chapter 37

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Rachel woke up 1 hour later and went downstairs where she found Bell and Katherine helping Regina cook. "Something smells good," said, Rachel. Just then they heard the doorbell and Fred yell "I will answer it."   "What do all of you 4 want," said Fred in anger?   "We want to talk to Regina Rachel," said, David.   Fred was about to close the door on them when Regina walk close to them and said "let them in Fred."   "Find but disrespect Regina in her home you will answer to me and that means all of you," said Fred looking at Henry closely.   "Miss Swan, I was about to go and talk to you and give you this," said Regina giving Emma some papers.   "What is this," said, Emma?   "These are papers that say that Henry is now legally yours the other is for you to change his last name to Swan," said, Regina.

"You can't do this to your son" yells Emma in anger.  He is not your parents, Henry and yourself have told me repeatedly that he, is not my son now I made it so and you're angry about it" said, Regina. "I got it," said Rachel as she walks into the living room with a book.   "Got what, Ray," said Fred with a smile.   "I know of a way to get rid of that liquid but I have to go back to my world and get what we need to make the potion," said Rachel with a smile.   "Is it alright with you Regina can I bring Quinn with me?" said Rachel with a blush.  Regina just smiles and says "go bring your girlfriend here." "Yes, you are the best Regina said to Rachel as she went to hug Regina, and as she let go of Regina Rachel yell  I will be back in a few.  Regina, you cant do this said Emma as the shock at seeing Rachel open a portal so easily.

"Why do you care now that I give you what you and your son wanted in the first place," said Regina in confusion. Emma just stood in shock for she never truly wanted this in the first place. What she wanted was for her and Regina to rase Henry together.   "What are all of you doing here anyway? said Regina seeing that Emma was not talking.  "We wanted to know if you can help us get rid of that liquid in mind," said, David.   "Well, you just heard Rachel she found a way to get rid of it so you all can leave my home now," said, Regina.  "No, we are not done talking," said, Emma.   "We are Miss Swan," said, Regina. Rachel and Quinn appeared in Regina's home at that moment. "Wow, what is going on," said, Rachel? "Nothing these people are just living now," said Regina as they teleported Emma and her family away to Snow's apartment.

"She does not love me anymore" sob out Henry in tears. "Regina does love you Henry but she is now protecting herself from you so don't blame her Henry for the way you treated her was not right," said Ruby with a sad look.   "Ruby right Henry Regina give up on you to understand that she is not the evil Queen anymore and that she loves you but you didn't want to see it," said Emma with tears.   "I thought you didn't love her Henry," said, Snow.   "I do love her she is my mom" yell Henry in angry tears. "But you didn't show that you love her you have called her evil and ran from her every time you got the chance for no son that loves his mom will yell what you have and special the women that raise him the way you did and we are all at fault for we should have to stop you from disrespecting her but we never did," say, Emma with a sad look.

The next day Emma call Katherine to talk to her.   "What is it you want Sheriff said, Katherine?   "I want to know if this is real," said, Emma. "Yes, they are Regina was able to get this paper's fax and got them signed by a judge two days ago," said, Katherine.  "Why now," said, Emma. "Rachel woke up  Regina and made her see that no mother has to ever prove her love for her son especially when she was the one to rase him for 10 years and never did him any harm," said Katherine in anger.   "Tell me Sheriff if Regina was so evil why was Henry never harmed in any way growing up with her."  "Regina would have died for him just to keep him safe," said Katherine with a sad look. Emma just seat there at granny's in tears as she looks at the papers in her hands and said "I am sorry" in tears. "I am not the one you need to apologize to, Sheriff," said Katherine with angry tears.

Emma found Regina 1 hour later in the minds of Rachel and Quinn. David, Snow, Henry, and the Blue fairy were walking tours them. "Will this work love," said Quinn to Rachel as she saw Rachel poor a potion in what looked like a crystal ball.  "Yes, I am sure this will work the ball will pure the dark liquid and make it harmless to anyone we will just have to wait for it to do the work when is done it will come out of the mind until then mind workers can't work," said, Rachel.   "How long will it take to get rid of the dark liquid," said, Snow?   "It depends on how big the mind is for it's only on a crystal ball so it could be days or 1 week are 2," said, Rachel.   "Why didn't you bring more than," said Snow in anger? "1 miss I don't have to help you at all so do not use that tone with me and number 2 I only brought 1 because the rest of the ingredients I am using are being used to help save lives right now so be happy that I am helping any of you" yell Rachel at Snow in anger.

"Snow leaves you are not wanted here" yell Emma in anger.  "Love just leaves it please," said, Quinn. Rachel at that comedown and finch what she was doing when she finch the crystal ball floated to the mind and started to glow.   "There you go Regina your people will be safe," said Rachel with a smile.   "Thank you, Rachel," said Rachel hugging her and walking away with her and Quinn not paying attention to anyone that was there. When Emma returned to the apartment hours later Snow was waiting for her looking angry.   "What now Snow," said, Emma.  "You had no right to tell me to leave," said Snow.    "I did for you had no right to talk to Rachel like that at all for she is right she didn't need to help us at all," said Emma In frustration. "She is evil don't you get it" yell Snow in anger. Emma just laughs and said, "that is bull shit and you know it for 1 blue just told me and David along with Ruby and the dwarfs that girl magic is one of the purest magic she had ever seen."   At that moment David, Henry, and Ruby walk in laughing.

"What is going on," said Ruby as she felt the tension around her. "Oh, Snow here trying to tell me that Rachel is evil that's all," said, Emma.   "Rachel is not her magic in too pure," said, Ruby.   "What does that mean," said, Henry?   "It means Henry that Rachel is a good person."    "If she is that good why is she friends with the evil Queen," said Snow in anger?    "That's it I had enough of this," said Emma in anger then turned to Henry and said go pack we are leaving tonight" yells, Emma in anger.   "What do you mean leaving," said, David?   "What it sounds like I can't have my son with a person that put down his mom for you are trying to look for a Boogeyman where there is none" yelled Emma in anger.   "My son will not see you Snow in until you wake up and see that you are not in the Enchanted Forest anymore for I will not let you poison him against his mom anymore," said
  Emma as she lifted with Henry.

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