chapter 57

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The week passes quickly for everyone they all are now at L Corp waiting for little Alura to be born. Lena is the one to take her daughter off the birth chamber with tears as she cleans her up with the help of Alex. They all meet Alura and took her home. Rachel and Quinn that been staying with Lena decided to stay an extra day to help them.   "How are you Lena," said, Rachel?   "I am scared I don't know if I would be a good mom," said Lena with fear.   Rachel just laughs and said, "Lee you have helped my mom and Regina take care of me and Natsuki and I  know they call you when they are having problems with their kids so I don't believe for one minute you will be a terrible mom."

"Have Faith in yourself and if you have any trouble just tell  Kara or call my mom, Regina, and me we will be here for you are not alone" said Rachel with a smile.   Lena just tears up and hugs Rachel and said "I love you, Rachel."   "I love you too Lee," said Rachel as she hugs Lena. "I wanted to tell you I and Quinn am leaving tomorrow," said Rachel.  "But your ring Rachel you have not finished it," said, Lena.   "I did finish it," says Rachel showing Lena the ring "I am going to tell her in 3 days for that's the anniversary we got together," said, Rachel.   "I am sorry I didn't help you finish the ring," said Lena in tears.   "Don't Lee I love being here with you helping me but what I love most is I got to spend time with you for that's what I wanted all along" said, Rachel. Lena just hugs Rachel again with tears and said "thank you, Rachel."   "I should go and see what Quinn is doing and you spend time with your little one," said, Rachel with a smile.

Rachel found Quinn talking with Felicity and said "I told Lena we are living tomorrow."   "How did she take it," said, Quinn.   "Not good she wanted us to stay longer," said, Rachel. "That's because Lena always misses you when you are not here," said Felicity with a smile.    "What do you mean I talk to her once a week should I call her more," said, Rachel.     "You do not understand do you," said Felicity as she smiles.    "I have been trying to tell her for years and she does not get it," said, Quinn with a smile.     "Get what and what are you 3 talking about," said, Thea.    "That Lena and Regina have loved Rachel and Natsuki as daughters for years," said Felicity with a smile.    "Not this again," said Rachel with a groin.     "Oh, I thought they knew," said, Thea with a smile.    "They would have told us," said, Rachel.    "How do you see them Ray," said, Thea.    "I see them as mother figures," said, Rachel.    "Have you told them?" said, Quinn.    "No, I have not for when I was going to  Shelby came into the picture," said, Rachel with a frown.    "That woman hurt you," said, Thea.    "Yes Shelby did for all she wanted from me was money and she thought trying to separate me from my sister was the way to do it so I got scared of telling them that I wave seen them as mother figures and they live me I think that Natsuki did the same for I know that Nat loves them the same way I do," said Rachel in tear.    "So know that you know what are you going to do about it my love said Quinn with a smile. I have to talk with my sister and then talk with our mom, Lee, and, Regina" said Rachel with a groin.

Natsuki and Shizuru were talking with Oliver so she walks to them and said "excuse me but I need to talk in private with my sister" at that she opened a portal and opens a push Natsuki into it.    "Ara, I wonder what was that about," said Shizuru. "Don't worry is something good" said Quinn with a smile. "Ara and what is it about," said Shizuru.    "Rachel just figures out that they have 3 moms rather than 1," said, Quinn. Shizuru just smiles at hearing that. They both came back 2 hours later with red eyes Regina and Lena's eyes widen and walk toward them with worried looks all Rachel and Natsuki did was hug them and pull them both to Lena's office. "What's wrong you two," said both Lena and Regina. "Everything is fine we had to talk to our mom Lena after we figured that we are both cowards for not telling you two that this past 5 and 7 years that we know you 2 we have thought of you as our mom's just like her but we have been scared to tell you two but when we were going to tell you Shelby happened and we are sorry we both had the same fear that we thought we told you You both would leave us," said, Rachel in tears.    "Ray is right we let Shelby in and when we figure out what she was doing we were afraid to let the two of you in and we are sorry for keeping the both of you at arm's length," said Natsuki in tears.   "Our mom said we were idiots for she knew how we saw the two of you and told us that stop being cowards and tell you two that we love you and if is ok if we can call you mom too," said, Rachel in tears.

"We are sorry if you 2 ever thought we didn't see you as our mom's that you are," said Natsuki as she looks up and saw that Regina and Lena were in tears as they smile at the both of them. Regina hugs Natsuki and says "we love the both of you so much and thank you both for telling us." Lena hugs Rachel as she lets go and hugs Natsuki as Regina goes and hugs Rachel.

When they got out of the room everyone is gone except Quinn, Shizuru, Alex, and Eliza.    "Hi, where did everyone go," said, Lena?   It's late and they wanted to go and leave you with your little one to sleep" said Eliza getting up and getting ready to go home.   "We should go to," said Natsuki.

The next day Rachel goodbye to Cat and headed home with her love to plan her engagement to Quinn.

2 years later Rachel got married to Quinn with all her family and friends with her. "You know kid I never thank you," said Emma when she saw Rachel alone.   "Thank me for what," said, Rachel.     "You open my eyes to Snow for she had everyone full even me that she was the hero when she was a monster and most of all for showing me that I need to open my eyes to the love that I had for Regina for we have been married for 7 years and have the twins and Henry and I could not be happier and that is all thanks to you so thank you, Ray," said Emma.      "How is Henry by the why," said Rachel?     "He is traveling writing a story he is sorry he could not make It," said Emma with a smile.    "It's ok I am sorry for the way I treated him in the beginning," said Rachel.    "Don't be the need it for he was a bad son to Regina and you were doing what any good daughter would by protecting your mom and discipline your brother that's why I never got in the way when you and Natsuki straight out told Henry that he was a little brat and he was a bad son?" said Emma with a smile.     "You heard that," said Rachel with a blush.    "Yes and I told him that he was hearing the truth and that I was not going to do anything for you two were only protecting Regina and that he needs to wake up and see from your point of view," said Emma with a smile.

"Come on let's go back to your guests they all want to see you," said Emma hugging Rachel with one hand over her shoulder as they walk.    "Later that night Rachel and Quinn were in their Hotel Room Rachel was looking outside as Quinn came behind her and hug her and said "what are you thinking about my love" as she put her head on Rachel's shoulder.   "That this life has been hard with all the obstacles we had to overcome but I am happy for I have you my sister and the rest of our family and I wouldn't change anything for it only strengthen me and show me that I don't have to be afraid to love for a know that this love will last this life until the next," said Rachel as she kisses Quinn's lips.

                         THE END

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