chapter 9

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On the way to the car, Quinn calls Santana.

Santana: what up Q.

Quinn: Santana where are you at.

Santana: I am at home with Brittany and Puck and their moms are here too.

Quinn: good me and my mom will be there soon I need to talk to all of you.

"There are all at Santana home mom," said, Quinn. "Ok, will go there now," said, Judy. When they got there Maria open the door as she saw the two of them her smile disappear and come to a worried one and said: "What's wrong."  "Where are Santana and the others," said, Quinn?  "They are In the living room," said, Maria. "Good, we need to talk is very important," said Judy. "Santana turns the movie off now," said Quinn using her command voice. At hearing it Santana turns off the tv right away and turns to Quinn. "What's wrong," said Brittany seating up right away.

"We have a problem," said Quinn in anger when all the moms came into the living room and seat down. "What happened is Rachel ok," said Noah with a worried voice. "The last I hears she doing ok," said, Quinn. "Then what is it," said, Noah?   "If you would be quiet I will tell you to" snapped out Quinn. "Sorry," said, Noah. "Well, you all know that Miss Holliday told me to stay after glee along with Tina and Mike," said Quinn. They nod to keep going. That was when she told them everything about what happened in the meeting along with the plan to stop them.

When she was done everyone stays quiet as they process everything that Quinn just said. "Why are they so mean to Rachel for she never done anything to them" cried Brittany in tears? Santana just put Brittany in her lap and let her cry in her arms. "People just mean baby," said, Santana. "What do you want us to do Cap," said, Santana. "Help me protect Rachel when she comes back to school and not let anyone hurt her anymore," said Quinn. "You got it no one will touch Rachel anymore," said Noah frowning.

The next day after school Quinn went by herself to go see Rachel as she went into the room she saw that Rachel was awake. "Oh thank God you are awake," said Quinn with a big smile on her face. Rachel hearing Quinn turns to  Quinn and smile made her eyes lit up with happiness. Quinn didn't even turn to see who was in the room she just walks to Rachel's bed and seat in it and hugs her as best she could and cry in Rachel's arms.

Rachel turns to her family and made eye contact with Natsuki that telling Natsuki with her eyes to take everyone out of the room. Natsuki got the message and nodded to her sister then told everyone in a quiet voice to let them have some privacy. When Rachel saw that everyone was out of the room to close her eyes and hug Quinn more into herself. "I am ok Quinn," said Rachel as she hugs Quinn more into her. "Why didn't you tell me what Finn was doing to you Rachel" sobbed Quinn in tears?   "I didn't know you would believe me, Quinn," said Rachel with a sad look.  "I would have Rachel for you are not a liar," said Quinn in tears.

"You would have believed me," said Rachel in shock. "Of course, I would I may not know you that well but I know you never like to lie to no one," said Quinn in a tear. "I am sorry Quinn if I knew you would have believed me I would have told you," said Rachel with a sad look. "Don't be sad Rachel it's my fault for the way I treated you was wrong I knew you were sad and I saw that you were about to quit glee and when you did it made me so happy for I knew you would be happy away from us and you where for each day I saw you I could see the light in your eyes grow more with happiness?" said Quinn as she put her head in Rachel's shoulder. "I am truly sorry for being one of them the people that almost cost the light in your eyes dimmer said Quinn with tears as she kisses Rachel's palm.

"I forgive you, Quinn," said Rachel turning to look Quinn in the eyes. "You are too kind Rachel," said Quinn.  All Rachel did was smile as she kisses Quinn's cheek and said I know that you, Santana, Brittany, and Noah were the only ones from glee that came and see me Quinn I was surprised at first but my sister told me that all 4 of you would stay with me and help my family by getting them food or something to drink for that I am grateful."

Rachel saw that Quinn look like she has not slept so she said "Quinn can you do something for me."  "Anything Rachel," said Quinn smiling. "Get under the covers with me please," said, Rachel. "I don't want to hurt you, Rachel," said, Quinn. "You won't my bruises hill already so don't worry," said Rachel lifting the covers. "Please I am kind of tired and I don't want to be alone," said Rachel giving Quinn a sad look. "Not fair Rachel said Quinn with a pout. All Rachel did is smile as Quinn took her shoes and got in the bed with her.

"Sleep Quinn, I am ok so rest," said Rachel putting her head in Quinn's chest both fell asleep right away. 1 hour later, Lena, Natsuki, and Shizuru found them asleep all 3 smiled at that as they close the door and went back to the Waiting room. "Can we go back in the room?" said, Leo. "They are asleep," said, Lena. At that moment Dr. Lopez passes by with Rose they stop when he saw them. "I was about to go and talk to all 3 of you," Leo said to Dr. Lopez. "Is everything ok?" said Lena with a worrying voice?   "Everything is ok don't worry your little girl is ok," said, Dr. Lopez.   "Rachel, is not my daughter," said Lena with a blush.

"She is not," said Dr. Lopez and Rose along with Natsuki's friends in shock.   "Lena is the closest mom that Rachel and Natsuki have so is ok for you to tell her anything that involves her girls," said, Kevin.   "Ok, you will have to sign some papers then," said, Rose.   "Oh, we already did there in Rachel's medical papers already," said, Leo. "Ok, then what we wanted to tell you all 3 was that  Rachel is doing so well that if she keeps doing this well she will be able to go home by Friday," said Dr. Lopez with a smile.

"That's fantastic Ray will be so happy," said, Leo. "When will she be able to go to school," said Kevin?   "If she can walk for one mile I will let her go back to school for half a day," said Dr. Lopez.  "How about when she will be able to sing and be able to drive her motorcycle," said, Lena.  "In 6 weeks I will probably give her the go-ahead if she does not overdo it in her physical therapy," said, Dr. Lopez.

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