chapter 13

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Friday came Rachel was going home with Quinn, her dad, and Natsuki and Shizuru. As they were driving home Rachel said "Daddy can we stop by Miss Isles's house she calls me that she found the book I wanted can we pick it up when I get out of the hospital today." " Don't worry she call me too and said that if I didn't take you straight to her house she will use her dissected tools on me?" said Kevin with a smile. "Who is Miss Isles said Quinn and Natsuki.   "Maura Isles is the Chief Medical examiner and one of the best people you will ever meet," said Rachel with a smile. "How did you meet her," said, Quinn.

"I meet her at one of my daddy conferences 2 years ago and I always have so much fun talking with her she is so smart," said Rachel with a smile. "Really like mom smart or regular smart," said Natsuki. "I think Mis Isles is mom smart," said, Rachel. "What for real," said Natsuki in surprise. Rachel Hmm as she nods and puts her head on Quinn's shoulder. They all stop at a two-floor home as they got out of the house the door opened and I older woman came outside she saw Rachel yells by saying "Maura honey  Rachel is here" as she got close to Rachel Angela pulled her in a hug.

"How are you doing honey," said, Angela. "I am doing a lot better now," said, Rachel. "Angela I would like you to meet my sister Natsuki and her girlfriend Shizuru also this is Quinn a friend of mine," said, Rachel. "Mom let Ray take a breather and won't you and bring her into the house," said, Jane. "J," said Rachel with a smile as Jane came close to her and hug her. "Come on Maura is getting the book ready for you and we are going to talk young lady," said, Jane. "I just got out of the hospital I have done nothing to get into trouble yet detective,"  said Rachel with a pout. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jane?"  "I will try to call you Jane," said, Rachel. "Before I forget meet my sister Natsuki and her girlfriend Shizuru also this Quinn a friend," said Rachel. "Nice to meet you 3 come on let's go inside," said Jane.

As they made it inside the house TJ yell "Ray Ray" as he was running to Rachel but Jane got him before he collided with Rachel. " Aunt J, I want Ray's cuddles," said TJ with a pout.  "Sorry body but Ray can't get you any cuddles today Remember she is hurt so you have to be careful," said   Jane. TJ pouted and his lip started to tumble as he was about to cry but Rachel came close to him and kiss his cheek and said: "I am sorry TJ I can't give you any cuddles right now."  "Who hurt you my Ray-Ray so I can give aunt Jane to arrest them," said TJ.  "It's Ok they already got him," said Rachel.  "Good no one is allowed to hurt my Ray," said TJ.

"Where is Miss Isles," said, Rachel.  "Rachel how many times have I told you to call me Maura."  "Sorry I will start to call you Maura," said, Rachel. "Is this the book?" said, Rachel. "Yes, it is," said Maura with a smile.

"What is it sist," said Natsuki.  "Take a look sist," said Rachel with a sad smile. When Natsuki saw the title and the name of the author she started to tear up. "It's mom's book" sobs out Natsuki as she hugs it and cries. "Shh is ok My Natsuki," said Shizuru as she holds Natsuki. Rachel and the others just tear up at seeing this. Jane nods at Rachel to follow her into the kitchen. Quinn helps her up and they both walk into the kitchen with the others following them.

"Seat down Rachel we are going to talk," said, Jane. "Ok," said Rachel looking down at the table. "Why didn't you say anything to me about what was happening to you at the school," said, Jane.   "I was going to remember I told you I wanted to talk to you that same day they  hurt me that's that day I was going to show you the video and tell you everything as I ask for your help."  "Why not tell me sooner," said, Jane. Figgins would have done anything in his power to stop you from believing me he let that baster hurt me and so many other kids in that school" said Rachel. 

If you have not seen my laptop yet you should Shue know what that baster Figgin was doing for he was helping him."  "But that is not all I am 100% Sure that Shue was sleeping with Finn," said, Rachel in anger. "What how did you know," said Jane. "I saw them kiss in the library," said Rachel. "Finn admitted it when we brought him in," said, Jane. "You did well investigating them, Rachel they are going to be in jail for a long time with your work," said Jane with a smile. "Good, do I have to see any of them our only Will," said, Rachel in fear. Will there be charged for what he did to you but also the rape of a minor along with drug dealing he does not have a foot to stand but yes you will be in court and you will have to see him" said, Jane. "Do you know when the court date is?" said, Rachel. "No, not yet but we will be there for you," said, Jane.

"Thank you," said Rachel with a smile. "Maura, I am sorry I never introduce Quinn here she is a friend and as you guess Natsuki was blue hair and the brunette was her girlfriend Shizuru," said Rachel.  "I am glad you have her back in your life Rachel," said Maura getting up and hugging her. "Please let us in more Rachel because we love you and want to be in your life," said Maura in tears.

Rachel started to tear up and nod as she hugs Maura and said "I will start letting all of you more in my life."  "Good, you can start by introducing me to your sister I heard so much about," said Maura with a smile. They spend over 1 hour talking to Maura and her family when Leo's phone rings. "Hi, Lena no we are actively at my friend's house. Yes, we are going home now," said Leo hanging up the phone. "What did Lena want dad," said Natsuki. "She wanted to know why I have not taken Ray home," said Leo with a smile. "She threatened you for not doing that didn't she," said Natsuki with a smirk. "Yes, she did why in the world did you 2 always have women that are strong-wielded and protective around you," said Leo to his daughters.

Ray and Nat look at each other with smiles then turn to their dad and said "they remind us of mom but mom Lena is different in some ways she reminds us of mom and in others, she is so different but we love that about her" said Ray and Nat with a smile.

"I know what you mean about Lena because she does remind me of Sako a lot," said Leo with a warm smile.

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