chapter 15

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They both pretended to be asleep until Natsuki came back and knock on the door and yell "Ray's mom saying to wake up so you can eat" as she opens the door. "I am up sist," said Rachel as she moves off from Quinn that making her pout when she did. Rachel didn't see it but Natsuki and Shizuru did see it. "Ow," said Rachel, and tears fell from her eyes. Right away all three went to her side and said "are you ok."  "It hurts"  Rachel cried out in tears. "Shizuru go get mom she has Ray's medicine," said Natsuki with a worried voice.  Shizuru ran and went to go get Lena. "Rachel just lay down please you will feel better," said Quinn with a concerned voice.

Lena came in running with Leo, Kevin, Sam, and Holly all looking worried.  "Mom does something," said Natsuki in tears. "I will baby just go get a heating pad for her it will help her with the pain," said, Lena. When she saw Natsuki leave Lena went to Rachel's side and give her pills along well checking her stitches. "You pull a Stich sweet girl," said Lena as took out Rachel's bandages that were bleeding. Lena was almost done when Natsuki came into the room and her eyes widened when she saw the blood in the bandages that Lena took off. "Mom is Rachel ok," said Natsuki in tears. "I am ok Nat," says Rachel as she is trying to breathe normally again. "Quinn can you help Rachel use her inhaler please," said Lena. Sam give Quinn the inhaler that was on the table. Quinn shook it and put it in Rachel's mouth and press it two times as she did they all saw that Rachel was breathing normally again making everyone sigh with relief when they saw this.

When Lena finish cleaning Rachel up and putting on new bandages everyone saw that Rachel was getting sleepy again. "I am sorry but you can't go to sleep sweetheart you have to eat," said, Lena. "But mom I am sleepy," said Rachel. "Not sleeping yet sweetheart I will go get you your food you are going to eat here ok," said, Lena. "Ok," said, Rachel. "Can I eat here with her?" said, Quinn. "Can I to mom?" says Natsuki. "Ara I would like to eat here too," said Shizuru with a smile she might not know Rachel but she has heard a lot about her from Natsuki and she likes what she has told her.

"Alright, you 4 can eat here," said Leo, Lena, and Kevin with smiles. They all said "thank" but Shizuru said "Okana."  The others left as each said to Rachel "to be careful not to get hurt again."  Rachel just nods and says "she will try."  When Quinn and the others were eating they notice that Rachel was hardly eating her food. "Ray, please eat," said Natsuki with a concerned voice. "I am not that hungry," said Rachel in a small voice. "At least try it I gave mom mama's recipe for your favorite soup and I try it and it tastes exactly like mama," said Natsuki.

  "does it taste really like mama soup," says Rachel looking at the soup.  "Yes, it does," says Natsuki with a warm smile. At that Rachel eat some of it and her eyes widen in surprise when she finishes swallow it she said: "just like mom Seiko" in a surprised voice. That's when she started to eat with a smile but she didn't finish eating for she couldn't eat more so she pouts and said: "men I wanted to eat all of it but I can't." The others laugh at her at how cute she looks with her pout. 'Don't worry mom made you enough for later sist" said Natsuki. "That is great tell mom thank you for making mom Seiko soup I always Miss mom soup when I am sick or feeling down."

Natsuki give her a sad smile and said "I know the feeling sist for I do have mess mom soup too."  "Hey, sist do you want to play the game we use to play when we were kids," said Natsuki. "The card-guessing game," said Rachel with a smile. "Yeah, I want to know if you still got it," said Natsuki. "What game," said Shizuru and Quinn in confusion. "You will see," said Natsuki with a smile then ran out of the room. When she came back with flashcards Natsuki took the cards and said "Ready sist" said Natsuki with a smile. Rachel nodded. "ok what is it," said Nat. "3 Diamonds," said Rachel.  Natsuki kept doing that until she was going fast and Rachel kept getting everything right all 4 didn't notice that Lena, Holly, and Sam came into the room and were looking at the 2 in shock. 

"How did You do that," said Quinn, Shizuru, Sam, Lena, and Holly in awe. Rachel and Natsuki turn around to see their mom and her friends. Rachel just shrugs her shoulders. "Hey, sist want to play the other game."  "Nat, you know I haven't played these games since we were separated I don't know if I still can," says Rachel.  "Come on try," said Natsuki with a pouting. "Find go get the notebook," said, Rachel.  "Yes," said Natsuki running to her room and getting the notebook. "Ok, sist what did I draw," said Nat as she seat down in the bed. Rachel closes her eyes then opens them and smiles as she said "yes I am happy to be back."  Natsuki turns her notebook so the others can see it and it read you don't have to say my question but answer me this are you happy to be back.

The others just look in shock. "This is a trick right," said, Sam. "Nope, you want to try," said Natsuki. "Ok, have it here," said, Sam. She took a few minutes then Sam closes the notebook and said "what is it" as she smirked. Rachel just blink and said "a dolphin, star, and car," said, Rachel. When Sam heard the dolphin her Jaw dropped and her eyes when widening more with each answer at the end she just opens the notebook and shows everyone what she Draws. "Ok, my turn but I am going outside," said, Holly.

Rachel just groins as she put her head on Quinn's shoulder.  "What wrong sist," said Natsuki with a concerned look.  "Headache I have not done that for 3 years, Nat," said, Rachel. That was when Holly came in with a smile and said So what is it"?  Rachel just rolls her eyes and smiled as she said "face with a tongue sticking out."  "No way there is no way you would know whined Holly.

"I am going to sleep," said Rachel as she lay down and close her eyes. "Can you tell us what is it that I saw Natsuki?" says, Lena. "Look, mom, I wanted Rachel to start to use her powers again because I am 100% sure that if she still had used them this would have not happened and to answer your question my sister is Clairvoyant my mom and I along with my dads, found out when Ray was 5 years old," said Natsuki as she looks out of the window. "But why awake her powers again," said, Sam.

"Because I will not take any chances with her safety and awakening them will give her an advantage over them," said Natsuki.

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