chapter 5

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"Who is Natsuki," said Brittany with a confused look. "My sister," said Rachel with a smile. "I thought you were an only child," said Noah with a Confucian look. "I am an only child Natsuki is my sister by choice we grow up together her mom Saiko was best friends with my dad she was the one who helps raise me for 12 years and the only one I call mom," said Rachel sad look. "Why 12 years," said, Santana. "My mom dies in a car accident when I and Natsuki were 12," said Rachel with unshed tears not looking at anyone.

"I am sorry," said, Santana with a sad look. "It's ok you didn't know," said, with Rachel a sad look. "But What are they doing in China," said, Noah. "They are helping to put Natsuki's sperm donor in prison," said Rachel frowning. "Sperm donor," said, Maria. "I call him that because that man does not deserve to be called a dad," said, Rachel. "What did that man do," said, Vickie. "He took Natsuki away from my dad's with a fake will just so he can still Natsuki and my money," said, Rachel, who frowned. Judy, Vickie, Maria, and Lena frown at that. "It took my dads this long to find my mom's will with the help of the rest of our family so I told them that I will be fine and to concentrate on getting my sister back to me," said Rachel with a smile.

"You think that I will still be in China when I found out my baby sister is in the hospital," said Natsuki. "Nat," said Rachel smiling as tears fell from her eyes. "Don't cry Ray?" said Natsuki as she walks into the room and seat on Rachel's bed and hugs her. "I mist you so much Nat" cried, Rachel. "I know sist I mess you too for 3 years away from you was too long and painful," said Natsuki as she cried from the loss of not having her sister with her.

Leo and Kevin give the others a nod to leave them alone. They all left the room with tears in their eyes. "Hi, Leo and Kevin," said Lena wiping away her tears. "Hello, Lena," said Leo hugging Lena. Lena introduces everyone to Leo and Kevin. "Leo, Kevin What are you doing here so soon," said, Regina. "Thanks to Tor, Lucy, and Alex they were able to help us put Natsuki into our custody very quickly and put all 3 of us into a plane when they found out what happened to our little Ray," said, Leo.

"I don't understand why did you go all the way to China Natsuki," said Noah in confusion. "Because Noah the 3 of us used to move to China when Rachel was 5 months and live there for years," said, Leo. Noah, Santana, Brittany, and Quinn stood there in shock. "So Rachel knows how to speak Chinese," said, Brittany. "Yes, she knows how to speak it fluently by the time she knew how to speak," said Kevin with a smile. "I don't understand why couldn't Rachel and Natsuki see each other for 3 years," said, Lena. "Because of that baster, he threatened Natsuki that if she sees Rachel he would not pay her school and kick her out of her apartment," said Leo in anger. "It took us this long to find Seiko's will because of him," said Kevin when he saw that his husband could not talk for he was too angry.

"I am going to see how our girls are doing love," said, Leo. They all went to the room when they open it they saw Natsuki in the bed holding Rachel like she was protecting her from any harm. "Just like when they were younger," said Leo with a smile. "Ara should I be jealous that my Natsuki is asleep in a bed with another girl," said Shizuru with a smile. At hearing Shizuru's voice in between her sleep Natsuki's eyes opened and fell to the floor screaming Shizuru's name with a red face. "Ara was my Natsuki dreaming of me when she was asleep," said Shizuru with a smile. Natsuki's face turns so red that everyone thought she would faint. "Shizuru Baka" yell Natsuki. "Meanie Natsuki," said Shizuru with a pout as tears threaten to fall.

Natsuki's eyes widened at this she got up quickly and hug Shizuru and started to apologize.

Rachel that had woken up when Natsuki fell to the floor saw and heard everything start to laugh but soon she caught it at the same time. Lena ran to her side and put the air mask back on her and said "are you ok do you want me to call Rose to give you some pain medicine" said Lena when she saw Rachel come down. "No, I am ok just hurts when I laugh," said Rachel to Lena with a smile. "Well, don't worry me like that again," said Lena smiling at Rachel. "I will try," said Rachel trying to breathe normally again. "What are you doing here Shizuru," said Natsuki. "Ara does My Natsuki not want me here," said Shizuru with a pout. "Of course, I do but don't you have school," said Natsuki.

"Ara, I call mama and told her what happened so mama and papa transfer me to your school immediately," said Shizuru with a smile. Natsuki said "really" with a big smile. "Ara my mama and papa love my Natsuki and know that she makes me so happy so yes my Natsuki," said Shizuru with a smile.

"Yes," yell Natsuki as she hugs Shizuru and kisses her on the lips. Leo fake coughed to get their attention as she did he smirk and said "are you not going to introduce Shizuru to Rachel and the rest of the people in the room." "Right Ray this is Shizuru, my girlfriend," said Natsuki with a blush. "I figure that out sist and you were right she is truly gorgeous," said Rachel with a smile. Shizuru hearing that smiles more as she blushes. "Ara Okana," said Shizuru. "There is no need to thank me I am only agreeing with Nat for is true," said Rachel with a smile.

What Rachel didn't see was Quinn glaring at Shizuru but Santana holds her arm to turn her around and shook her head in no motion. "Sist if I didn't know you I would think you are flirting with my girl," said Natsuki with a smile. Rachel just smiles as she rolls her eyes and said "1 sist I would never flirt with a taking woman and specialty your girl and 2 Shizuru is very gorgeous but she is not my type no offense Shizuru" said Rachel with a smile. "You're a lesbian," said Noah in shock. Rachel just look at Noah and said "no I am bi."

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