chapter 6

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"Oh," said, Noah in shock. "I may be bi but I prefer to be with a girl than a boy right now," said, Rachel. Quinn, Santana, and Brittany stood in shock for they never dared to say to their family that they were lesbians. "Mom," says Rachel as she started to cry in pain. Lena got close to Rachel as she started to cry. "Rachel honey what's wrong," said Lena in a worried voice. "Something is not right," says Rachel as she fainted. "Call for help" yell Lena as she put a hand on Rachel's forehead. Leo ran outside and yell "help."

The doctors and nurses came in and surrounded Rachel's bed. "Get them out of here now" yell a doctor. Rose took all of them to the waiting room. They waited for 5 minutes when Rose walk into the waiting room with doctor Lopez. "What's wrong is she ok," said Lena, Leo, and Kevin in worried voices. "I am sorry but we need to operate again because she caught a bacteria we need to remove now or she will not survive the night," said Dr. Lopez. "No" cry Lena, Leo, and Kevin along with the others in the room. Please save our baby cry, Leo, in despair and his husband hug him.

"One of you will have to sign permission papers," said Rose. Natsuki was in Shizuru's lap in tears as she cries for her sister as well as Shizuru for her Natsuki always talk about her. Quinn, Santana, Noah, and Brittany were seating together in guilt and sadness for what they put Rachel throw. Alicia and the others cry for Rachel who has become one of their best friends. They all waited for 3 hours to hear that Rachel was going to be ok. When Rose and Dr. Lopez came out the both of them looked relief as they talk to Leo, Kevin, and Lena and told them "we got almost all of it we will have to put her in intensive care she is still not out of the woods but she is a fighter we don't know how she could have handled the pain she was going throw without saying anything" said, Dr. Lopez.

"When can we see her," said a crying Lena. "In 1 hour but 2 people at a time also be prepared she is connected to a lot of machines one of them is breathing for her we had to put her on it so her lung would heal better and she would rest," said Dr. Lopez.  "What are you not telling us," said, Lena. Dr. Lopez just look at them with sad eyes and said "to help her heal we put her in a medically induced coma."   "oh god," sob out Lena as her legs fell her but Dr. Lopez caught her and help her seat.

"How long is going to be like that" sobbed out Leo. "We don't know until we make sure she is healed enough for her to breathe by herself we have her in strong antibodies to help her fight the bacteria so is up to her right now," said, Dr. Lopez.   1 hour later everyone took turns seeing Rachel even Noah, Santana and Brittany come out of the room with red eyes and hug their mom's when they saw them. Quinn went in there by herself as she got in there she started to cry. "God Rachel, I never wanted to see you like this place fight and come back to us" sob out Quinn as she took her hand and kiss it.

"I want so much to tell you what happened today and to apologize for what have been doing to you so please fight so I earn your forgiveness" sobbed Quinn. Quinn stays for almost 1 hour Judy had to come into the room and told her that it was time to go home. "I want to stay mom" sob out Quinn. "We will come back tomorrow I heard that Lena will be staying with her," said Judy. "But mom I," said, Quinn. "Trust me I know," said Judy as she hugs her daughter and did not let her talk. "You don't mom for I love her" cries out, Quinn. "I know Quinn," said Judy as she still does not let go of her daughter.

"You don't hate me," said, Quinn. "Neve, you are my daughter Quinn I will always love you," said Judy.   "Let's go home we will talk there," said Judy smiling at her daughter. "Ok," said Quinn walking out of the room. Judy saw that Quinn left so she turns to Rachel and took her hand and said: "Please fight because Quinn right now truly needs you Rachel for you are the only one that can help right now."

Next day

All of the glee kids saw that Quinn, Santana, Brittany, and Noah were down so they all witted to get them alone. "So what is wrong with all 4 of you," said, Kurt. "I will tell them, girls," said, Noah. Noah told them almost everything he never told them about Rachel's personal life he just told them about Rachel's health. "But she is going to be ok right," said Tina in tears. "We don't know the doctor said that she is still not out of the wood and that if she makes it the next 48 hours she will survive," said Noah fighting not to cry.

"Oh God" sob out Tina and cry in her boyfriend's arms. Quinn just turn and left and saw that Alicia was in her locker so she walks up to her and said "have you heard anything about how Rachel is doing?  "All I know is that she got a 103.9  fever last night but it went down by this morning," said, Alicia with a sad look. Quinn just hug her and said, "she will be ok Alicia."   "I don't want her to die Quinn she is my best friend" cried, Alicia. All the glee club came out of the room and saw that Quinn was hugging Alicia that was crying.

"You won't lose her Alicia for Rachel is too strong and stubborn to die on us," said Quinn. Alicia comes down and smiles at Quinn and said "you are right she will fight to stay with us."  "She will," says Quinn with a smile as she walks to her class as she made eye contact with Santana as she sucks her head right and left with a sad look. The only glee kids that want and saw Rachel for the next couple of weeks were Quinn, Santana, Brittany, and Noah even stayed the night and helped bring food or drink to the adults that stay with Rachel that is how Rachel's family came to know all of them.

3 weeks later

Dr. Lopez came in with a smile along with Rose too. "We have some good news we are taking Rachel off of the breathing tube and waking her Up and if everything turns up well today we can get her out of the intensive care," said Dr. Lopez to Leo and Kevin. "Thank you," said Kevin with happy tears. "Yes, all our tests came back so well that we are hopeful that she will make a full recovery by herself now," said, Dr. Lopez. "Thank you when are you doing it," said Leo with happy tears. "Now we just have to wait and see," said doctor Lopez with a smile.

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