chapter 43

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"Yes, I did she deserves every beating for not playing with me or not listening," said Snow with a smirk. Emma got mad at hearing this and slap her mom that sending her to the ground. "You are a pathetic human being," said, Emma. "Did you tell Cora on purpose so Regina would marry your father?" said, Emma?   "Yes, I did" say, Snow. "Did you have your man kill my kind?" said, Ruby? "You were going to leave me I need you to protect me What was a supposed to do," said Snow with a snort. "You will stay the hell away from my friends and that includes Emma and Henry," said Ruby as her eyes turn red.

"That is enough Ruby," said Rachel as she put her right hand on Ruby's shoulder.  "All of you take Regina home please" sob out Rachel's tears. They all nodded and did what she told them to do. Regina spends the next day in her room with Rachel there with her for she would only let her in the room. "Why won't she let us in there with her," said Male with tears?  "It's because she feels at peace with Rachel," said Quinn as she gives tea to Male, Bell, Kate, and Ruby. "How do you know this," said Ruby? "Tell me, Ruby, in the dinner, you were minutes to wolf out but when Rachel touch you what did you feel," said Quinn.   "I felt peace and come," said, Ruby. "Exactly that is what Regina needs right now when she is ready she will let you in," said, Quinn.

"How did she make us feel that," said Male and Lilly?   "Rachel's magic is pure light magic that as she became close to someone magical it makes them feel peace to be around her," said, Quinn. "Why not you too," said, Lilly. Quinn just smile and said

"because her magic is different than mine for her magic is light and is used to heal or to stop the destruction." My magic is light but I use it to protect as you will call it for the defense."   "Why did Rachel want Regina to tell us her story did she know what Snow was going to do," said Male. "Yes she did and Rachel told Regina what was going to happen and they did it to help Emma and Snow for Emma need it to wake up and see what was Snow truly like and Snow need to understand what she did and now that Snow knows that her actions cost her daughter and the love of the people she will change for her future son and not darken her heart as she was Destin to do when we leave" Quinn in tears

1 hour later Regina and Rachel came downstairs to eat dinner with her friends. "I am sorry for not letting any of you in," said Regina with a sad look. "Hey, none of that now you are allowed to feel what you are feeling," said Bell. "Bell is right just remember that you are not alone you have all of us," said, Kate. "Thank you all of you," said, Regina, smiling.

The next day Rachel and Ruby were talking at the diner when Rachel jump from her seat and took out her phone and turn around and saw that Quinn stopped as she entered the dinner with  Kate and Bell that were looking at her with a worried look. "It's time the mined is cleaned up so it's time for me and Quinn to go home," said Rachel as she walks towards them. "We need to talk to Regina for we have to go home today," said, Rachel.  "Rachel is right," said, Quinn. "I will go get the crystal ball and tell grumpy that they can enter the mind again," said, Rachel.   "So when are we leaving," said Kate and Bell?    "You two want to come with us," said Rachel in shock. "We are going with You to help," said, Kate. Quinn just looks at Rachel with a smirk. "You knew they would want to come with us," said, Rachel. "My Love, I have seen that they care about you and they will not leave us to fight without them," said, Quinn. Rachel just smiles and said "go pack and we will take you to our home," said Rachel smiled at them. They all meet at Regina's house 3 hours later. Rachel talked to Regina the others came with their luggage along with Male and Lilly as they all were about to leave there was a knocking at the door Regina open it to see Henry and Emma there.

"What are you two doing here," said, Regina?   "We want to know if you would let us go with you and help out," said, Emma. Regina turns to Rachel on that. "No, I am not taking that ungrateful brat," said Rachel as she glared at Henry.   "What did the kiddo," said, Lilly?   "Oh, you don't know this boy here was Regina adopted son she was there for him love him gave him everything a kid could have dreamed of but when he found out he was adopted he pushes Regina away like she meant nothing to him especially when he found out about her past but only the version that Snow said to be true but  He didn't even ask Regina if it was true so I am not taking that brat, especially he dared to come into Regina's home just to yell at her and disrespect her said, Rachel in pure anger that made Emma and Henry step back in fear.

"What" yells everyone except Regina and Henry.   "Tell me you didn't Henry," said Emma in anger. Henry just looks down on the floor in shame.   "I am sorry I didn't know he did that if I had known I would have grounded him," said, Emma.   "You don't have to apologize for that brat it's him that needs to apologize to Regina when he means it," said, Rachel.  "Rachel let them come please," said Regina looking at Rachel with a sad look. "Find but if he even disrespects Regina or anyone of my family you two will be sent back here no chances or nothing at all," said Rachel in anger as she looked at Henry and yell "did you hear me brat."  "Yes," said Henry in tears. "Good, let's go," said Rachel as she opens the portal home.

The portal opens in the living room where the rest of the family is at. Grandma, "I miss you," said, Rachel as she hugs her grandmother. "I miss you too little one but why are you so mad," said, Aaliyah. "You will see soon," said Rachel with a frown. "Where is mom grandma?"   "Lena is on a date with Kara," said Aaliyah with a smile. "No way," said Rachel with a smile. "It's true," said Natsuki.  "Yes, I win the bet so pay up," said Rachel with a smile. "Quinn, I have more money for our date tomorrow night," said, Rachel. "All of you should know by now not to bet against Rachel," said, Quinn. "She is going to be wrong one day," said Natsuki as the others nod their agreement. "I doubt that," said, Quinn with a smile. "So are you going to introduce us to the new family members," said, Aaliyah? "You do it, the love I am going to the Library," said  Rachel in anger. "Wow-what got Ray so angry," said Nat turning to look closely at the group at seeing Henry she said "nevermind I know why"looking at Henry with a glare then says "this is not your town so you will not disrespect Regina or anyone here for you will be punished for it."   "That's the boy you told us about," said Neo looking at Henry. Natsuki growls in anger and nod.

Neo look at Henry and said, "you know what I would have given to have someone like Regina as a mom to take care of and love me the way she did to you I don't understand why You throw her away like she mints nothing to you boy" said Neo in anger.   "We will not allow anyone to hurt her anymore and that includes you," said Neo looking at Henry closely as she glared at him.   "True for she is family and we will love her like she was meant to be," the others said with glares.   "Don't worry Rachel told him that we will not tolerate it for if he even does it that he will return to his earth" said, Quinn. "Good" yell everyone. "So let me introduce the rest of our new family," said, Quinn with a smile. Everyone was happy to meet the others but they were more cautious with Emma and Henry.

Emma was happy because they accepted Regina right away and protect her at all costs. Regina was in shock for she didn't know how they can expect her so easily. Male and the rest were the same. Aaliyah saw this and said "they accept you all so easily because Rachel loves all of you so don't be afraid when the girls start to call you aunts.

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