chapter 51

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It took 2 days for Oliver to approach Rachel for help he got the opportunity when he saw Rachel doing some Tai Chi by herself. When Rachel saw him she stops and said "what can I do for you Oliver."   "Will you help me stop the pain?" said, Oliver?   "Yes, but it will take 1 week for it to work," said Rachel. "Please help me," said Oliver in tears. "Ok, I will help you," said Rachel with a smile. Rachel calls her mom and Nat and told them that she will be with Oliver in China in the Temple. "Are you ready to let go of your pain Oliver?" said, Rachel?

Oliver just nods with tears in his eyes. Thea and Felicity heard and saw them and knew what was about to happy were for good for they never like to see Oliver in pain and they were glad that Oliver was doing it for all of them including for himself. The others were surprised when Natsuki told them that Rachel and Oliver will be gone the hold time they will be there. Lena and Lee look at each other with a smile and Lee said "she is doing it again."  "Yes, she is said, Lena.

During the hero's stay, they all relaxed and had fun except a few days later when Kara confronted Lena about what went wrong. "Will you ever forgive me for not telling you who I was?" said, Kara?   Eliza, Alex, Clark, and Louis that were in the next room all stop to listen. "Kara, you don't get it to do you," said Lena with sadness in her voice that they all heard.   "Get what," said, Kara. I am not mad about that for I knew the moment you and Clark walk into my office" said, Lena.   "What," said, Kara.  "I wanted you to tell me Kara to trust in me but you never did" cry out Lena. "I do trust you" yell Kara in tears.

"No, you don't for if you have you would have told me and not let Lex do it well he dies in front of me, and Lucy" cries Lena in pain.   "I want to tell you for so long but my family would not let me," said Kara in tears.   "But you never did tell me and You keep telling me that you trust me but your actions say differently Kara," said Lena in tears.  "They kept telling me not to tell you" cry out Kara in tears. "That is the point isn't it Kara you will never go against their wishes because for them I will always be evil because of my last name as well they all judge me without me even knowing who I am because to them a Luther means evil,"  said Lena in tears.

The others heard this and felt so much guilt that they all felt sick to their stomachs. "we could have been them Kara for I see them and I think to myself I could have had that if only you would have to trust me" sob out Lena. "But you prove to me that you didn't trust me with what happened with Lex," said Lena in tears.    "Please give us the chance to have what they have Lena" begged Kara in tears.    "How would I know that the next time your family thinks I am up to something evil you would believe them and treat me like you did" sob out Lena as she hug herself.    "I won't let them Lena please believe me" sob out Kara. "God, I want to Kara so much but I can't for I don't trust you with my heart anymore" sob out Lena as she steps away from Kiara.

At that moment Rachel appeared in the living room. "By the gods, you two truly are hurting so much would your permission I would like to help you two gain back what you two let others destroy," said Rachel. "How," said Lena and Kara in tears. "Step into this portal and you two will get the help you will need," said, Rachel. They both step into the portal as they left Rachel to close her eyes and said "such love for each other if only the others would have let it grow to what it would have been but no more for when they come back they will be strong and no one separated them again for there love will be Legend."

As she said that Rachel disappears What she didn't know was as she was speaking the guilt of the other begin to eat at them more. Kara and Lena returned 3 days later with smiles on their faces. Kara at seeing her family told them if they could talk in private they all nodded as they were alone Kara told them that she and Lena were together and that if they want to be in her life that they need to respect that and she will not tolerate them in treating Lena the way they use too any more at that she left them to think if they want to be in there life. When she lifted them she didn't see the smile they all had.

Oliver came the same day as Kara and Lena he hugs his wife and told her that they will talk at home and that he loves her. Felicity just smiles and hugs him back and told him she loves him too. Oliver hugs his sister too and for a long time to her, he loves her. When the heroes want a home they want with a smile on their faces told Rachel and the rest that they should visit soon their earth's. Back home Kara talks to James and J'onn. Jonn respected Kara and told her that he will stay out of her and Lena's relationship but James went on a Rampage yell and told her that Lena is just using her because she wants to kill her for she is like the rest of the Luthers. Kara told him that she is done with him and took her watch from him and didn't look back as he yells that she is making a mistake. Oliver told Felicity about what Rachel did to help him get over his demons and how doing that lifted a burden from his shoulders and now he wants to move forward with her and their child.

5 years later

Rachel was getting out of the elevator in Cat corp she was here to visit but as she got out she was stopped by Cat Grant. "Who are you," said Cat?    "Hi, I am Rachel I am looking for Kara."   "Hmm," said Cat looking at Rachel up and down.    "I like your clothes dear where did you buy them," said Cat walking around Rachel.   "Thank you one of my best friends designed them," said Rachel smiling at her.    "So this a new designer," said Cat.    "Rachel" yells out Kara as she picks her up and spends her around. "Kara put me down," said Rachel laughing. "I miss you so much," said Kara as she hugs Rachel.   "I am sorry we have not seen each other in  2 years but I have been studying hard these past two years," said Rachel with a smile.   "Only you will go back to College when you already had 4 degrees and get 2 more," said, Kara.   "What can I say I am an overachiever," said, Rachel with a smile. "You just got bored because Quinn went back to school to get her Dr," said Kara with a smirk.    "So truth I miss her in dose days" whined Rachel.   "You two have been together for 8 years and you still are stronger than ever I see," said Kara with a smile.

"So what brings you here," said,d Kara. "Oh, I came here to surprise Lena for she has been telling me this past year that I need to come to Nation City are bad things will happen to me," said Rachel in a scared voice. Kara at that just laugh and said "you know that she would not do anything to you."    "I know but that woman can be very scary when she wants to be," said Rachel. "So do you know if she is busy because I want to take her to Lunch said Rachel?

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