chapter 34

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Rachel just nods and opens the letter.

My dear little Ray of sunshine I want you to know I love you my girl and I was happy to call you my daughter. I would have loved to have been there for you and your sister but I couldn't my girl. My dear the one that can help you defeat the Wraths is Regina Mills so please go to her for her information that you need is in the Library is under the storybook read it you will need to. Also, help your mom Lena's counterpart show her to forgive her Kara if not let her anger go.

My little one doesn't stress yourself and also please make time for yourself and your love once.

"Sis what are we going to do," said Nat in tears. "You and Shizuru will go to Greece and get the Krystal's we need with Dad and daddy," said Rachel in tears. "Mom and I and the others are going to read about how to prepare the Krystal's and we are going to train because we are Rusty," said Rachel. "I can help with that I am ex-Navy seals," said, Christopher. "I am an ex-Green Beret," said, Sue. "Thank you and can you two come up with a plan on how to get us in shape," said, Rachel. 'We will" they both said at the same time. "God, we are so going to die," said Santana and Quinn as the others agree.

Everyone spends hours in the Library reading and making plans on what they need to do in the two years they have to get ready. By the time they all went to bed, it was past midnight so as their head hit the pillow, they all want to sleep. The next morning everyone woke up with their memories as they did they felt way different like Brittany can concentrate more and put her through in order. Noah was more confident with his intelligence. Haruka, Neo, Yukino, Mai, and Mikoto felt the same as Noah did. Natsuki and Shizuru are open to showing their love and confidence.

Natsuki and Shizuru along with Leo and Kevin lift for Greece to see the house and get the Krystal's they need. Sue and Christopher had the rest so tired that they fell asleep by dinner time. Natsuki and the others came back the next day with the Krystal's that they need that is when Rachel told the rest that she was leaving on another earth and to get Miss Mills' help.

"Are you sure?" said, everyone? "Yes, the sooner the better for she can help Sue and Christopher with our training," said, Rachel. "How are you living," said, Lena? "I can open portals," said Rachel opening one in the wall of the living room it looks like it was rolled by Gorillaz. "How long were you going to be gone sis," said Natsuki. "One week my be 2 said, Rachel. Here said Rachel giving everyone cell phones. "We have our cell phones sis," said Natsuki looking at the phone that Rachel gives to her. "Yes, I know but this one can work on different earth if my calculations are right," said, Rachel. "Seriously," said Neo. "Yes, I and Quinn already did a trial run yesterday so we know it works." Everyone just looks shocked as they look at their phones.  "Now please work on the Krystal's and listen to aunt Sue and Christopher," said Rachel as she hugs everyone well and said goodbye then opens a portal and walks in.

When she appeared fell to the ground in the middle of a party. "Who are you," said Emma pointing her gun at Rachel when she got up from the floor but Rachel didn't pay attention she was looking at Regina. "Miss Mills can we talk in private," said Rachel smiling at Regina. "Who are you dear," said Regina.   "I am Rachel Barry West "I came here looking for you," said Rachel with a smile. "And why would you be looking for my dear," said, Regina. "Can we talk in private, please? said, Rachel.  "Ok, follow me," said, Regina. "Great, can you just teleport us out of here for I don't like the looks of these people" whispered Rachel with a smile? Regina just smiles as she waves her hand and teleports them away from granny.

"Ok dear, what is it you want from me," said Regina as she seat in her home office?   "I came from a definite Realm that when Rachel told her ever think about what happened and what is going to happen in two years. "So you know what happened to me and what I have done and you still ask for my help," said, Regina. "Yes because you are not that person even if your son does not see that but I do," says, Rachel. "Can I think about it?" said, Regina.  "Ok, do you know where I can stay," said, Rachel? "I have a guest room you can stay in there," said, Regina. "Thank you, Miss Mills," said, Rachel with a smile. The next day Rachel went for a run and as she stops at granny's for some water that as she was paying a man with a doctor's coat came in and snort at her and said: "I get the Queen is getting her toys a lot younger."  Rachel just laughs and smirk as she said, "awe are you just jealous that her Majesty can get some and you can't."  "What did you say, girl," said the doctor in anger.

"What are you too hard hearing," said, Rachel?   "I will wash who you talk to like that girl," said the doctor. At that, Rachel put her water on the counter and punch the doctor in the face and push him to the floor as she did that she said "I know exactly who you are Frankenstein I know that you kill your brother and that you have killed more people than the even Regina herself that you along with Jefferson help that baster that calls himself the Dark One to break Regina so she can become what that baster wanted her to become for he only wanted to come to this  Realm to find his stupid son."   "Who the hell is" you spit out Frankenstein in anger. Rachel just smirk and said "that's none of your business who I am" then she got to walk and got water and thank Ruby for the water and as she left. What Rachel didn't see was that Emma and Henry were eating their breakfast and that Emma was about to help her but stop when she heard what Rachel said to vector. "My book doesn't have anything about what that girl talks about," said Henry with a confused look.

"Does it say anything about life when Regina got married or when she was a little girl?" said, Emma?
  "No, it does not," says Henry.  "At lunch, Emma found Rachel at granny where she was about to order a salad. "Hello, Sheriff," said Rachel as Emma seat down at her table. "What is it you want from Regina and what is it you know about her," said Emma.   "That sheriff is non of your businesses," said, Rachel.  "It is My business when it involves my son's mother," said Emma. Rachel just said "don't make me laugh sheriff for we both know that you don't even acknowledge that at all" as she glared at Emma with pure anger.

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