chapter 3

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When Noah and Santana let her go Quinn started to walk back and forward as she yelled in anger but as she saw Brittany walk into the room she started to cry as she fell into her friend's arms. "How could I have thought she was after him"  Quinn cray out. Noah and Santana just look down in shame for they too thought that Rachel was after Finn at first but they soon notice that Rachel will always try to team with someone else but Shue never allowed it.

Sam who is now the principal of the school was very angry when she found out what happened in the cafeteria but what worried her was what the boy had done and said about Rachel Barry the girl that has been hurt by William Schuester man who was supposedly a teacher. Now he is sitting here in her office with a smirk as if he will just walk out of this office without punishment. Quinn just looks angry at Finn. "Ok, why are we here,"  Judy said when she walked in with Carla and Burt.

"You are here because Finn here said in front of the hall cafeteria that what Will did to one Rachel Barry was ok." "What did he do to Rachel," said Burt. "He physically assaulted her in the hallway as we speak she is in surgery for a punctured lung," said, Sam with a sad voice. "I hope she dies," said a smirking Finn. "Did you agree with him, Quinn?" said Judy. "Hell no I am the one that hit him, Mom,"  Quinn said in disgust. "Oh but that is not all your son did Mrs. Hamilton the reason he is like this is that Rachel didn't want to kiss your son," Sam said playing the recorder as everyone heard it Carla got angry as did Burt and Judy.

"We will be speaking to Rachel about what happened but as I see it your son will be suspended for 3 weeks I saw that he does not have any classes with Rachel but if he even bothers her he will be kicked out of this school I also talk to his football coach and told her what he said and had been doing with Rachel she didn't like it so she kicks him out of the football team because she was disgusted by all of it," said Sam in anger.

"No, I am the quarterback" yelled Finn in anger. "Not anymore boy," Beiste said as she entered the office giving Burt all Finn thought from his football Locker. "I am the best player you have" yelled Finn in anger. "That is enough Finn,"  Carla says in anger. Finn turns to his mom and looks at her in shock. "You disgust me you are angry that you got kicked out of football than what you said about Rachel,"  Carla said in anger.  "Rachel deserves it she turned me down even when I told her that I would get the football players to stop slushie her but no she kept telling me no and to leave her alone"  Finn yelled out in anger.

"I am the quarterback I could get any girl I wanted but that stupid loser turned me down I got her back I had the football players turn up the bullying but when they never find her in the school as she always hides but I got her back by tagging her car or breaking her car Wendell's and slashing her tires," Finn said with a smirk. "You did all those things"  Burt yell out in anger. All Finn did was smirk and nod his head.

"Principal Arris you won't have to worry about Finn for as of now he will be going to military school," said Carla in anger as she looked at her son. "No, I will not go"  Finn yells out in anger. "You will go for I will not let you turn to the bastard that you are,"  Carla said, in anger. "Don't you know what you have been doing to that girl?"  Carla said in disgust. 'I was teaching her a lesson that she should have been mine"  Finn, yells out in anger. That is when Carla slaps Finn so hard that he falls to the floor. "No, you fool you were tormenting her only because she didn't like you at all" Carla yells out in anger. Carla looked down at her son in anger and disgust "You will change your ways for no son of mine will be the disgusting human being that you are right now so get up now and get in the car for we are getting your things from home and going straight to the military school now boy" Carla snort in anger. All Finn did was look at his mom in fear as he got up.

"Thank you for calling us Miss Arris I did not know who that boy was anymore but I will not see him turn into a disgusting human being. Please don't punish Quinn for what she did is what he deserves and maybe more,"  Carla said. Finn's eyes widened for that did not sound like his mom at all. Sam just nodded her head. When they were gone Quinn turned to Sam and says "have they said anything about Rachel." "No, but I expect Lena to call me soon," Sam said with a small smile. At that moment the phone rang and said "Sorry, that is probably Lena

"Hello yes, Lena how is she That is fantastic do you think I can go see her tomorrow, Thanks I will," Sam said smiling. When she hung up Quinn said with a worried voice "How is Rachel is she ok." "She finds they have her in intensive care right now but they will be moving her to her room tomorrow morning,"  Sam said. "Thank you, God,"  Quinn said as tears of relief fell from her eyes. "So what is my punishment going to be," Quinn said when she came down. "Nothing I am going to listen to Mrs. Hamilton and not punish you at all," Sam said with a smile.

Quinn just squeaks in disbelief. Sam just laughed and said "Yes Miss Fabray what you did was wrong but you were provoked in a way for that boy had no right to say those things and what he was doing was wrong," Sam said. "You are right he had no right to do any of those things for he was hurting her just because he was mad she said no to him,"  Quinn said. Judy and Sam smile at what Quinn said. "You can go to class Miss Fabray," Sam said as she gave Quinn a pass to go to class. "Thank you, Miss Arris, I am sorry for letting my anger get the best of me but what he was saying about Rachel was wrong as I found out that he tried to force himself on her I just could not control myself anymore," Quinn said as she got up and then walked to class. Sam turned to Judy and said, "You have a good daughter." "Yes I do," Judy says as she sees her daughter and walks away.

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