chapter 23

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It was true what Kevin said Natsuki and Rachel have gravitated more toward each other Shizuru and Quinn didn't mind for they knew that their girls needed each other for Rachel and Natsuki will spend hours talking about their mom and what she taught them or how they would make her run after them, in the end, they cry in each other arms our in there lovers. The good thing that happened was that they cancel school for a week but they gave them homework for that week. The school was all over the news it said that they found a hit list on all 3 of them but they don't give names out.

Sam was busy talking to the school bored them trying to put Sam under the bus but she told them it was their fault for having hired Figgins in the first place that shut them up for they knew it was true for Lena she was worried about Rachel and Natsuki for they come more to her and cry in her arms and how much they mess there mom but thanks to Sam, Sue, and Holly she has not broken down yet. So now is Friday Natsuki, Rachel, Lena Kevin, and Leo are seating down in Leo's office while Moko seating at the desk when Rachel said "aunt Moko can Shizuru and Quinn come in with us.".  "And who are Quinn and Shizuru," said Moko with a smile?   "Shizuru is Natsuki's girlfriend and Quinn is mine," said, Rachel.  "Call them in here girls," said Moko with a smile.

Natsuki ran out of the room and pull Quinn and Shizuru with her into the room. "Ok, girls let's start," said Moko. They both nod and hold hands. "To my two beautiful daughters, I know that you two are having a hard time right now with my death but don't be sad for I want you to know the best thing in my life was me being your mom for I love every minute of it my loves." "So I want you to know that you two are my only heirs the bank account it's yours along with my investments my home here in China and New York and most of all the Villa that you two alone will take care of it," said Moko.

"So her bank account was worth 10.9 billion." "Her Investments as of now are worth 500.9 billion."  "Her home properties are worth 50 million each and the Vela has a gold mine that has a property of 100 acres your dad Natsuki has been minding for the past 3 years but Lucy and Alex have got a hold of his accounts the judge turn them to you tow so that money is yours too and is 500 billion dollars. So the estimated amount is 1.9 trillion dollars" said Moko. Natsuki and the rest seat there in shock but Rachel said can I see the map of the Villa aunt Moko."   "Yes, here it is," said Moko. Ray put the map on the desk and saw it and said "aunt Moko has anyone looked at the property." "No, they have no way," said Moko. "My mom was not stupid she would not just buy 100 acres for 1 gold mind," said Rachel.   "Do you think there is more than 1 gold mind in that land?" said Moko.  "Yes, there is if this map is right," said Rachel as she turns her dad's computer around and started to tap into it. "What did you find sist," said Natsuki.  "Look at what I see on the map," said, Rachel. When she did Natsuki's eyes widen in surprise and said "Holy shit."   "Exactly mom was not stupid Natsuki can you call uncle Tor and have him look into people that can examine the Violin on these spouts," said Rachel as she and Natsuki had Circle on the map that Rachel had printed.   "Tell him to start with these parts first," said Natsuki giving Moko the map.   "I will call him right away and Email him the copy of this map," said Moko. "Pay them with my share of my inheritance," said, Rachel. "No way sist we both pay equally," said Nat glaring at her. "What she said," said Rachel.

"Mom was a freaking genius," said Natsuki in awe.   "Ok, your dad's told me to take care of your investments and put your money into your accounts but what I want to know about the houses," said Moko. "Sale the one in China I don't want anything to do with it for that man tainted our home and just give us an equal share of the money when you sell it," said Natsuki in anger.   "What is your home Nat but what you said is true so I am with my sister on it," said Rachel.   "What about the house in New York," said Moko.   "Put the deed under my sister's name," said Natsuki. "What you can't do," said Rachel in shock.   "Yes, I can mom only bought it for you for your dream was to live in New York City," said Natsuki looking at her sister's eyes. "But Nat's mom designed that house for us," said, Rachel. "No, she designs it for you and only you," said Natsuki.

"Find but the money we are getting for the house in China is your," said Rachel. "Nope is both of ours," said Natsuki with a smirk. "No, don't listen to her give it to Nat here," said Rachel. Natsuki just shook her head not making hand signs to split it in half. "Ow," said Natsuki as she rubs her head. "What is that for," said Natsuki?   "For telling her to give me half of the money for the house."   "But is our childhood home Ray You deserve to have some of the money at least because that bastard ruins our home."    "mom would want it this way she knew that you loved being there and you have all the memories of It," said Natsuki. "Mom tells her she can't do that" whined Rachel. Lena just laughs and said, "I am sorry but you two know your mom better so I am staying out of it."  "Find do what this knucklehead said," said Rachel.   "That's right you have to listen to me for I am older," said Natsuki with a smile.   "You are only older for 2 days," said Rachel with a pout. "Still older than you," said Natsuki sticking her tongue out at Rachel. The others smile at them. "Ik then you two are not old enough to handle that can of money so I am going to talk to your parents to see when you two are old enough to get the full amount your mom thought that she would be older when she passed away," said Moko with a sad smile.

"Ok," said Natsuki and Rachel but they stop when Rachel stop to turn to Moko. "Yes, Rachel," said Moko. "Did you find out what he did with mom's old projects and her laptop or her photos?" said Rachel with a sad look?   Moko gave her a sad look and said "we were able to find something they are being sent here and be arriving in 3 days."   "They are," said Rachel with a surprising look. "Yes, we thought you 2 will be happy to have them," said Moko with a smile. "You two should know Natsuki your dad never set foot at the New York home so it should be left as your mom lift it when all of you spend there," said Moko.  Rachel and Natsuki smile so bright and yell "New York here we come."  "Mom dad, we are packing we are leaving tonight" yell Rachel and Natsuki as they ran out of the office.  "I guess we are going to New York said the 3 of them at the same time.

So what should we do about the money said Moko?   "Let them have an allowance of 1000 a month until they turn 18 and increase it to 3000 or more when they go to college and let them have access to it until they turn 23," said, Lena.  "Lena is right but 1000 is what we give them for their allowance," said, Kevin.  "You give them 1000 dollars each," said, Lena in shock. "Yes, we do It automatically is sent into their account," said, Leo with a shrug.

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