chapter 20

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"Aunt Prue" yelled Natsuki ran to Prue and hug her when she let go of Rachel. "Little Seiko," said Prue with a smile. "All of you I would like to introduce Prue Halliwell I call her last night if she could come and help me train Rachel," said, Seren.  But what we felt outside it looks like we have a new student" said Prue looking at Quinn. "What do you mean," said, Quinn? "I mean young lady that you two finally admitted your love for each other so by doing that your souls merge and your red thread of faith strength.  "My god you just admitted and your bond is so bright I am afraid to see it when you two sleep together," said Prue in awe as she look at Rachel and Quinn.

"Aunt Prue" yells at Rachel as she blushes. "What comes here I will show you," said Prue as she pulls Rachel close to Quinn. "Ok now hold hands and close your eyes as they did Pure turn to the others and said "I will do the same because I am not kidding they are bright and all of you will see it along with their red thread."  Everyone closes their eyes at hearing that. Prue went close to Quinn and Rachel and pour a liquid in their joint hands and said, "ok now I want all of you to open your eye slowly."  Everyone did as they did they look at Quinn and Rachel and they all gasped for they saw Quinn and Rachel glow but in that glow, they could make out a red thread that by seeing it was becoming a cocoon around them.

"Pure I never saw anything like this," said Seren in awe. "Me either but I heard of it for Rachel and Quinn here have found each other in all your life's that you have lived," said Prue in awe. "They will be stronger than you thought," said Seren in awe. Pure just nods and walks around the tow and says "my god we are going to need my sister's help."  "Why what do you see," said, Seren. "If this keeps growing the why I predict and what I am seeing in their past lives they will be able to use the powers they had in their past lives," said Prue in awe. "What can of powers did they have," said, Seren. "Rachel here she was a healer along with Quinn it looks like they could touch anyone and heal them but that is not all in another life they both weld the powers to control the elements but each controls different ones but what I found more extraordinary is that that the souls of there daughters are here with them too," said Pure in shock. 

"What" yells everyone in shock. "Yes, you all are," said Prue pointing to Mikoto, Neo, Aio, and Haruka along with Brittany. "So that means that in some of our past life one of us where a man," said, Quinn. "Nope, you two have always been a woman," said, Prue.  "But how did we were able to have children together," said, Quinn in shock. "I don't know but it shows that they have been yours for  Mikoto here has been your daughter more 2 lifetimes along with Neo here Aoi and Haruka and Brittany has been 1 time. "How about the rest of us aunt Pure," said Natsuki.

"Lena, where she has been Rachel's mom for half of Rachel's soul existence the other she was still there in other ways," said Pure. Sam and Holly, have been around in Quinn and Rachel's life as teachers or as family members" said Pure. "What about Santana and Noah," said Natsuki.  Who said Pure. "Those two," said Natsuki pointing at them. "Oh them they are connected by them as protectors they have protected the half of their existence too for Santana here has existed since Brittany has come to exist for they are soul mate."  "Noah's path has always come to cross Quinn and Rachel for his soul mate has away come into Rachel and Quinn's life Just as you Seren," said Pure.

"You have not told us about Shizuru here," said, Seren. "Shizuru here as you know is Natsuki's soul mate if they keep finding each other these two will become as powerful as Quinn and Rachel one day for they have found each other for many life's too for their souls have power but they will not reach them yet for they are not as old as Rachel and Quinn," said Pure. "Have they met Quinn and Rachel in their past lives?" said, Sam. "I thought it was obvious Natsuki and Rachel have always met since Natsuki's soul has been born they were always been friends but always love each other as sisters that have always been and always will be," said Pure.

Quinn and Rachel just look at each other and smile. Mikoto smiled and said, "that's why I always want to be next to Ray."  "Yes, the little one that's why you have been happy since meeting Ray, and Quinn," said Pure. "But why do I want to be close to Ray more," said Mikoto with a smile?  "Because little one you and Neo are the ones that she gives birth to," said Pure. "Quinn gives birth to the rest," said Pure.

"I have to go call my sister's also Quinn you will have to stay here for a week," said Pure. "Why," said Quinn in confusion. "Let me show you," said Quinn as she moves Quinn a few feet away from Rachel as she did Rachel and Quinn hiss in pain. Pure quickly pull Quinn to Rachel's side. "What was that" Pure"? said Judy and Lena walking to their daughters.  "They will not be able to separate from each other until the connection between them is finished they will be in pain but each day that passes they will be able to step away from each other," said Pure.

"I will bring her clothes later," said, Judy. Why don't we order some food so we can relax said, Holly?  Rachel and Quinn seat down and talk with the others Rachel said "Quinn what do you think about what happened right now." I can't believe we have always found each said Quinn caressing Rachel's cheek with a smile. Mikoto smile and seat by Mai and kisses her cheek. As everyone was waiting and was busy talking and laughing

On the other side of town, Kurt and Mercedes were talking about how they planned to kill Rachel and other people that made their life hell but what they didn't know was that outside there was a van that was listening to everything they were saying.

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