chapter 12

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Rachel laughs without emotions and said, "what hasn't he." "What do you mean," said, Sam.  "He thinks he is so smart but I figure out he had his friends slushy me more and bully me more like have them push me into the corner of the locker and try to hurt me." "Did you tell anyone?" said Sam as she holds her anger.  "I told Figgin and let him hear the recorder he just laughs at me and told me to deal with it on my own," said Rachel with a frown. Sam, Lena, and the rest of the adults growl in anger.

"How did you handle it," said, Sam. "The only reason that Shue was able to hurt me was that he sneaks up on me because I  was already hurt enough so when he pushed me into the lockers I got dizzy if he was man enough I would have had him on the floor crying," said Rachel with a glare.  "What do you mean," said, Sam.  "I mean that I grew up in China with an overprotective dad and mom so by the time I and Natsuki could walk they put both of us in defense class so by the time we were 10 we had our 8-degree black belt in Taekwondo," said, Rachel.

"You are the one who hurt the hockey team," said Santana in shock.  "Yes, that was me they deserve it they would have raped me said Rachel as she took a breath and began to cry. Natsuki growl at that and got out of the room. "Do you know who they were?" said Sam in anger.  "On my laptop at home in my room, there is a video of it," said Rachel in tears. "Can someone get me a paper and pen?" said, Rachel.  Mai got up and give it to her. "This is my password and the file name," said, Rachel.

"I have to go home right now and get some things if you follow me I can give you her laptop," said, Kevin. "Yes, that would be great," said, Sam. When they walk out of the room Sam just growls and said "those fools will pay for what they try to do to your daughter."  "Thank you for helping her," said Leo in tears. "I will do anything in my power to put those fools where they belong"  said Sam.

The next day at school the police officer arrives as Sam calls the names of some of the hockey and Football players. "Good, you are here boys," said Sam in anger. "What is this about," said David looking at his Dad. "What you are here boys is because you are under arrest for the attempted rape and assault of Rachel Barry," said Sam in anger. "You have no Proof" yelled, Ken, in anger. Sam just smirk and turn her computer monitor around all the kids and adults saw what they were all trying to do to Rachel. David's dad just slap his son and said "you are no son of mine" in anger. "Take him offices and make him pay for what he tries to do to that girl," said David Sr in anger.

The other parents did the same to their kids they will not help them they would get what is coming for them. David Sr turn to Sam and said "tell that girl that my son will never be a problem to her again even if he gets free for what he tries to do I will be sending him to military school."  The others agree with him. "I will tell Rachel," said, Sam. After lunch, Sam told the teachers to take their class to an emergency meeting. When they were all seating down Sam came up into the microphone and said "ok I know all of you saw the cops that took some of the hockey players and football players so I am not going to bed around the bush they have been taking in custody for the attempted rape of Rachel Barry a few months ago" said, Sam.

There were noses all over tell one kid said  "what Rachel is in a coma."  Rachel woke up 2 days ago and I want to talk to her yesterday to told me what had Finn try to do to her so she told me what he was doing along with his friends so she let it slip what they try to do to her they never note that they were being recorded so now I am here to tell every one of you that as of now there will be no bullying tolerance in this school it those not matter if you are on a sports team you will be punished and that includes throwing slushy on a student" said Sam in anger. There were yell as they kids talk all at once. Also if I found out that any teachers let anyone gets away with bullying in their classroom will be suspended or fired got that" yelled Sam in anger then walks away from the gym but turn back and says go back to class and close the door.

At the end of school, Quinn walks to Sam's office and knocks and opens the door when Sam said "inter." Quinn saw that Sue, Lena, and Holly were there looking sad. "Is something wrong?" said, Quinn. "Nothing what is it that brings you here," said, Sam. "How bad was it for Rachel I know she left a lot out," said Quinn with a sad look. "I can't show you Quinn but I will tell you that Rachel is one of the strongest people I know and because of it I had to fire 2 teachers and the nurse today," said Sam angrily.  "What did they do," said, Quinn.   "The teachers didn't do anything when they walk by and Rachel yell for help the stupid nurse walked by and saw what they try to do she started to yell at her and help those boys," said Sam in anger.

"Where are they now," said Quinn in anger.   "The police took them from their home this morning," said, Sam. "Thank you for helping Rachel principal Arris I am glad that she is not alone anymore," said Quinn then walking away from the room.   "So how are we going to get new teachers," said, Sue.   "I know Natsuki's friends came with a teacher and a nurse you can higher them," said, Lena. "Would they want to work here?" said Sam. "They would keep Natsuki safe along with Rachel," said, Lena. "Call them and tell them to come over,"  said Sam. Not even 5 Minutes later Yohko Segisawa and Midori Sugiura stood in front of Sam, Lena, Holly, and Sue. "So you want me to teach math and you want Yohko here to be the nurses," said Midori.  "Yes, that's what I am saying," said Sam. "Ok, when do we start," said Yohko with a smirk. "You just want to see the girl's faces when we tell them we will be working again in the same school they go to," said Midori with a smirk. "Oh, I am especially when we tell Nat," said Yohko with an evil smirk in place.

"Sometimes you can be very evil love," said Midori with a smile. "You love it," said Yohko with a smile. "We just need Miss Maria and we will be all set," said Yohko. "No never," said Midori scared face. "Who is Maria," said Sam with a smirk.  "Do not worry but if you meet that women run for your life" said Midori as she pulls Yohko out of the room. "Bye boss" yells Yohko with a smile. "Those two women are insane but I like them," said Holly with a smile.

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