chapter 41

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"Seat down and I will tell you," said, Rachel. "You all know that I am from a different Realm but what you don't know is that I have the oldest soul you will ever meet along with my soul mate Quinn here," said Rachel.   "How do you know that," said Lilly?   "I remember all my past lives they have been merged by a friend of ours for we need to fight again by a man that calls himself the Auntie Minotaur he wants to destroy the Multiverse you call it realms. Hundreds of years ago are passed self fight to Protect it from a different entity we almost lost but we won so we never wanted anyone to try and do it again so we created 4 Towers on different earth that will push back and dork magic that will try and destroy the Multiverse but the Auntie  Minotaur has found a way around or magic that's why  I came to get Regina's help because he has found a way to create the wrath's" said Rachel as she shows images on the table of what she and her friends would have to do in two years.

"So we have 2 years to help prepare for war so we can save every realm in existence," said Bell in shock at what she found out now. "I just came to ask Regina to come and help us," said, Rachel.  "No, we are helping you think we are just going to stay here and do nothing well you put your friends put your lives on the line," said Bell glaring at Rachel.   "No ma'am," said Rachel right away.   "So what do you all have to start," said Bell along with Kate and Ruby? We have the 5 Krystal's that we are going to use to stop the Auntie Minotaur beam for good we are just researching how to properly use them are parents along are doing that now but I am also thinking of creating weapons that we can use so not to drain all are magic in the fight" said Rachel as she took out her notebook and show Bell and the others then said  "I want be making them until  Regina show us how to kill the Wraths" said, Rachel.

"These are good," said Bell, Kate, and Fred. "You all sound like you have everything in order" Kate. "I hope we are but we still need to train for the fight that is ahead of us," said, Rachel.   "Male and Lilly just look shocked throw all of this Male said "I will help you and I am fighting alongside you to protect all of you," said Male with a smile. But everyone could tell that she meant Rachel except Rachel of course. Emma and the others that heard were in shock at what Rachel came here for and what she was going to do. Henry for his part was sad for he is now seeing that everything is not as he thought seeing the woman he thought was evil helps Rachel save the earth so easily. Why was he so blind with what he thought was right now he lost his mom for good all because he thought she could not love him for she never gave birth to him.

I woman comes into grannies with brown hair and pale skin. Henry saw how Rachel and Natsuki's eyes widened and smiled as both yelled "mom" and ran to her then hug her. "I miss you so much," said Rachel and Natsuki as they hug her. "They are not embarrassed to do that," said Lilly. Quinn snorted and said, "those two lost Seiko how was Natsuki's birth mom and Rachel adopted one when they were 10 years old they say now that they have Lena they are not going to get embarrassed by showing they love her in public for they miss haven I mom that love them."  The people that heard this just saw them with a sad smile as they see the love that Natsuki and Rachel show their mom Lena.

"Does she loves them and trade them well?" said Regina at Quinn. "Lena is fearsome and protective of them and loves them for who they are," said Quinn with a smile. "Good," said Regina smiling as she looks at the 3 that were talking. "You know Rachel thinks of you as family Regina the rest will see you too and they will never leave you and they will love you as the family that you are," said, Quinn. Hearing this Regina started to tear up and said "thank you." Rachel pulls Lena to Regina and said "mom I want you to meet Regina Mills and her friends Bell, Katherine her husband Fred, Male, and her daughter Lilly."   "Hi, it's nice to meet all of you, and thank you for taking care of my girls as well Quinn and Shizuru," said Lena with a smile as she seat down in the seat that Natsuki got for her. "What brings you here Lena," said Shizuru with a curious look. "I came to tell you that you and Natsuki along with Quinn are needed back home for we found the spell we were looking for and to tell Rachel to come home for the others need her guidance for they are going crazy without her," said Lena kissing the top of Rachel's head.

"What are they doing," said, Rachel?  "Well, Haruka ties Neo in a tree all night because Neo puts her clothes on top of a tree." "Mikoto keeps trying to kill Noah for looking at Mai for he accidentally walks in on Mai in the bathroom and there is Chia that now sleeps outside because Aoi thinks that Chia cheated on her because she trips on one of the wooden swords and landed on top of a made."   Rachel just groins and said "I just left 7 days ago mom how is that even possible," said, Rachel.  "We told you sis that the others were going crazy after you left," said Natsuki.  "But 7 days is how is that even possible," said, Rachel.   "You are the one that set us in order," said Shizuru. "Mom let's go I will be back in time for the spell Regina," said, Rachel. "Nat just gives Emma and Lilly their robes and makes sure that Emma makes Arrangements for Henry and to make sure the sheriff's office has some to do the job for her because she and Lilly will be asleep for 24 hours," said, Rachel.   "Got it, Sis," said Natsuki. Rachel just turn and said, "Shizuru makes sure that Nat doesn't forget anything."   "Hey, one time that happened one time" yell Natsuki. The others just laugh at her reaction.

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