chapter 38

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As Emma lifts Snow started to cry and says "she is taking my daughter away from me."   "Who is taking her," said David in anger?   'Regina" sobs out Snow.  "No, she is not Snow is your fault" yells David hitting the table in anger.   "Why are you saying is Regina's fault when she has done nothing at all to anyone," said, Ruby in anger.   "Regina just took Emma and Henry away from me" yell Snow in tears.   "Regina did not for it's your narrow-minded mine Snow you need to let go of your past for both of you did bad things in the past," said Ruby as she walks out of the apartment.

Snow just seat there in tears as she cries Snow didn't notice a dark figure past her window. The next day Rachel walks into Granny's with Quinn they both seat at the table taking Snow came in drunk as she saw Rachel smile and taking to Quinn Snow got mad and throws a beer that she had at Rachel's head.  "Rachel" yells Quinn in shock as Rachel started to bleed.  "That is what she deserves for taking my family from me" yelled Snow smiling at what she did. "You fool" yell Ruby as she slaps Snow in the face in anger. "Call Regina and tell her to meet me at her house" yell Quinn as she picks up Rachel in her arms and teleports her to Regina's home.

Ruby ties Snow and calls Regina and told her what happens at the dinner. Emma comes and picks up Snow and puts her in a holding cell. Hours later Regina comes to the station in anger as she saw Snow sober up she growls and walks close to the holding cell and says "why would you do that to a 16-year-old child Snow."  Snow just tears up and says "I didn't know she was 16."  "So you would have still hurt her if she was older," said Regina glaring at Snow. Snow just looks down. "In all my years as the evil Queen as you give me the name I never hurt a child like you just did purposely," said Regina with a glare. "You can hate me all you can," said Regina and she got her hand in the holding cell and grab Snow's shirt and pull her close to the bars and then finish saying "but don't ever put your hands on Rachel or hurt her again for you will know what true evil is"  then she lets go of Snow and walk out of the station what Regina did not see was Henry, Emma and David have seen and heard everything.

For the next few days, Rachel had stayed inside Regina's house recovering Bell, Katherine, and Ruby had visited her along with Blue that heard what Snow did. Regina was surprised to hear that Blue told Snow that by hurting Rachel as punishment she will no longer be in favor of the fairies. So today Quinn, Regina, Katherine, and Rachel are at Granny's as they came in everyone tens up for Snow was in there eating by herself. Quinn, Regina, and Katherine glared at seeing Snow but Rachel's eyes widen and said "Why the hell would you anger a dragon, Snow White."  "What" yell everyone at the same time as they turn to Rachel. "What do you mean Rachel," said, Quinn. "Snow has been cursed recently by a dragon," said Rachel looking at Snow up and down.

Rachel's eyes widened and said "tell me you and your husband did not do that" then she turns to David and glares at both of them. "You and your husband tell your daughter what you did or you 2 will die from the curse for even I think you deserve it you pathetic fools for what you did is the worse evil in existence" yell Rachel in anger. David and Snow lost all color from their faces and try to talk but Rachel just glared at them and said "I will not help you with it for the pain that you and your husband are about to experience is what that women experience 100 more than she walks out of the dinner in anger. "Rachel" yells Quinn as she ran after her.

"Regina, you got to help us," said Snow with a scared look. "No, I am not for what Rachel said you deserve it," said Regina as she walks out of the dinner with Katherine. "Wow, I wonder what Snow did that got Rachel so mad," said Katherine.   "I don't know but I want to go find out," said  Regina as she teleport them close bay to Quinn and Rachel. "In the park, Quinn was coming down Rachel. "So want to tell me what Snow and David did that got you so mad," said Regina. Rachel told them what she saw how David and Snow stole a dragon egg from its mother and how they give it to a man that took out Emma Darkness and put it in the child as they finish the spell he opens a portal and separated the child from its mother.

Quinn hugs Rachel as she cries but Regina and Katherine could tell that she wanted to go hunt down Snow and David and hurt them for what they did to the child. "What did the dragon look like," said Regina when Rachel come down. "She is purple with long horns with beautiful green eyes said, Rachel. Regina's eyes widen as she said "that sounds like Maleficent."  In saying that  Maleficent appears in front of Regina with a smile. "Hello, an old friend," said, Male. Regina surprised Male with a hug as she said "I am sorry my friend for everything I did to you."  Maleficent just smiles and hugs her back and said: "I have been checking up on you Regina and I have seen that you have changed especially when this young one came to town."

"Miss Maleficent can I have some of your blood," said Rachel. "What for," said Male with a cautious look.  "I think your daughter is on this earth if she is I can find her with a drop of your blood and putting in the cellphone I created a magical tracker that works outside the barrier that surrounds the town," said, Rachel. Male had tears in her eyes as she magical a needle in her hand and drop her blood on the screen where Rachel told her to. They all hold their breath as it stops scanning. Rachel smiled and said, "We found your daughter her name is Lilly page she is in New York and right now she is working at a dinner name Blue moon."

"Oh my god, my daughter is here and so close" crying Male in her friend's arm in happiness. "We can all go and tell her what happened and what she truly is Male," said, Rachel. "But I can't leave I will lose my memories," said, Male in tears. "You won't," said Rachel and touched Male in her hand as she did that Male felt an energy pass by her. "What did you do," said Male with a smile?  "You will now get to pass the barrier as well as use your magic outside of it," said, Rachel with a smile.  "What," said Male with happiness. "I get to go and pick Lilly up and tell her that she has family that loves her said Male with happy tears.  "Kate how would you like to go with us and pick up Lilly," said Quinn with a smile. "Yes I would love to go," said Kate. Quinn did the same to Kate. "What about Regina," said, Kate. "Oh, I did that to her the first day when we went shopping out of town," said Rachel. "Ow," said Regina as Kate hit her in the back of the head. "What was that for," said, Regina? "For not taking me with you" yell at Kate in anger.

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