chapter 45

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"Sorry about her she sometimes forgets that normal people don't like to know their future and don't like that people know their life," said Santana glaring at Rachel that was pouting.    "Sorry but she has shushed a bright future now that it's changing," said Rachel with a pout.   "It is," said Mai with wide eyes.   Rachel just turns to look at Mai with a smile and nods then she turns to Oliver then to Mai and said "hit your dad over the head for me please" making her friends laugh. Mai just nod and did what Rachel wanted. "Ow what was that for," said Oliver glaring at Rachel.     "Because you are an idiot," said Rachel with a shrug as she eats her salad.

The other heroes just smiled at Oliver's face that he does. "Ray are you there," said Natsuki in her ears piece. "I am here," said, Rachel.    "We have some trouble this Lillian Luther woman has been trying to attack us," said Natsuki.   "My mother doing what now," said Lena in anger.  "Just take her down we don't have time for her stupidity," says Rachel.  

"Where should we leave Lillian and her people," said Shizuru. "Take apart her Cy-board and tie her up along with the rest of her people I will think what to do with her later," said Rachel with a yawn.   "Ara, I will do just that little Ray," said Shizuru.   "Where are they I will have my people get them now," said Alex looking at Rachel?    Rachel just gives her communicator to Alex. Alex just walks away from the table but came back and told Rachel that they won't listen to her. Rachel that had her head on Santana's shoulder just told Natsuki to give Lillian and her people to Alex's people.

"Ray are you ok," said Brittany with a concerned look.   "Too much energy opening, the portals," said Ray, as she yawns again and said "still keeping the portals open" then closed her eyes. "Fuck Ray close the portals now and sleep," said Santana in anger.   "Ok," said Ray as she wants to sleep.    "Is she ok?" said Mai with a concerned look?   "Ray finds she just needs rest," said Noah picking her up as Santana calls Regina that appeared out of nowhere. 

"Where is Rachel I told her not to open that many portals for it was too dangerous for her and she is lucky that she didn't die on us," said Regina with a worried look as she talks to Santana?    "We thought she close them," said, Santana. "You know how Rachel is to her it does not matter if she dies as long as she is saving others," said Regina as she walks away looking for Rachel.

"Was that Rachel's mom?" said, Mai. "No, that was her aunt her mom is on our earth helping with the injury," said Noah as he came back. "So how did it go," said Santana to Noah? "Regina made Rachel close the portals and give her drink a potion that will give her energy and now she is being yelled at for being stupid," said, Noah. "Ouch, Rachel does not like when Regina gets like that," said Santana with a smile. "Tell me about it last time Regina yell at her not even Quinn can get the mood up that day,"  said Noah. Regina was walking to Noah as she was about to talk Rachel walkout and said: "I am sorry aunt Regina."

"I was closing them 1 at a time," said Rachel with a sad look. "You made thousands of portals all over the dame earth doing that would have taken hours and you would have passed out and where would that live us in this fight" yelled, Regina. Rachel just flinches and steps back from Regina in fear. Regina saw this and close her eyes and took a deep breath and look at Rachel and saw that she was scared.

"I am sorry little one for scaring you but you scared me, Rachel, you can't put your life in Jeopardy-like that we all need you in our life ok," said Regina with tears.   Rachel just hug Regina and said, "I am truly sorry I won't do it again aunt Regina."    "I know you won't" say Regina kissing Rachel's forehead. After that Rachel went back into the tower. They saw that Rachel got back into the tower that is when Regina got Noah by the color and hiss as she said "if anything happens to my little girl at your wash I will castrate you got it."    "Yes, ma-am no one will touch her except for Quinn," said Noah in fear. "Good then," said, Regina.

When Regina left Noah was still white as a ghost and said to Santana "how the hell does Rachel meet people that are scary as hell."   "I know isn't cool," said Santana with a smirk.   "No they all seem to want to castrate me for no reason," said Noah as he hit his head on the table.   "Have anyone call Lena to see how the rest of the Multiverse is doing" said, Brittany.   "Lena is right here and how is she going to tell you," said Supergirl.   "Not this Lena our Lena Luther Ray's mom," said, Brittany. "What" yells Lena and Supergirl in shock. "Oops, I was not supposed to say that," said Brittany. "No Brit you warrant not supposed tell until this was over," said Rachel from the doorway looking at every one of the people at the table.

"Explain who you are now," said Lena glaring at Rachel.   "As I told you my name is Rachel Barry West I am the daughter of Leo West and Kevin Barry as well the adopted daughter of Lena Luther who shares custody with them," said Rachel looking at Lena in the eyes. "Why didn't you tell me this," said, Lena.    Rachel just smiles and said, "I was going to tell you when this was over so I can introduce you to my mom she wants to meet you but I should tell you my baby sister will get confused for she is one year old."   

"She had a daughter," said Lena in shock.   "Yes, my mom and her wife just had a baby 1 year ago said, Rachel with a big smile. "Who is her wife," said Supergirl?     "Kara Danvers," said, Rachel with a smile.    Kara and Lena just seat there in shock. "Want to see a picture of their daughter she is so cute it's biologically their daughter they are even thinking of haven another one," said Rachel taking her phone out and showing Lena the photos of her Mom, Kara, and her sister. "See this is Alexa has mom's eyes and hair but the rest is Kara except for her intelligence that is all mom for she always wants to be with me, mom, and Nat in the lab," said Rachel with a smile.

"How did she adopt you," said Lena as she kept looking throw the phone in tears.

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