's thought Quinn. "Yes, I just told them," said Quinn with a smile. "God, I can't wait to talk to her," said Eve said with a smile. "I do too my love," said, Gabriel with a smile. "How did the art club receive the news," said, Santana.  "They were excited they miss her," said, Alicia. "Yeah, Ashley said that she can't wait to have her back because she is the only one who can stop my crazy," said Alicia with a smirk. "You got that right," said Jone with a smile at his girlfriend. "Hey, I am not that bad," said, Alicia with a pout. "You are but I love you crazy," said, Jone with a smile.

"How did Miss Luther take the news," said, Quinn.  "I was with her when she receives the call she burst into tears and with a smile and could only say thank you as she hung up the phone I had to send a text to Eve to get the principal to come and help me come her down When she saw Sam she just broke down more and sob out that Rachel was ok Same took a while to come down and tell her what happened," said, Alicia. "She loves Rachel doesn't she," said Quinn with a smile. "Yes, and all the art club knows it," said, Alicia.

At the glee table Kurt and the others were glaring at Quinn's table "I can't believe they are on the side of that freak " said Mercedes in anger. "Yes, when she comes back she batters wash it," said Kurt in anger. Tina turns to Mike they both nod and got up from the table. Tina didn't talk she went straight to Sam's office and knock she open the door when she heard Sam say come in. "What can I help you tow with," said, Sam. They both look to see that Sue, Lena, and Holly were inside eating with Sam. "We are sorry for bothering you but we are worried about Kurt and Mercedes my do to Rachel when she comes back," said, Tina.

"What do you mean," said Lena glaring at them. Tina and Mike set down and Sam told them what to do. "Ok, one of you talk," said Sam. "The both of them of been getting worst since Quinn, Santana, Brittany, and Noah won't talk to any of us outside of glee they only talk when they have to," said Tina. "What do you mean," said, Sue.

"Well like yesterday, Matt, Artie along, and Mercedes were in the library when Quinn came in by herself and she saw us but she just Ignored Mercedes's call out for her as Quinn got her book and left she started to talk that it was all Rachel's fault that Quinn and the others don't talk to us and that Rachel will pay for making them do it and today for no reason they kept glaring at their table and said that Rachel will pay when she comes back," said Tina with a worried look.

"Do you think they will try and hurt Rachel?" said, Holly. "Yes, they are both getting worse each day that passes especially Mercedes," said Mike with a worried look. "Thank you please let us know if you hear our find anything ok," said Sam with a smile. "We will for Rachel did not deserve what we all did to her," said Mike with a sad look. When they left Lena turned to Sam and said "those two better not hurt her" said Lena in anger.

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