chapter 25

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"Don't worry girls they didn't forget about you they just have to talk about Rachel's new project" said Kevin with a smile. "Did you tow help her with the Zee box because I saw it and it is amazing?" said, Alejandro. "No, we did not she told us that her PlayStation was too boring and the graphics just suck so she made one herself along with the 10 games," said Leo with a smile. "Seriously," said Holly with wide eyes. "Yes, she did," says, Kevin. "I wonder what those two working together are going to come up with," said, Leo. "I don't know love but what they are going to come up with will be amazing," said Kevin with a smile.

2 hours later Quinn and Shizuru came into Rachel's room where they found Natsuki and Rachel talking about the new PlayStation. "The PlayStation is going to be awesome we can do this," said Natsuki with excitement. "You two need to sleep," said, Quinn and Shizuru. "But my love we are working on this," said Ray and Nat at the same time. "You can work on it tomorrow," said both Quinn and Shizuru. "Ok, are the others still playing the game," said, Rachel. "Yes, so you will have to go get them away before they break," said, Quinn. Rachel just turned to her sister and said "can you go because if I run out of the room mom and Quinn will not be happy."   "I got it sist," said Natsuki as she runs out of the room.

"Ara what is this," said Shizuru. "It's a new design for the new Zee box," said, Rachel. "Ara is amazing," said Shizuru in awe. "Yes, we have to build it in doing that it will take at least 2 years but well-doing that we are going to Creed new games and some of the most successful games are going to redesign for it," said, Rachel. "It will truly be amazing," said Shizuru in awe. "Yes on this one it will be no need for the glasses at all but it will need a suit that will give the player to feel what their character is doing as they play the game and the cub that it will do what the glasses are doing for it will open up and a hologram will open around the player," said, Rachel.

Quinn and Shizuru stood in awe in hearing what Rachel and Natsuki were going to create. Natsuki came in running into the room for Neo and Santana were running after her. "Ray helped" yell Natsuki. "Wolfe you are so dead" yelled Neo. "Stop I told her to bring it to me," said Rachel. "But we were playing it," said, Brittany. "All of you will get your own Zee II and the new 10 games that are coming out but I still need to fix what is wrong with this prototype ok," said Rachel. "Seriously," said everyone in the room. "Yes, I sent Natsuki hearse why would I not do the same to all of you," said Rachel. "You are the best Ray," said Neo hugging her. "Ok now go to sleep for tomorrow we are going to have some fun," said, Rachel.

When they left Natsuki turns to her sister and said "you know when they found out about the new Zee III they are going to flip" said Natsuki. "Yes but white in until they see this," said Rachel opening a building design on her computer. "Sist what is this," said Natsuki. "These two buildings are going to call Zee world one here and this one is in Lame I both the properties so I can build this State of the Art technology for in each room will be big for at least 10 players in each room will be designed for a hologram game that the players choose the game they will play so the room will display the game alongside the environment."  Quinn, Shizuru, and Natsuki were in shock at what they heard. "So Summit up each room would be a hologram room where you are entering your game your character and you will feel the environment and what they do with you with limitations," said Natsuki in awe.  "Yep, it will be exactly that," said Rachel. "You are a genius," said Natsuki.

"How much have you done," sist said Natsuki. "I have the obstacles along with environmental technology but I have not finished with the holograms yet," said Rachel. "I want to set the Z box 2 first to see if the people love then if they do all this is go along with some other ideas that will come with it," said, Rachel. "Wow you know when the gang finds out about this they are going to be all over it," said Natsuki in awe. "Do you think they would like to try it out I need people to test it out" said, Rachel? "They will love it sist," said Natsuki. "I will tell them when everything is ready to test," said, Rachel.

"Let go to bed love," said Shizuru to Natsuki. Natsuki just nod and said "goodnight to Rachel and Quinn."  The next morning they got up and explored the house they found the inside swimming pool where they had a pool party Natsuki and Rachel found their mom's motorcycle bikes along with a few cars she had there. "I don't remember her having that many cars and motorcycles," said Nat in awe. "Get your pick sist I will go to mom's office and see where she had the Keys to them and call aunt Moko to put them in our names so we can take them to lame so we can fix them up," said, Rachel. Natsuki stays there in the garage looking throw the cars and seeing what they will need to fix them up.

Rachel went to her mom's office as she walks there she found their mom's safe and open it when she did that she found some money and jewelry but she just won't start for the papers what surprised her was the papers she found about the Villa "Nat need to see this" said, Rachel. "See what," said a voice from behind her. "Mom, you scared me," said Rachel in shock.  "What are you doing Rachel," said, Lena?   "Oh, I and Natsuki found mom old cars and motorcycles so I was looking for the pink slips and keys so we can put them in our names but I found these papers about the Villa Nat need to see them and we need to call aunt Moko for I found this beads that I don't know she owns and by the looks at them, their properties in Ireland, Grace and anther here that looks like an apartment building here and this is from San Francisco." 

"I will go get your dad's and you call Moko and your sister," said, Lena. "Ok," said, Rachel. Rachel call Moko and said "Hi aunt Moko are you still here in the states oh that's fantastic for I need you to come to New York I found some research mom did at the Villa along with some deeds I found that you might need to do some research on them for use," said Rachel after that she text her sister that she needs to come to there mom office right away.

Natsuki and her parents found her reading some papers. "What going on sist," said Natsuki. "Natsuki did you know our mom owns more properties than the two houses we were told about," said Rachel.  "What no way" yell Natsuki in shock.   "Yes, the way they have been handled by Edward Jackson," said Rachel in anger.   "No fucking way," said Natsuki in anger.   "Call Lucy Kevin," said, Leo in anger.   "Rachel shows me what you just found," said Leo in anger. "What is going on," said, Lena in confusion. "Edward Jackson was responsible for our mom's death," said Natsuki in anger. Lucy and Alex fly in right away and they both came in with Moko.

"What did You find," said, Lucy?  "That baster is handling mom properties the apartment building here is an up-skilled apartment complex that is close to Julian as well The house in Grace Italy he has been renting all this time to along with the Castle in Ireland," said Leo in anger. "Rachel honey you have been quite there," says Moko. Rachel that has been glaring into the computer monitor turned to her aunt and said "when any of you talk to that baster make sure you tell him how he meets Natsuki's sperm donor," said Rachel, in anger as she walks off the room. Everyone looks at the computer screen they saw Edward Jackson's picture eating with a Natsuki sperm donor.

"My sister has a point so please get us the answers," said Natsuki as she left the room. "God will they ever get one dame break from that bastard," said Alex in anger.

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