chapter 29

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"Wives" yell at Rachel in anger as she too walks out of the room living everyone in shock.

"What just happened," said Leo to his mom. "That my dear son is your daughter's soul trying to resolve Quinn's anger that she carries within her soul for what happened here," said Aaliyah.   "You knew this will happen," said, Kevin. "I knew it would happen one day if they ever Visit the lands they live before," said, Aaliyah. "Why did you lie to me Eleanor" yells Quinn in tears? "I didn't mean to you have to believe me Selling I was truly fighting to stay with you and our son Connor" yells Rachel in tears.

Quinn just broke down crying as she fell to the floor in tears. "Oh, my love please believe me I was fighting to come back to you tow I didn't live because I wanted to," said Rachel in tears.   "Please don't be angry anymore my love," said Rachel in tears. Quinn just nods as she sobs and hugs Rachel and cries in her arms as they hug and begin to glow. "What just happened," said Quinn and Rachel as the glow stops. Then less than a second later they both blush as they remember what happened. They turn around to see their family and friends look at them in shock.

"Something is not resolved," said Aaliyah as she walks close to the tow. "What do you two remember," said, Aaliyah?   "Everything about our lives here this time," said Rachel and Quinn at the same time. "What did you mean something was not resolved," said, Quinn.   "You two have not forgiven each other," said, Aaliyah. "We have," said both Quinn and Rachel.  "Then something else happened that your souls may not be at peace,"  said, Aaliyah.

"I think I know what happened," said, Seren. "What Miss I mean aunt Seren," said, Rachel. "You kept saying that you didn't lie about your health why is that," said Seren. "Because I was getting better my personal made never lift my side but when our son's fiancé Fiona took her duties I started feeling differently those days  I felt I was getting better but on others, I felt weak like my lungs were on fire and my vision blurry," said Rachel in tears. 'In those days that you felt better was Fiona by your side," said, Lena. "No, they were the days that she could not take care of me,"  said Rachel with a sad look.

At that moment Quinn glared and yell "that the vandal women" in anger. "Selling I mean Quinn what is going on,"  said, Rachel. "That vandal of a woman murdered you," said Quinn in anger. "Excuse me, gentlemen and ladies I am going to come down my wife," said Rachel as she pulls Quinn out of the room every one of them stood shocked at what they heard and saw. "I think that we should call the other mom they could help them better," said, Seren. "Yes, we should," said Aaliyah with a smile. At that moment Quinn and Rachel came in where Quinn had a pout and Rachel had a smirk.

"Have any of you know what happened to our son?" said, Rachel. "We are sorry but we don't know," said Aaliyah with a sad look. "But we think we know the people who can help you tow," said, Aaliyah. "Please call them we want to know," said, Rachel. "We will call them now," said, Aaliyah. Quinn that been pouting said "can we go into our home now" as she crossed her arms.  "It is not our home any more love," said, Rachel with a sad look. "I know but I want to see how it is now," said a Quinn pouted. "Go my daughter will drive you in there," said, Aaliyah. "We all will go," said, Leo.

When they went into the Castle Rachel sobbed as she walks around it and said "is so different I don't feel the love I always felt as we enter our home."  "I know love when I first came here it was like coming home for the first time as well I  felt safe in many years," said Quinn with a small smile. "Hmm if a remember correctly you didn't stop looking at my ass as my father and mother and I show you around," said Rachel as she got close to Quinn and kiss her neck, and whispered, "I also remember what you did to me a month later."   "Not the time love," said Quinn in frustration. Rachel just laughs then went to their room and said "love do you think our family secret Vault is still here" said Rachel. 

"Probably you and our friends did Create it," said Quinn.  "Let's go see if it is still here," said Rachel.  "Let go," said Quinn as they open the wall of their old bedroom and went all the way down when they reach a cave that looks like it covers the walls with metal and other material. Everyone looks shocked at what they were seeing. "It still in one piece," said, Rachel. "Of course, you and Aurora created it," said Quinn with a smile.

Rachel was about to open the vault when Quinn yells "wait love."   "What is wrong," said, Rachel.   "Let's look for a booby trap Aurora would have done it to stop anyone Who found it and try to take what is ours along with our friend's help," said Quinn with a worried look.   "You are right," said, Rachel. Rachel along with Quinn found all the traps that were in the door so they open the door they all saw a skeleton that looks to be a woman in a pile of gold coins all around the room there were gold, silver, and diamonds of all colors and size. There were even crowns and gold swords and daggers. Rachel and Quinn Ignore them when they saw two books. "That's my diary but what is this," said Rachel with a sad look. "It looks like Aurora's diary," said Quinn as she opens for, Rachel was in tears. "Yes, it is Aurora for it looks like her handwritten," said, Quinn.   "Let's see what it says anything about what happened to Conner," said, Rachel. They both read the part where they found Selling dead in their bed as Conner morn his other mother's death Aurora ran into his bedroom and told him that his mom was murdered by his fiance.

But as she showed him the proof he had gotten his sword and almost kills his fiancé in anger but Aurora stops him because they will tell their people what the vile women did. 3 years later Conner marries Aurora's daughter sky they roll their people just as his mother did. They had 1 son and 2 daughters. "He names them after us and he names his son after his birth father Alexander," said Rachel with tears. "Why did they bring this down here," said Rachel. "Love is for us," said, Quinn. "What do you mean," said, Rachel?   "Read this," said Quinn in tears.

My dear sister you are probably wondering why I lift my diary and this richest we did this for you and especially for your love Selling for when I found out what the vile women did to the two of you I wanted to kill her in my grief and anger but my love Eve told me not to consume my soul in Vengeance so I did what you would have done my sister I told your son what she did and we both put her to trial in front of are people that put her to death but her friend helps her getaway but she dies by my hand in this Vault where she tries to still your gold we left her body here. 1 year after your death I keep haven this recording dreams about you and Selling so I seek help and I found out that what that woman did to the two of you and how Selling felt would have tainted her so
Your souls and that you tow will return to seek out what happened in your lives here so I talk to your son how got excited and sad knowing what Fiona did hurt you two that much so we lift this richest and this books for you my sister and Selling. Oh and Selling better not hurt her for I will come back and hurt you as I did the first time you made her cry.

Believing in myselfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora