chapter 49

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As they left Lena was about to walk out of the DEO but Kara stops her by saying "Lena wait, please."   "What do you want Kara you want to yell at me some more," said Lena sounding tired. "No, I had no right to be mad at you for I was wrong I should have not listened to any one of my family and my friends when they told me not to tell you the truth about me when I knew I could trust you but I let them convince me I was wrong and on doing that I lost you so all I want to say I am so sorry I should have not gotten mad at you," said Kara in tears. 

Lena just look at Kara with a shocked look but a hurt won too she did not talk and just stood there.

"When you work with Lucy in taking
down Lex without telling anyone of us and making us believe you were with him I was hurt that you didn't trust me" said, Kara. "You know what hurts from all of it Kara that it was easy for all of you to think I was on his side you told me that you will always believe in me but you didn't."  "You who told me that it didn't matter I was a Luther was so easily influenced by my so call friends that I was a monster so Goodbye Kara," said Lena as she walk away from her so call friends. Kara looks back at her sister and cousin and saw shame in their faces along with Winn and Jonn.

The Heros stay and want back home to put things in order so they all can go visit Rachel and her family. Two days later they contact Lilly that lives with Lucy which surprises them. "So you live with a dragon," said, Louis. "You live with an alien what is the difference," said, Lucy raising an eyebrow.  "But how did that happen," said, Louis?  "We meet 6 months ago she and her friends save my life from an alien that was about to kill me but they step in and help me and they told me who they are and what they are doing here they even took me to their earth and I fell for Lilly the first time I saw her," said Lucy with a smile. "Wow, you like her then," said Louis. "I don't like her Louis I love her for to me she is the one," said, Lucy.   "You do," says Louis in shock.   "I do I love her I want everything with her," says Lucy with a smile looking at Lilly that was getting everything ready for them. "Wow, I never thought I see the day that you would say that," said Louis.

"I either Louis but Lilly makes me happy," said, Lucy with a smile. "So how are Kara and Lena doing," said, Lucy? "Kara is heartbroken she does not want to show it but we all can see it in her eyes," said Louis with a sad look.  "You all fuck up her life by trying to control it," said, Lucy.   "We know we all should have let her live her life," said Louis with tears. "The sad part is I was not that shocked at seeing Rachel's mom and Kara together they fit together so well," said Louis. "They do when I saw them I just thought this would have been if all of you would have let Kara live her own life," said Lucy with tears.

"Do you think they will find each other again?" said Louis with a sad look.  "I don't know is all up to Kara if she going to let all of your influence the way you all have with Lena and her relationship," said, Lucy.   "You don't hold back do you, Lucy," said, Louis. "What the point if is the truth," said, Lucy. "My love I am ready," said Lilly with a smile as she kisses Lucy on the lips. "Ok, let's go and I am driving to the DEO," said, Lucy.   That's ok love" said Lilly as she opens her car door for Lucy. "Good and thank you," said Lucy to Lilly with a smile. Louis saw this and thought Clark does not do that. They all made it to the DEO and saw all the Heros were in their regular clothes and there were extra people with them. "Hello everyone so this is all the people that are going to Rachel earth," said, Lilly.   "Yes," said, everyone. "Ok, let's go," said Lilly as she opens the portal with her cell phone. "That is not possible," said Cisco after seeing what Lilly did. Lilly just laugh and said "you are so going to Short Circuit your brain then," said Lilly with amusement.

They all came in at Rachel's New York mansion where Noah was waiting for them. "Hi everyone introductions will have to wait for I am your Taxi Rachel told me to drive you all to Howling Wolf Towers so come on I have the hover van. "A  haver what," said, everyone. "Come on I will show you," said Noah with a smile. They all made it outside and saw a regular van but when Noah turn it on it went up in the air 100 feet. "What the hell" yell everyone in shock. "This is something Ray and Nat came up with a few years back so don't be shocked if we are not the only one in the air," said Noah. "Yes, Barry you and your friends are welcome to know how this works," said Noah when he saw that Barry was about to talk.  "So Rachel thought all of you would like a tour of what her company is doing and what it does," said, Noah.

"What do you do there," said Felicity. "Right now I am working under Jeremy I am taking over when he retires in 2 years so when I graduated next year I will be taking over the Communications Department with Chie as my right hand," said, Noah. "Santana is taking over the legal Department so she will be ready in 2 years so she is working with them right now."   "Shizuru and Quinn have it tougher they are working as CEO and CFO of howling wolves Towers," said Noah. "I thought that would be Rachel and Natsuki," said Alex.  "God no those two are nerds they love going into the labs and doing their inventions they are the owners but they will kill their investors if they would go into those meetings and we are here," said, Noah. Everyone's eyes widen as they saw everywhere they look just looking in awe.

"Welcome to New York Howling wolf Towers," said, Noah with a smile. "Why is the air so clean here," said Eliza looking around New York? "Oh, that is Ray doing there is Hardly any air pollution now because of her solar air panels that were sold out before they come on the market a few years ago," said Noah.   "That's awesome," said Sara in awe. "I think Rachel is working into clean water now," said Noah taking them down where Rachel was working. "You should know that Lena from your world is here Kara," said, Noah. "How has she been," said, Kara?   "Lena is doing great helping Rachel and Natsuki with our Lena with their inventions and babysitting for our Lena and Kara when they go on dates," said Noah with a smile.

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