chapter 24

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They walk out of the office with smiles as they saw all their friends they walk close to them and said at the same time "We are ok we wanted to know if all of you wanted to go to New York and stay in Ray New York's home with us."   "What you have a New York home" yells everyone in shock.   "It was our mom's but she left it to us and Nat put in my name," said, Rachel.   "So do we have a room for all of us," said, Mai?   Mai that house is a 4 floor home 3 floor has room as well Master bedroom along with 5 room has in the bathroom along with extra 2 bathrooms in each floor along with 1 floor and an elevator" said Natsuki. Everyone just looks shocked.

"Does it have a swimming pool?" said Mikoto with a smile?   "It has 2 one outside and one inside," said Natsuki.   "Just go pack we are living in 1 hour," said, Rachel. Moko and the others walk out of the office as Moko saw the girls she gives Rachel the keys and said: "your uncle said that he will send some of your mom's friends that he trusts and to forget into paying them for he has it covered."  "I thought he will say that," said Rachel.   "I will send you all the information as soon as they sent it to me," said Moko.   "Was Tangy doing in the mind illegal in any way?" said, Rachel.    "No, it was only illegal because he had no right to dig but he was doing everything by the book," said Moko.   "Good do you think aunt Sei would like to be in charge of it for use said, Rachel?

"What did Natsuki say about it," said Moko. "Say about what," said Natsuki.   "I told her I wanted aunt Sei in charge of the mind for everything was done by the books," said, Rachel.   "Good, I was thinking of the same thing," said Natsuki.   "Alright, I will tell her when I get home," said Moko. "You know my friend Yumi her wife would love to work with your two in buying your gold to use in her jewelry shops."   "Hmm tell her to call Sei and if she makes a good deal for it and we like it she has herself a deal," said Rachel and Natsuki.  "You two are just like your mom," said Moko with a smile.  "We learn from the best," they both said at the same time.

"Oh by the way I call the house staff they are cleaning the house as we speak and getting everything ready for your stay," said Moko. "Thanks, we were about to call them," said Rachel with a smile. "Goodbye girls take care of each other," said Moko as she left. Everyone arrived in 2 hours Santana, Brittany, Noah, and their family came along but what surprised everyone was that even Sue was coming with them too. 4 hours later everyone arrives at the mention their mouth open as they enter the beautiful property.  "Wow, you live here before," said, Holly in awe.  "Only during our summer vacation," said Natsuki. They all just look at Natsuki in shock. "Was your house in China this big?" said Santana. "No, it was bigger this is small compared to our childhood home," said Rachel as she got out of the car.

"Leo, what do you and Kevin do for a living to meet Seiko," said, Alejandro?  "Seiko was an investor in my company that I am CEO of you made have heard of it the name is howling Wolf but I meet Seiko in college and became good friends with her," said, Leo. He turns back and saw the shocking looks he was getting. "What is wrong," said, Leo. "You are the CEO of the Howling wolf" yelled Judy in shock. "What's wrong," said Rachel coming into the room with Natsuki. "Ara, I don't think we ever told them that papa Leo is the owner of Holling Wolf," said Shizuru. "You knew," said Quinn with a sad look for they told Shizuru but not her. "Told what and can someone tell me what is going on," said Rachel.

"We just found out that your dad is the owner of the Howling wolf," said, Santana. "Oh, you never told them I thought they knew," said Rachel to her family. "It slips our Minds," said, Leo. "Come on we all should seat down," said Natsuki.  "Why to name it the Howling wolf," said Noah.  "I named it after Seiko's favorite animal because she is the one that pushes me to start in the first place," said Leo with a smile. "The 3 of us started inventing but we started going big in 5 years now is bigger than we ever dream of," said, Kevin. "But why to stay in Lame not here," said Santana.  "because I am from Lame my mom is there and she wants to die at home," said, Kevin.  "Leo works from home and goes on business trips a lot but he comes home when he can," says, Kevin. "What do you do," said, Noah?

"Kevin is the big brain of the company he is one of my mine inventors and engineers he makes my ideas reality when I don't have time to do it myself but most important he also invents his own," said Leo smiling at his husband. "That's so cool wash one of you created the Zee box and the games for they are so cool," said Noah in excitement. "None of us did it and none of my staff did either said, Leo. "Then who did it," said Noah in confusion?  "I did" say Rachel racing her hand.  "What you created that Awesome PlayStation," said Santana and Noah in shock. "Yes, I did along with the first 10 games that were sold first when it came out," said Rachel.

"What no way the first 10 games were the most badass game's ever created," said, Santana.  "Well, thank you for the compliment Santana," said, Rachel.  "Are the rumors true that there is a new Zee box coming out?" said Sara Noah little sister. "Yes, there is but is going to be a lot different and it was pulled back because of what happened to me but the first view will be at Comic-Con in 4 months," said Rachel. "Come on what the difference," said Santana. "Sist you May as well show them," said Natsuki with a smile. "Find," said Rachel getting up from her seat and then going to get to the game station as she came with a box and open it Rachel said, "this is the new box."   "Where do you put the controls," said, Santana?.

"It does not use controllers like the old one our a tv," said, Rachel. "Then how do we play it," said, Noah. "You put this on," said Rachel giving each one some glasses and gloves as she did she says your controllers are the gloves your tv is the glasses. Everyone looked confused at her so Rachel said "It's a VR now put them on and tell me what you think."  Santana and Noah put them on right away as they did they both play for 30 minutes and whined when Rachel made them stop playing. "That was so cool" yell Santana and Noah in excitement. "Can we try to" yell the rest of the girls?  "Go for it but I am still working on it girls so be careful with it," said, Rachel. "Sist is Perfect you don't need to do anything with it," said Natsuki.

"I have a plan for the next one sist want to help me with it," said, Rachel. "Tell me your idea," said Natsuki in excitement. "Let's go to my room and I will show you what I have in mind," said, Rachel. At that Natsuki and her girlfriend follow her sister to her room.

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