chapter 22

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Hours later Sam came in with Holly, Lena, Tina, Mick, and their parents looking tired. "What is going on," said Leo in a worried voice. "Let's seat and we will tell you," said, Sam. "Today as you know we found out that Mercedes and the others were going to shoot the school but what we didn't know was that they planned to also bomb the school," said, Sam. "What" yells everyone in shock. Quinn and Lena saw that Seren,  Rachel Natsuki, and Shizuru didn't look that surprised at all.

Tina and Mike apologize to Rachel for the way they treated her for they had no right to do that to her. "I hope one day you could trust us and we can be friends," said Tina with a sad look. All Rachel could do was nod and said "we can try and get to know each other."  When Tina, Mike, and there left Quinn and Lena look at Seren and Rachel with glares and their arms crossed. "What did we do," they both said at the same time with scared looks?   "Did you two know this morning this will happen?"  said Quinn and Lena at the same time. "I did not," Rachel said.   "I did I am the one who calls Lucy," said Seren.   "Then why didn't you look surprised Rachel?" said Quinn.  "I knew when we were coming home I has a vision of the bomb exploding," said, Rachel. "Why didn't you tell me," said, Quinn. "I was when mom and the others came," said, Rachel. "We got here hours ago," said, Quinn.

"Quinn we didn't have time for ourselves remember I kept trying to talk to you but aunt Seren kept us apart if it was not her it was our friends," said, Rachel. "You are right,"  said Quinn with a sigh of relief. Lena hugs her daughter and kisses her cheek then went to Seren and said "Why did you keep Rachel and Quinn apart today Seren."  "I need to know that they can be away from each other longer for Rachel will have to go to Ireland for spring break I have not told her yet be I will Tonight" say, Seren.

"Do you think they can handle it?" said, Lena?  "No, and I don't know if Judy would let Quinn go for Rachel needs to go to Ireland," said Seren. "Why," said, Lena. "Because last night Rachel woke me up when one of her other power from her past life awake in the hospital," said, Seren. "What" yells Lena in anger. "Why didn't the 2 of you tell me this" hiss Lena in anger? "Rachel is going to tell you in person soon she didn't want to call you last night because of what was going to happen today," said, Seren.  "I don't want to be left out of my daughter's life Seren," said, Lena. "You are not Lena those two girls love you they seek out your approval and what comes in them loving you also comes in them protecting you too," said Seren.  "Mom," said Rachel from behind them. "Yes, Ray," said Lena smiling. "Can we talk in the Garden you and me with Nat, Shizuru, and Quinn alone?" said, Rachel. "Of course, love," said Lena with a smile.

All 5 came outside when Rachel look at them she smiles at them and said "I have something I need you 4 to know is that one of my powers from my past life was awake last night" said, Rachel. "What power is it," said, Nat? "This," said Rachel as she opens her hand and water started to come in her hand and Rachel made it float to the flower on the other side of the house. "Wow," everyone said that but for Quinn, for she said, "so I was not the only one."  "You to my love," said, Rachel. "yes, I wanted to tell you when everything comes down," said, Quinn. "What power love," said, Rachel. "This," said Quinn moving a big rock with her hand and throwing it into the pond made make a big splash.

"Wow," said, everyone. "Ara for something so new to the two of you there is a lot of control," said Shizuru in awe. "Yes, there is Isn't it," said Seren walking toward them. "It's because when they awake we got the knowledge to use them," said, Rachel. "I thought so," said,d Seren. "Came inside we will have to talk with your father's and mom's," said, Seren. They all went to the office where Seren seat at the desk and said "Quinn does your mom know."  "Yes, she was there," said, Quinn. "Good then as Leo and you know already one of Rachel's power awake last night along with Quinn too so we don't need to separate them for spring break," said Seren.   "What do you mean," said Rachel looking scared.  "I mean that I wanted to take you with me to Ireland to meet a few friends that live there that their ancestors used to befriend with clans that willed the elements," said, Seren.

"Natsuki will not like me leaving her sight you know aunt Seren," said Rachel.   "I know that is why we were going to take her with us along with Shizuru," said Seren. "Aunt Seren, I thought you were smart you know where Natsuki goes the others are not that far away from her," said, Rachel. Leo and Kevin just laugh at Seren's face. "Shut up you tow," said Seren with a hiss. "You are right I will make the arrangements for all of us to go and Lena you are coming to the right," said, Seren. "Yes, I am," said, Lena. "Judy would you let Quinn go and try to learn about her powers," said, Seren. "Yes Of course we will go," said, Judy. Everyone was eating lunch when Natsuki said "Sist what did you talk about in the office."   "Oh, aunt Seren wants to take me and Quinn to Ireland to learn about our powers," said, Rachel.   "You know me and Shizuru are coming along the right," said Natsuki.   "I know that what I told aunt Seren."    "Hey if Wolf going we are going to," says Neo glaring at anyone who would dare Say Otherwise.

Leo and Kevin just look at Seren and smirk she just groin and said "don't worry I am taking all of you girls."    "Noah, Santana, and Brittany look at them and said hope all of you have fun in Ireland for spring break."   Rachel just looks at her aunt and glares at her and crosses her arms. "Ok, stop looking at me like that I get it," said Seren then turn to Santana, Noah, and Brittany and said, "You 3 and your families are coming to So don't worry."   "Don't we have to make a trip to China to see mom's lawyer for the read of her will" and said, Rachel?   "We don't she is coming to us I told her what happened to you so she is coming next week to read it," said Leo.

"Who is coming to the reading said Natsuki?    "Moko said is for you to no one else," said, Kevin.   "Can mom be there' said Natsuki?   "It's up to you tow," said, Leo. "Please mom we know we won't be able to handle it without you there," said Natsuki practically in tears.   "I will be there just tell me the time and date," said, Lena as she hold Natsuki's hand.   "It's next Friday at 3," said, Leo. Rachel and Natsuki just look at each other as tears fell from their eyes then looked at their parents and said "can we be excused."   "Go," said all 3 with sad looks.   When the  2 of them lift Shizuru and Quinn were about to follow them but Leo stops them by saying "girls just give them A minute they have not been able to talk about their mom."  The 2 looks at them and nod with sad looks.

1 hour later Quinn and Shizuru went upstairs looking for their girls they found them in Natsuki's room in bed where Natsuki hugged Ray from behind and they could tell that both of them had been crying. They both just close their eyes for tears had fallen then they turn to each other and lift the room going back downstairs with the others. Neo was the first to see them and said "how are wolf and Ray doing."   "The both of them cry themselves to sleep," said Shizuru, not liking that her love cry herself to sleep.      "They need it Shizuru for they have not grief properly for their mom's death girls but don't feel left out when this week they gravitated more than they usually do to each other," said Kevin with a sad look.

We will say Quinn and Shizuru with pouts.

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