chapter 18

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"What happened Natsuki," said Lena in anger. "This baster took Rachel's inhaler and wouldn't give it back," said Natsuki in anger.  'Look Listen here she was disturbing my class" said, Hunter in anger. That is when Lena punched him and knock him out as Sam enters the class Lena texted her when she ran out of her class. "Rachel are you doing better," said Chia with a concerned look.  "I want to go home," said Rachel in tears. "I will call your aunt to come and pick you up," said, Sam. "There is no need," said Serena walking into the class and looking angry at the knockout teacher. "Good job Lena," said, Serena.

"What are you going to do with that filth," said, Serena. "I called the cops for what he did was endanger Rachel's life," said Sam in anger. Serena helps Rachel up but when she did Rachel almost fell to the floor. "I got you, Ray," said Serena picking her up bridal style Rachel put her head in her neckline. When Rachel left with her aunt that's when Mr. Hunter got up and look scared for his life when he saw Sam. "I told you that Rachel Barry was be left alone," said Sam in anger. "She was bothering my class" yelled, Hunter, in anger. "She was not" yell Quinn in anger. "The only thing she did is get her backpack from the floor to get her inhaler quietly wash what you took and lock it in your desk," said, Natsuki in anger.

"Is that true class?" said, Sam in anger. "Yes," yell all the students as they look at Mr. Hunter in anger. "So you just put a student in danger for nothing," said, Sam in anger as she also glare at Hunter. "What danger" yell Hunter.  "You stupid fool that girl needs that inhaler to breathe for what Will did that put her in a coma that's why I told you all of you that she could leave the class and has permission to use her inhaler you could have killed her" yell Sam in anger. Hunter's eyes widen in surprise. At that moment Emma came in with her partner and handcuff him and said  "Adam Hunter you are under arrest" said Emma as she took him away. "All of you stay put a substitute teacher in on her way," said, Sam.

One student raced her hand up. "Miss Luther is it true what Miss Arris," said. "Yes, when Will hit Rachel it punched her lung where she got a virus that put her in a coma for a month her inhaler is helping her fight the bacteria that is still in her body," said, Lena. "Did Mr. Hunter know this?" said another student.  "Yes, we told all the school staff about it last week," said Lena with a sad look.  At that, all the kids in the room got angry at hearing this.  "Don't worry Miss Luther I don't speak for the rest of us but I will keep an eye on her when she gets back" said another student in anger. "We all will" yell at the rest of the students.

Sam came back and said "Lena thank you for keeping an eye on the students you can go back I will stay here until the substitute teacher gets here," said, Sam. "No thanks need it," said Lena as she walks out of class. The rest of the day the math students told their friends about what happened in class so by lunchtime everyone knew what happened some came to tell them if they knew if Rachel was ok and to tell her to get better soon. When they all went home Rachel was downstairs in the home library seating with a book and some tea. That is how they all found her. "How are you Ray," said Natsuki with a smile.  "I am ok aunt Seren called Dr. Lopez to check how I was doing because aunt Seren didn't like that I have gotten pale. "What did he say," said says, Lena. "That he wants to kill Mr. Hunter and to get me to the Hospital when aunt Seren told him over the phone but he relaxes when he examined me and told me to stay home and rest for the next 3 days," said Rachel with a pout.

"And that's what you are going to do," said Quinn and the others. "What are you reading Rachel," said Brittany when she saw Rachel's book. The others went to their room and relax and left Rachel with Quinn, Santana, and Brittany. "Oh is an old family book it was written by my great-grandmother," said, Rachel.  "Is it good?" said Brittany with a smile.  "It is but is not a story is a guide on the power that we inherit on how it got stronger when one of my ancestors found her soulmate," said Rachel.   "How did she know it was her soulmate," said, Brittany.  'By our friends the Halliwell they have been our friends for many generations they are also gifted like our family but in different ways" said, Serena.

"What do they do," said, Santana.  "They can see the red thread of faith along they know if your soul was reborn again," said, Seren. "They do that," says Quinn in shock. "Oh yes, they can," said Seren.  "So love are you an old soul," said Holly hearing Seren as she came into the room. "No, I am a new one," said Seren with a pout. "What about you Rachel," said, Santana. "I am an old soul the oldest they have ever seen," said Rachel still reading her book not looking at their reaction. "What do you mean by that," said Quinn.   "What she meant by that is the Hallowell have never in any generation seen a soul as old as are Rachel here," said, Seren. "I found it," said Rachel with a smile. "Found what," said, Seren.

"Why the Vision I saw this morning was so different," said Rachel. "You saw a vision and didn't tell me," said, Serena. "I saw throw Quinn's eyes," said Rachel not looking at Quinn. "What did you see," said, Quinn.  "You know what this means right," said Serena looking at Rachel in shock. "What are you talking about and what did you see," said, Quinn. "Rachel what did you see in the Vision for what say here is that it only happened in two different ways

1: when you meet your soul mate.

2: when you know your soul mate and their life is going to be in danger in the future" said, Serena.

" wash one is it did you see what your future is going to be with Quinn or we will have to stop Quinn from being killed," said, Serena. Rachel just looks at her lap and then turns to her aunt and said "you may want to call aunt Lucy."  "What did you see," said Quinn again. "Call your mom Quinn she will need to be here to hear what I saw," said, Rachel.

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