chapter 36

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When Emma said that grumpy came in and yelled "help" as he collapses. Emma was about to touch him when Regina said "don't touch him."   "What why," said, Emma. "Look at him the fairy dust is hurting him if it is who knows what it could do to any of us," said Regina as she goes to examine Grumpy.   "Call your father and tell them to go check the mines but not to go in there," said Regina.   "Rachel dear can you tell me what you see," said Regina calling her over. Everyone made room for Rachel to get close to Regina.

At seeing grumpy and being close to examine him Rachel's eyes widen and said "good call in saving the sheriff's life Regina for the sheriff would have died at touching him for he is still alive for the way he was created."  "Can you help him?" said, Emma.   "Yes, I can help him," said Rachel as she looks at Regina that smiles at her and nodded.  "Seeing Regina nods Rachel put her hands over grumpy and a white light covers grumpy as it glows stops grumpy seat up and looks around and said, "you got to help my brothers they are stuck in the mines."   Rachel got up and said 'no one can go in there yet for they will die at entering the mines to look for your brothers."   "We can't live them down there to die" yell Grumpy in anger. "I didn't say that we just need to arm ourselves before entering the mind," said, Rachel.

At saying that Rachel turn to Regina and said: "my I use your vault so I can make potions to use on the creature that is down there."   Regina nods at her and says "tell me if you need anything that is not there" said, Regina.   "I will" say Rachel as she teleports away.   "Emma you are not going to listen to that child or you," said Snow in anger.   "Snow then you go and look for them and see if she is not saying the truth," said, Emma. Regina just holds her smile at seeing Snow's shocked face. It took Rachel 10 minutes to get some potions ready to protect themselves. "I have only enough for 4 people," said Rachel teleporting next to Regina.   "Good Regina can you take us there with your magic," said, Emma. Regina just waves her hand and only teleports to Emma herself and Rachel.

"Can you tow help to get them out of the mind?" said, Emma.   "We will" say, Regina. Emma looked at Rachel for confirmation Rachel just said "what she said."   David, you are with me Regina is with Rachel right" said Emma. "Yes, that is my name," said, Rachel.   "You can't let them they could kill them rather than help them," said, David.   "You are right he is an idiot and a one-track mind," said Rachel to Regina.   "What did you say," said David in anger?   "Wow, he is a deputy with hard of hearing too," said Rachel with a sarcastic voice as she look at David. "Ow," said Rachel rubbing her head. "Stop provoking the idiot," said, Regina. "But it's so easy" whined Rachel as she look at Regina.   Regina just crosses her arms and lifts her left eyebrow at her.   "Find I will just say my comeback in my head," said, Rachel. "Good," said Regina as she gives her a one-arm hug. Emma just smiles as she looks at them.   They all enter the cave and have been there for 10 minutes of David complaining when Rachel yells stop.  "What is it  Rachel," said, Regina? "They are in there," said Rachel as she pointed to an opening that they just passed.   "You sure," said, Regina. "Yes, I am," said, Rachel.   "They can't be that way Grumpy said that he left them 1 mile ahead of us," said, David. "They are not they are there," said Rachel as she moves the way she knows the rest of the dwarfs were.

The rest follow her and stop as they heard growing. "Oh, I know what it is," said Rachel as she ran tours the growing. Regina runs after her along with David and Emma. They stop as they saw Rachel throw the potions at the creature and they saw it melt the black liquid away from it and a dog appears. Regina, Emma, David throw your potions at dwarfs to free them said Rachel as she holds the dog. "Now how are we going to get them out of here," said David as he was going to pick up one of the dwarfs?   "No stop" yell Rachel. "what now," said David as he turns to Rachel and glared.   "You can't touch the black liquid it will kill you they are alive for they are magical creatures even Regina, Emma, and myself could get hurt if we touch it," said Rachel with a worried look. David at that moves away from it and looks worried. "What do we do," said, David?

Rachel turns to Regina and said, "I am going to levitate them all at once when we get them out I will put water on them but when I do that I might faint so please just take me to your house."   "I will," said Regina looking worried at Rachel. Rachel moves the 6 dwarfs at one and all of them walk out as they did everyone in town was there waiting for them when Rachel put the 6 dwarfs on the ground Snow and some people were walking close to them but were stopped by David, Emma, and Regina from coming close to them. Rachel with the rest of her energy and started to collect water from around her and move it onto the dwarfs and drop it in the dwarfs Rachel fell to the floor on her knees sweaty and breathing hard. "Rachel" yells Regina as she ran tours her. "Are you ok?" said Regina with a concerned voice as she helps Rachel up. "I will but pleased tell Emma not to let anyone go in there for is too dangerous with that liquid in there," said Rachel as she fainted in Regina's arms.

Emma, David along Ruby heard what Rachel said Emma turns turn to Regina and said "don't worry we will close the mind and post gourds to stop anyone from going in there."   Regina nods and teleports herself and Rachel away. "You can't be serious believe them, Emma," said Snow in anger.   "Like I told you in the diner if you don't believe Rachel go in there and touch it and see what happens," said Emma in anger. The blue fairy appears and said, "Snow the girl was telling the truth and that the liquid in there will kill anyone that touches it that has no magical powers and once they do will die slowly and painfully." Everyone can hear the fear of the blue fairy as she spoke.

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