chapter 47

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They all made it to the DEO where they saw J'onn and some DEO agents point their guns at them Alex yell "put your gun down they are not enemies."  "Call your friends I can't get a hold of mine," said Alex with a worried look. Alicia can you hear me said Natsuki in her earpiece.   "I am here Nat," said Alicia. "Tell Sara and her team that we are in the DEO for Ray's needs Medical care said Natsuki.   "No, Rachel told us she would be ok" yell Alicia in anger. "Just get here," said Nat in tears. They put Quinn and Ray in hospital beds.

All the  Heros waited to know what would they say about Rachel and Quinn. Yohko had come to check on them with Lena and the rest of the family. The 2 Eliza had hit it off so well that they were now bringing food for the whole family. Yohko came out with Alex with a smile on their faces. "Rachel finds and so is Quinn," said Yohko. "I don't know what you give her but it saves her life," said Alex to Regina. Natsuki and the two Lenas hug Regina and thank her. Kara kiss her wife and said "go love be with your daughter" as she took their daughter in her arms. "Mommy just wants to go check on Ray-Ray baby girl," said Kara kissing her daughter's head.

They all look at the other Kara in awe as they saw her with her daughter.  'This is so weird" said Alex to her mom.   "No, I think that would have been if we have let Kara tell Lena the truth and if she was human for this Kara is human she is not Kryptonian," said, Eliza with a sad look. "What seriously," said Alex looking at the other Kara with a sad look. "Yes, they meet throw Rachel,"  said, Eliza. "We all messed up didn't we mom," said Alex in tears.  "Yes, we did," says Eliza as she sees her daughter and looks at her sister double with a daughter. At that moment Sam and Alex double came running into the room and said, "how are Rachel and Quinn are they ok."   "They are ok aunt Alex," said Natsuki with a smile. "That's good we have good news all the earth are back along with the planets that were destroyed during the crisis," said, Sam with a smile. "Yes," yell out everyone with happiness. "But the people have not returned yet," said, Alex with a frown. "How can that be," said Natsuki confused. "It's because the 4 towers have to turn on to do that," said Quinn from the doorway to the waiting room as she struggles to walk as Judy helps her.

"We have to do it in 1 week or everything we did will be for nothing," said, Quinn. "Will Rachel be ready to do this," said Shizuru with a worrying voice?    "Rachel will be but we have to take the tower back to its original earth or it will not work as it should be," said, Quinn. "That's why Rachel got mad at the Minotaur," said, Lena. "Yes, that is why Rachel told him not to bring it here for it would have been easy for us if he would have left it where it was for Rachel right now would not be in the Infirmary," said Quinn with a frown. "Then leave that to us we will take the tower now to its original earth and have everything ready for you and Rachel so just rest," said Natsuki with a smile as the rest of her family got up and each hugged Quinn and told her not to worry they have it covered.

Quinn just smiles at them then turns to her mom and said "please help me get to my love."  Judy just smiles and helps her stand up and walk her to where Rachel was at.

All Rachel people spend the next hour getting the tower ready to move it to where it should be with the hero's help. "Nat the tower is ready to call Seren to open the portal the science way," said Neo from the first floor. "On it," said Natsuki as she took out her phone and told her aunt to open the big portal so they can move the tower to where it belongs. "If you all have the technology to open portals to other earth then why did Rachel have to do it," said, Oliver. "Because we can only do one portal if we had opened as many as my sister did and left them open our computer system would have exploded and killed the people we have tried to save," said Natsuki.   "Nat told the truth we try to experiment on how many portals we can open in one time we could only do 10 for like half an hour before our systems would start to heat up," said, Santana. "I don't get it why did you save so many people if you can bring them back anyway," said Sara as she saw Superman and Supergirl pick up the tower and start to move it into the portal. "Because the more people die the more Magic it will cost us and you saw how Rachel became when she lifts the portals open too long," said Natsuki. "Oh," said Sara with a sad look. "But Rachel will survive right," said Mai with a worried look.

"The last time we lost both Rachel and Quinn but we will make sure it will not happen again," said, Santana with a sad voice.  The Heros eyes widen at hearing that. "Ok, people make sure that the tower did not get damaged by the move" yell Natsuki. "Everything is good and ready for Rachel Nat," said Alicia 1 hour later.  "Good, then we will now visit the other 3 towers and see if they are now operating correctly," said Natsuki as she turns to the other Heros and said, "you all could go to your earth we got it from here."   "No, we are not going we are helping all of you," said, Sara. "Ok," said Natsuki as she took her cell and said, "Aunt Seren take us to Quinn tower." They all were gone for 3 days fixing the towers and getting to know the heroes better.

They all celebrated when Rachel call them and told them she was better and she was glad they are getting everything ready to return everyone that disappear. After 4 days, they return to Rachel's side where they all hug her and told her they were happy she was ok.  "Ok, so everything is ready to return the people and the alien that disappear, Rachel," said Alicia.   "That's good I am proud of all of you," said, Rachel with a smile.   "Natsuki, Shizuru, and  Quinn want you to take the Crystals from your staff and put them in the towers I will do the same with mine and it should not affect us when we bring everyone back," said, Rachel. "Just put your Krystal's in this box and put them in your towers all of us will not feel our energy drain when we use the Towers," said Rachel. "That means you either right," said Natsuki with hopeful eyes. "Yes, me either that was the purpose of this Krystal's it only affected me the way it did for the tower was not where it was meant to be," said Rachel with a sad look.

Then she turns to Lena.

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