chapter 42

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Rachel came back just in time to see Lilly and Emma with their robes on. Rachel said, "do you have everything in order Emma." "Yes, Natsuki made sure I did," says, Emma with a nervous smile. "Good, let's get started then," said, Rachel. At that moment Snow jumped throw the window with a bow and arrow and try to shoot Rachel but Quinn stop it by burning up the arrow before it hit Rachel then Natsuki us her earth powers to hit Snow in the back with a rock from outside then Shizuru us the air power to put around Snow that she use to suck all the air around Snow until she passes out as Snow passes out she fell to the floor where no one helps her at all.

Emma just looks at Snow in disappointment for she did not understand what was her problem. David came in to throw the door and said "Emma your mom is trying to stop" he stop talking when he saw Snow pass out on the floor.   "Take your wife and keep her away from us David," said Emma in anger.   "Emma, she is your mom," said, David.   "Not anymore for I want nothing to do with her," said Emma in anger.   "Just go and take your wife with you we need to do the spell now," said, Rachel.

David nods and said, "I am sorry for what Snow did."  "You are not the one who should apologize Snow is," said, Rachel. Emma you and Lilly have to look at each other and hold hands. "Ok, I am going to put some symbols on your forehead and your hand with the blood that I took from your parents," said, Rachel. Rachel did as she was told. "Regina and Male would you like to help us 4 to do the spell," said, Rachel. "But it's light magic we have only made dork magic," said, Male. "You both have great potential for light magic, especially you Regina," said Rachel with a smile.

"What do we have to do," said both Regina and Male?   "Just hold hands let us guide you with our magic," said, Rachel. "Close your eyes and just let me your strength every one of you," said, Rachel. As everyone did as they were told Rachel begin doing the spell on each verse she was saying light started to appear around Emma and Lilly they both of them started to scream but stop in a minute and started to laugh in happiness as the light stop both of them fainted. "It's done," said Rachel with a smile on her face. "What was the screaming," said, Male?   "That was the spell that took what was wrong with them and the laughter was when it was fixed," said, Rachel.

Let's go to sleep they will be better in a day said, Rachel. For the last 24 hours, Snow had been driving Regina and the others crazy telling the townspeople that Regina and Male put an evil spell on her daughter but Rachel stop it when she yells at Snow and told her to shut up and stop acting like a child for Regina or Male didn't do anything wrong to Emma for it her that fixe what she did to her daughter and Lilly. Rachel said that Snow got mad at her and was trying to attack Rachel but Happy got in front of her and said "I would not do that Snow for I will not let you hurt her" said Happy in anger. It was the first time the town has seen Happy angry. "I am your Queen" yells Snow in anger.   "You are not our Queen" yells the townspeople at Snow as they glare at her. "We are not in the Enchanted Forest anymore Snow you will not order us around," said granny glaring at Snow.

Rachel just shook her head and said "Why are you doing this Snow."    "I am not doing anything is you and Regina" yells at Snow in anger.   "We are not doing anything Snow you just want to cost trouble where there is none," said Rachel.   "Snow just tightens her fist from anger. "Regina, you should talk to her and tell her the truth that will probably ease her anger and soul." "Have Emma, Male, Bell, and Ruby with you they will help you." "For what Snow will tell you will be the truth and nothing else said Rachel with tears in her eyes. "Rachel," said Regina with tears. "I am sorry Regina but you have to her our she will go and darken her heart more and for her, there will be no coming back and I know you don't want that for her," said Rachel with tears. Regina just nods as she sobs and Male hugs her as she cries. Kate puts her hand on Regina's back as she looks sad for her friend.

The next day Regina told Emma if she can come with her and her friends to talk with Snow. Emma agrees right away. They all meet at granny's where Blue, Rachel, and Quinn meet them.

"What is going on," said Snow, "as I told you Snow the truth, will be said here," said Rachel with tears. "The is a truth serum that Regina will take along with you Snow," said, Rachel. "Why would I take it I have done nothing wrong" yelled Snow in anger. That way you are so take it said Rachel in anger.

Regina took the truth serum and weighted for Snow to take it. "I am ready," said Regina and Snow just nod as she glared at Rachel. "Tell them your story, Regina," said Rachel in tears. Regina told them what her mom us to do to her how she meets Snow how old she was and how she could not say no to the king for it would have cost her life. How Snow saw her kiss Daniel and told her that she loves him and that they were leaving for she didn't want to marry the king. Snow promises her that she would not tell anyone but she told her mom and that leads her mom to kill him in front of her.

And that leads to her marrying the king that only us her for her body and to take his anger on her body too. She spent 10 years being beaten and raped by him. "I didn't kill him that was the Genie he did it on his own for he became abscess with me" cried Regina that was now in Male arms. "I never kill the wolves that were your people doing Snow for I was on my way to help them that is when I saw them kill them," said, Regina. "That is about it," said Regina in tears.   "You were his wife he could have done with you what he wanted to,"  said Snow with a snort. At hearing that Bell jump Snow and started hitting her as she yells "that she was a pathetic human."  Ruby had to stop her. "She got what she deserves and more" yells Bell in anger 

"Did you know what your father was doing to her?" said Emma to her mom looking at her in disgust.

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