chapter 55

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It didn't take Noah and Neo to tell Lena that she has people working for Cadmus some are working in her labs and her security detail at hearing this Lena calls Alex right away with the news. During the two hours that Alex was there, Santana went to Lena's office with the news.    "What is it Santana," said, Lena?    "We found out that Morgan has ties with a group that calls themselves  Cadmus we were able to go to their database and we saw some of your scientists and one of your secretaries work with them and Alex you might need to call in for backup for they are big for some of your agents are work with you," said Santana gave what she has to Alex. Alex seeing this growled and said "some of these people work for the DEO but no more" then she calls Kara and told her to put those people in a holding cell and to tell J'onn that she will tell him why they are staying there.   "Santana is there any way that Winn can link with you and see what is in the Cadmus database.   "Yes, we can do that but first, clean your house so we do not hurt Lena in any way," said, Santana. Alex smile at that and said, "you got it."

When she got into the DEO Kara had not let anyone in the holding cells where she put the man and women in.    "What is going on Alex, Kara said that you told her to stand guard as she put our people in holding cells," said J'onn in anger.    "Because those bastards are Cadmus agents that's why I told her to put them there," said Alex as she shows him the evidence.     Kara and the other agent's eyes near in anger.   "Winn calls Santana her people will help you link into the Cadmus database said, Alex. Winn's eyes widen and smile as he ran to his computer and got his phone open.   "Kara, go to the White House and tell the president she has the enemy in her house give her this SUB and papers," said, Alex.   Kara saw the papers and frowned then growl at what she saw then fly away fast then landed at the White House and said to the guards that she needs to see the president for important business.

The guard's nod and one of them call to let the president know that Supergirl needs to talk to her. The president told the guards to let her in. Super Girl waited for the president in her office alone. "What can I do for you Supergirl," said The president as came in with one of her guards.   "Madam president what is the name of your guard," said Supergirl.   "My name is Justin Adams," said the guard.    "Good, you can stay," said Supergirl.   "Ma-am I am here to tell you the  Cadmus is beggar than we thought for they are here working in the White House and some are senators and some are your guards," said Supergirl.    "Show me what you found," said the president.  Supergirl shows the president what Alex give her and told her "as of now we Cadmus database and we are getting everything we can right now" said Supergirl.

"Supergirl I want these people that are in my house in the holding cell right now," said the president in anger. Supergirl nods and us her super-speed and had every one of those people in the prison cell in the White House where the president was waiting for her to get the last of the people. "What is the meaning of this" yelled Senator Jackson in anger?    "You will be here until Cadmus is finished," said the president? At that, everyone in the cells wants quiet down and lost color on their faces.

"Supergirl this is for you and Superman they will get you any help that you can with any agency in the USA without a problem," said the president. "Wow, thank you, madam president," said Supergirl. Kara flies to National City to call Clark and told them what is happening he told her he and Louis are on their way to National City.

Kara made it to National City and as she landed in the DEO she saw Rachel and her people were angry.     "What is going on," said, Kara?    "That bitch Lillian had a contract out to kill Lena," said Noah in anger.    "What"  yell Kara in anger.   "Don't worry we removed it but not until someone tries to kill her 1 hour ago Natsuki and Shizuru stopped him and now he is with Alex and J'onn they are interrogating him?" said Neo with a glare.    Rachel was now in Quinn's arms in tears.   "It ok love Lena is safe."     Lena came out of the Infirmary with Eliza flowing her and took Rachel in her arms and hug her. "It ok sweet girl," said, Lena to Rachel.   "Lee," said Kara as she saw a bruise on her cheek and has her left arm in a cast. "I am ok thanks to Natsuki and Shizuru," said Lena kissing Kara's lips without letting go of Rachel. Superman and Louis landed on the DEO and saw that Lena was hurt they ran to her side and Lena told them what happen the both of them got angry at hearing what happened.

Rachel and Quinn had not left Lena they both have been helping the D.E.O. "Noah calls Lucy and told her to get here now she would want to know this in person" said Rachel. "They are on their way, your highness," said Noah.   "Why do they call you that," said, Win?.     "Because Rachel has always been or Queen in every past life that we know her," said Chia as she passes by giving Kara and Clark new watches and says "take the Super suit off and come back with regular clothes."    They did as they were told and came back right away.   "Now push the blue button," said Aoi. They push the blue button and little robots cover their bodies as they were done covering them they were now wearing New super suits. "These suits are now protection by any form of Kryptonite so you two will never have to worry about it," said Aoi.   "Seriously," said the Supers in surprise in shock.    "Yes, now that is not all it will stand anything they will throw at you too," said, Chia.

"Let Cat and Louis write the story together I trust them to write the truth of what is going to happen and show the world what hate has been doing to the human race and especially to the aliens," said, Rachel. Everyone just shook their heads and said "why didn't we think of that" said Kara.  "Call Cat to tell her to meet us at L Corp she and Louis can write the story from there," said, Alex. "Oh, how did it go with Lucy when you told her what her dad been doing," said Quinn to Louis.    "Lena got so mad that she started to curse and throw things and said that she wants to arrest him herself," said Rachel.

With Lucy.

Lucy had her army uniform on and Lilly had her FBI badge on her. They where
being followed by the DEO agents.   "Lucas Lane gets up you are under arrest," said Lucy as she came into the meeting room in anger.     "What is the meaning of this" yelled Lucas in anger?    "You are under arrest for treason and for being a member of Cadmus," said Lucy as she put the handcuffs on her dad.    "Ma-am we have the other Cadmus agents into our custody' said an agent.    'Good, take this piece of garbage with you" said Lucy as she pushes her dad toward the agent.    "Baby relax you don't want to hurt the baby," said, Lilly with a worried look.     "What you are pregnant," said Lucas to Lucy.    "Yes, but you will never meet my kids for I monster like you doesn't deserve to meet them," said Lucy with a snort to her father in anger. Lucas look down in shame and said "I am sorry" as they took him away.

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