chapter 39.

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That night Emma came by in the house knocking on the door repeatedly Quinn open it for the rest of them were talking in the living room. "Where are Rachel and Regina," said Emma with red eyes? "Regina and Rachel are in the living room," said Quinn as walking her to the living room. "Did you know what my parents did?" said Emma with tears in her eyes looking at Regina? "No, I didn't I just found out when Rachel told me just today," said, Regina. "Can it be fixed what they did to us?" said Emma crying? At that moment Rachel's phone ringed and got everyone's attention "hi mom what did all of you find out." "no way that easy to do" "so both Emma and Lilly will be hole once I do it."  "Yes, that is fantastic so all we have to do is do the spell on a full moon."  "Yes, I am being the careful mom you know I am no longer sick so you don't have to worry that much about me."

"Mom, I love you" is all that Rachel said before I hang up. "Parent," said, Rachel. When Rachel look at Regina as she said "what did you mean sick dear."  Rachel turns around and saw Male, Bell, Ruby, and Kate looking at her so she turns to look at Quinn and said "can you tell them, please."  "I will love," said Quinn as she pull Rachel into her lap and told them what happened she hugs Rachel all throw the story Rachel had her head in Quinn's neck so Rachel did not see Regina's eyes turn black from anger or Male that had to turn her fire out when she lost control or see Ruby that had to do everything in her power not to wolf out in the living room and Bell and Kate turning red from there anger at end of the story  "that's how we almost lost her this year,"  said Quinn in tears.

Regina pulls Rachel into her lap and hugs her and whispers "you my dear are one of the strongest women I have ever met I don't even want to know a world where you are not in it."  All Rachel could do is nod and hug Regina back with tears as she never likes thinking about that time. The others just wipe tears from their eyes. Emma not knowing Rachel that well was angry with her. "I am ok Regina I promise," said Rachel with a small smile. "Do we have everything so we can go get my daughter?" said Male changing the subject for she notices that Rachel didn't like talking about what happened to her?  "You are the one that curses Snow and David," said, Emma.  "Yes, I am now that they told you they will be ok by tomorrow morning," said, Male. "Pity" snort Emma in anger.

"How can you go out of town would you not lose your memories," said Emma with a worried voice. "No Rachel fixes it for us," said, Ruby. "How do you know that it works," said, Emma?   "Regina tries it first," said Kate glaring at Regina. "I said I was sorry," said  Regina looking at Kate with a pout. Emma seeing that felt butterflies in her stomach and she had to look away because she thought it was too cute.

"I should go Henry would be a worry," said Emma.   "Wait Sheriff I want to know if you would like to fill the hole again," said, Rachel. "You can do that," said Emma in a small voice. "Yes if you want to," says, Rachel. "Please what do I have to do," said Emma in tears. "Just stop by at a full moon and prepare for Henry to stay with someone for you will be sleeping for 24 hours but you will wake up more energy than normal," said Rachel. "I will be here," said, Emma.

"Oh and please keep your parents away from me for I will probably strangle both of them," said Rachel with a snort. "That will be all of us too," said Regina frowning. "You got it Regina if they even bother anyone of you they will be spending I long time in my holding cell," said Emma in anger. All of them in the room just nod at her. "What is wrong love," said, Quinn?  "I think that you and I should stay here and prepare for the spell with Natsuki and Shizuru's help for we are going to need them along with Regina and Male for we are going to need Male blood and Snow and David but I am not sure they are willing to give it for it to work," said Rachel with groin as she wants over the spell and then said, "no Regina and Male you can't force them for it has to be willingly given for the spell to work."  As she said that Regina and Male just pouted at her.

"Would you believe it the big bad Queen and the Queen of darkness pouting to a 16-year-old kid?" said, Ruby with a smirk? "Ow," yell Ruby as she turns to Regina and the Male that was smirking at her. "Who throws the book at me," said Ruby at them. "We did not do anything," they both said at the same time with smiles. Emma for part got up from the seat and coughed at her hand to have her laughter then she said "I got to go back to the inn bye."  What did she mean back to the inn" said Regina with confusion look.   "Oh, you didn't know Emma got so tired of Snow blaming you for her faults that she lift the apartment to live in the inn until she find where to live," said, Ruby. "Why it's not like Henry cares or even mine anymore," said Regina in confusion.

"Because Emma did care but didn't dare to say anything about it until she saw what it did to Henry and you especially," said Ruby.  "You should have seen her when you give up Henry right she got drunk at granny's as she tries to say that now Henry knows how it feels to be giving up on and that is her fault and his for being an idiot because you loved his Regina but he cares more about blood then love. It was bad she kept crying saying she was the bad person for she was the one that took Henry from a caring mom."

"How long have they been staying at granny's," said, Regina?   "When Rachel yells at Snow for the first time in their mind," said Ruby.  "That long," said, Regina. "Why don't we all get some sleep for we have a long couple of days," said, Quinn? They all nodded and got up and went their separate ways to get some sleep.

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