chapter 11

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Alicia and Rachel were walking down the hall as they were talking about Jone. "What seriously I can't believe Jone did that," said Rachel as she laughs. Bam Rachel was pushed into the lockers so hard that she started to see doubles. "Are you happy now Rachel Figgins wants to close down the club because we don't have enough members" yell Shue as he slaps her so hard that she hit her head again into the lockers making her even dizzier "answer me you freak" yell Shue as he hit her in her stomach and ribs and kept repeating it until she heard Lena voice?

"That's all I remember detectives" sob out Rachel as Lena holds her and Quinn held her right hand.   Oliver and Smoak were holding their pins so hard there they could have broken if they would not learn to control their anger a long time ago. The rest of the people in the room were not any different some were crying from anger others were walking inside the room. "I don't understand why was it my fault that the club was going to close," said Rachel in tears.   "It was not Miss Barry for Figgins was stealing money from the school so when you lift the club he thought it was an opportunity to close the club and still all its money," said detective Smoke.

"What is going to happen to Will," said Lena in anger.   "He as of right now is in prison where he is being charged with assault and attempted murder," said, Oliver.   "He is not going to get away with it," said, Smoak. "Good, he deserves everything he is getting," said Natsuki. They all turn to Rachel when she said "will I have to see him in court" said Rachel in fear.  They all saw that she was scared to see Will and they look at each other with sadness.   "I am sorry but you will have to," said Smoak with a sad look that tears threaten to fall as she saw Rachel's face lose color and started to cry in Lena's arms and Quinn holding her hand as Quinn had moved into the bed when Rachel told them what had happened.

"We have to go if anyone of you has any questions just give us a call," said Oliver as he gives a card to each adult in the room. "Thank you and please don't let Will get away with what he did," said Lena wiping away her tears. "We will try Miss," said, Smoke. When they both made it outside they saw girls and a boy glare at them Neo said "you will not try you will do it because he had no right to put his hand on our wolf sister" said Neo angry at what she heard. "We will don't worry," said Oliver with a smile. "Good," said Neo still glaring.

Inside the room, Quinn was getting worried for Rachel's breathing was coming to shallow breath so she turns to Natsuki and said "go get the doctor now."  "Rachel baby tries to relax please," said Quinn in tears. "Trying to," said Rachel as she fainted. Rachel woke up 3 hours later as she did she felt someone was hugging her from behind so she turned and saw that it was Quinn. Quinn woke up when Rachel started to move closer to her. "How are you feeling Rachel," said Quinn pulling her closer into her body.

"A lot better now," said, Rachel. "What happened," said, Rachel. "You had a panic attack," said Quinn pulling Rachel more into her body fighting tears that threaten to fall. "I am ok Quinn," said Rachel move closer to kiss Quinn's cheek. "It was scary Rachel you would not wake up," said Quinn in tears. "I am so sorry for scaring you Quinn," said Rachel with a sad look. "You are ok that's all that matters now," said Quinn kissing Rachel's hand. "Where did everyone go," said Rachel when she saw they were the only ones in the room. "They went to get dinner they should be here any minute," said, Quinn.

20 minutes later Sam came into the room and smiled when she saw Quinn was with Rachel in her bed. "Hi, do you work here in the hospital miss," said Rachel in confusion?   "No, I don't I am your new Principal my name is Sam Arris," said Sam with a smile. "Oh did they fire Figgin because he was Stilling money from the school," said, Rachel. "No, we fired him because he was ignoring the rules that are to be a principal also he wanted to cover up what happened to you so when Lena found out she punch him and call me," said, Sam. "No way she did that," said Rachel with wide eyes. "You have no idea how much Lena loves you," said Sam with a smile. When she said that the door opened they heard Lena say "Natsuki keep it down your sister is, probably asleep."  "Yes, mom" they heard Natsuki say.

Rachel hides her smile in Quinn's neck. "You are awake," said Lena walking close to the bed. Rachel turns and smiles and pulls Lena by the arm and hugs her. Lena made a surprised noise but smile as she hugs Rachel back. "Ray," said Alicia as she enters with a smile. "Ali," said Rachel smiling at her. Alicia got close to Rachel and hug her. "I missed you so much Ray," said, Alicia. "Sam what are you doing here," said, Lena. "I wanted to talk to Rachel about Finn." "No not today she already talks to the police and they stress her out too much," said Lena glaring at Sam. Rachel just turns to look at Sam and Lena with curious looks.  "Mom what is going on," said, Rachel.  "Sam knows about Finn Ray I give her the recorder off when Finn tries to kiss you," said Alicia.

Rachel's eyes widen and had a scared face. "Sweetheart you don't need to tell her right now," said, Lena. "No, I want to tell her what happened," said, Rachel. "You don't have to right now if you don't want to," said, Sam.  "No, if I don't say anything right now I won't have the courage later," said, Rachel.  "Ok, take your time," said, Sam. Rachel took a deep breath and said "the first time was last year when Shue gives us the first duet."

"We were singing very well then Finn pins me to the wall and tries to kiss me I move my face away so he couldn't kiss me for I didn't like him that way and I could never hurt Quinn by kissing her boyfriend."  "He then tries to feel me up that's when I kick him in his private and push him away from me." Rachel then closes her eyes and tries to take a deep breath then she looks at Sam in the eyes and says "Then he tells me why I didn't want to kiss him and I told him that I don't have that can of feelings for him and that I would never hurt Quinn by kissing her boyfriend." Quinn hold her hand and got close to Rachel. "Finn laugh and said how can I be so stupid to care for not hurting Quinn when she does not care for me without remorse." "I told him I did not care that Quinn hated me for I did not hate her that's when I try to walk away but he got up from the floor and grab me and pull me to the floor and got on top of me and hold my hands when he did that I saw him move to unbutton his pants that's when I hit him in the head and broke his nose with my head."

"When he let go I push him away and grab my thinks and ran out of the room," said Rachel in tears.

"Has he done anything else to you" said Sam as she tries to hide her anger?

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