chapter 52

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"For you, Lena will never be too busy Ray," said, Kara with a warm smile. "You think so," said Rachel smiling shyly at Kara. "You have no idea how much Lena loves you don't you," said Kara. "Come on I will take you to L corp and leave you with Lena and I will go have lunch with Alex," said, Kara. "Ok," said Rachel as she was being pulled to the elevator. What both didn't see was Cat and the rest of the coworkers looking at them with interest. Kara and Rachel made it to L corp they stopped by Jess for Kara to say "hi Jess this is Rachel." "You are the Rachel Lena always talks about," said Jess in awe.

"I am," said, Rachel with a smile. "It is so good to meet you Miss Luther always talks about how you are the one to help her with the new technology and medicines she has made these 5 years," said, Jess in awe. "Thank you, Ms. Han," said Rachel shaking Jess's hand. "Is Lena in?" said, Kara? "Yes, you two can go right in," said, Jess. "Lena, I have a surprise for you," said, Kara. "What would that be darling," said Lena turning to Kara? Seeing that she had Lena's attention she moves to the side so Lena would see Rachel. "Oh my god, Rachel," said Lena smiling as she gets up and hugs Rachel. "I miss you so much," said, Lena. "I will leave the two of you to catch up," said Kara with a smile.

Kara landed at the DEO where she saw Winn and Alex talking. "Hi, what are you two up to today," said Kara with a smile as she passes them some burgers. "Nothing much just the usual," said Alex? "So gest what Rachel is here she is right now catching up with Lena at L corp," said, Kara with a big smile. "No way how long is she staying and are the others with her," said, Winn with a big smile. "I don't know how long she is staying and I don't know who is with her," said, Kara. "We should have a party and invite the rest of the Super Friends they would love to see Rachel in person," said Kara with a smile. "I will make the calls," said Alex with a smile.

Back at L Corp.

"How have you been Lee," said, Rachel? "I have been so happy these past 5 years Kara has been so wonderful we have our arguments but we always step back and talk it out when we both come down and see our sides." "Kara told me that she got that advice from Quinn that you and her do that when you argue," said Lena with a smile. "It works, doesn't it?" said Rachel with a smile. "It does for it makes us communicate more with each other," said, Lena. "So what happened to Kara's family are they getting into your relationship like they use to," said, Rachel. "No they all apologize for the way they treated me and how they got in why the only one that could not see us together was James who move out of National City when Cat fired him when he tries to fire Kara," said Lena with a sad look. "He tries to go back to Metropol but when Clark heard what he try to do to Kara Clark didn't take him back at doing that James said he will tell the world about their identities but we stop him stop by removing Kara and Clark's identity from his mind," said, Lena. "Where is he now," said, Rachel? "James is working on a paper in New Orleans he remembers that he was friends with Clark and Kara but that he had a big fight with Kara for going out with me and with Clark for letting her be with me but James does not know that they are aliens," said, Lena. "Good, I am glad everything turns out well for your two," said Rachel with a smile.

"What about you how have you been," said, Lena. "I have been good going to College getting my Dr in engineering and bachelors in business. My mom had a baby boy name, Ethan Leo Danvers." "Oh, and I want your help in getting Quinn an engagement ring also I am planning on haven Noah take over San Francisco's new Howling wolf office there," said Rachel. "Wow go back did I hear you want to propose to Quinn," said Lena smiling at her. "Yes, I am ready to marry Quinn for she is the love of my life," said Rachel with a smile. "Oh my god, I am so happy for you," said, Lena with happiness. "I already ask Judy and her sister Fran for permission to marry Quinn they told me is about time I ask Quinn for they have been waiting for me to ask to marry since we turn 18," said Rachel with a smile.

"What do you have a plan," said, Lena. "I was wondering if you can help me make the ring here for if I make it back home Quinn will find out," said Rachel. "Let me see what you want to make," said Lena with a smile. "It is a simple design of a Claddagh for it represents everything I want to be in our relationship love, loyalty, and friendship (the hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty) but I put the Infinity symbol for that how long I want this marriage to last," said Rachel with a smile.

"God, I hope Kara does something like this for my ring," said Lena with a smile as she look at the design. At this Rachel make a scared face. "What happen," said Lena with an amusing look. "well, I show mom the design and she told Kara why she never thought about doing something so thoughtfully with their engagement ring so she was in the dog house for about 2 weeks along with Nat and the rest of my friends with their love once," said Rachel with a pout.    "No," said Lena with an amusing look. "Yes everyone did not talk to me for weeks Lena," said Rachel with a pout.  "Come on let us start making your ring," said Lena with laughter.     They work in the Lab all day they talk about what is going on in their life and what their plans are. By 8 Kara came and got both of them out of the lab and took them to Mig bar where all the Heros along with Eliz waiting for them. Rachel just smiles and hugs everyone. No way you have a karaoke machine said Rachel smiling at that.

"You sing," said Thea in a surprised voice. "yes, I do I even write some music," said, Rachel. "Lilly" yells Rachel as she ran to her and hugs her. "Wow, you write your music," said, Thea in shock.     "Oh, you just found out Ray here loves music," said Lilly hugging Ray.    "Yes," yell all the Heros. "I have my guitar in my car you can play them songs kid," said, Lilly.    "Sure why not but I don't know if I am allowed to play here," said Rachel.    "I will go talk to Mig," said, Kara.     Kara came back with a smile and said "it was ok."

Ray started to play and said "I wrote this song when I was 15 so I hope you all like it it calls "get it right". As she started singing everyone in the bar quieted down and begin to look at her in awe even some started to dance. The Heros just stare in shock at the voice and the emotions that Rachel pore out as she sings.    "She is amazing said Thea in awe.   "She is," said everyone at the table. When Rachel finished singing everyone in the bar stood up and Applause some even whistle. "Thank you," said Rachel as she walks back to the table.

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