chapter 8

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"Don't worry Lena they won't for they don't know about Natsuki and Shizuru that are going to be here with Rachel but most of all I will not let anyone else hurt that girl in this school?" said, Sam in anger. "I have to go and talk to Leo, Kevin, and Natsuki," said Sam leaving the room. When Sam made it to the Hospital she found Natsuki, Shizuru, Leo, and Kevin in the waiting room. "Good that all of you are here for we need to talk," said, Sam. "What is going on Sam," said Leo in a worried voice.

"I just received some information that a girl name Mercedes and a boy name Kurt want to hurt Rachel when she comes back to school," said, Sam. "What" yells all 4 in anger. "I want to prevent that by having Nat in all of Rachel's classes," said Sam. "What about us," said a voice that came from the doorway. "Spider," said Natsuki in a surprised voice. "What do you think we would leave you when you need us," said Nao. "What do you mean we," said Natsuki. "Yes, Natsuki we," said Mai with a smile coming in with the rest. "What in the world," said Natsuki with her eyes widening in surprise.

"Ara, I forgot to tell my Natsuki that papa didn't want my Natsuki and me without our friends so they convinced their parents to send them here with us," said Shizuru. "You knew Shizuru," said Natsuki. "Ara daddy calls me last week and told me what he and your aunts and uncle were trying to bring the girls here and have  Midori Sugiura and Yohko Segisawa garden ship," said Shizuru with a smile. "Ok, so what is this we hear that someone wants to hurt your sister," said Haruka with a frown.

Sam told them what she found out from Tina and Mike. "Why don't we stay close to Rachel to protect her and that Mike and Tina will keep an eye on Kurt and Mercedes so they can find out what they are up to and if they want to hurt your sister," said Neo filing her nails. Everyone looks shocked at her. When she felt everyone quiet down she looks up and said "what."  "You know spider sometimes you can be very smart when you want to be," said Natsuki. "What does that supposedly mean wolf," said Neo with a glare.

"I will see if Tina and Mike want to help us but I think we should also get their parent's permission," said, Sam. "You are right they need to know," said, Leo. "I will go see if I can talk to them again after glee club and have Holly have them stay after glee club," said Sam. "Tell Quinn she would want to know if someone wants to hurt Rachel," said Shizuru. Sam turns to Leo that nods and says "Shiz is right if we don't tell her she will start to yell at us and I guaranteed you that Quinn will not leave Rachel's side at all if she finds out that Rachel is in any danger."

Sam came back to school and told them what she told Leo and the rest and what they wanted Tina and Mike to do with their parent's permission. "I think that's a good idea," said, Sue. "Ok so Holly just tells Tina, Mike, and Quinn to Wait for you need to talk to them, and when you are alone text me, and I will have their parents join them in the glee club and we will tell them about our idea," said, Sam.

At the end of the day, Holly did what she was told. "Miss Holly what is this about I want to go see Rachel," said Quinn with a frown when they were alone. "You will see her soon Quinn I need to talk to all three of you," said Holly as the door opened, and in came Sam with their parents along with Lena and Sue. "What is going on," said Quinn. "Just seat down baby," said, Judy. "But mom I want to go see Rachel," said Quinn. "And you will see her soon but this is important ok Quinn," said Judy with a serious voice. "Ok mom I will listen," said, Quinn. "Tina, Mike tell your parents what you told us at lunch," said, Sam. They told their parents what they are worried about as they did Quinn got angrier and angrier and she screams in anger "they will never hurt her."

"Come down it could just talk," said, Judy. "I don't think it is talk," said Mike with a scared look. "What do you mean," said, Lena. "Mercedes was talking about how her uncle had shown her to use a gun and she knows where her cousin hides his," said Mike in fear. "Oh God," said Lena fighting tears. "What did Kurt do," said, Sam. "He got all happy and told her if she can teach him to use one so he can have a shot at Rachel too."

"Were you there with them in the same room," said, Sam. "No, I heard them talking in math class and there were no kids in the room for I was outside the room," said, Mike. Quinn gets up and was about to walk out of the room but was stopped by Judy. "Mom let me go" yell Quinn in anger. "Not until you tell me where you are going Quinn," said Judy in a mom's voice. "I am going to hunt those two and hurt them" yell Quinn in anger. "You will not Quinn," said, Judy. "They want to hurt Rachel" yells Quinn in anger as she tries to get away from Judy.

"Listen to me honey you have to come down Rachel will be ok," said, Judy. "How is she going to be ok" cried, Quinn.  "We have a plan to protect her Quinn," said, Sam. "Tell me then," said, Quinn. Sam told them their plan on how they wanted to take down Kurt and Mercedes if they truly want to hurt Rachel. "Yes, we will help because what they think about doing is wrong," said, Mike. "Thank you you two," said, Sam. "Can I tell Santana, Brittany, and Noah they would want to help Rachel?" said Quinn.  "Do you think we can trust them?" said, Sam. "Yes, I trust them," says, Quinn. "Then tell them I will be changed Rachel's class that she has with them Kurt and Mercedes I want Rachel far away from them as possible," said, Sam. With that Sam and the others left.

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