chapter 56

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Lena, Cat, Louis, Rachel, and Lucy were all at L Corp talking and waiting for the go signed where all the Heros will take down Cadmus once and for all.    "I can't believe they told me to stay here," said Rachel in anger.    "They just want you to be safe Rachel," said, Lena.   "But Lee I could help," said Rachel with a pout.    "I know sweet girl but they just want to protect you," said, Lena.    " It's not fair," said Rachel as she put her head on Lena's shoulder.    "I know," said, Lena.     "Quinn told me if I seat 1 foot outside of L Corp that she would tie me to our bed for 1 month," said Rachel with a groin.

"You would probably like it," said Louis with a smirk. Rachel just blushes and does not look at anyone.   "When are they starting," said, Lena? Rachel just go up and took her hologram computer and turn it on and talk to Noah. Rachel found out that the FBI, CIA, the rest of the Navy, and the army have been Clean up by Lilly.     Regina and Male have cleaned the rest of the judge and lawyers.    Dreamer and Brain have taken all the businessmen and women into custody.

Superman, Supergirl, and the rest are about to take down the main base of Cadmus in 2 minutes. "I want to see the fight Noah," said, Rachel.    "You got it, your Majesty," said, Noah. Rachel separates the screens so they each can see the Supers and the other fights.

Two minutes later they see Kara and Clark go into the building on the opposite side. They saw how Santana and Brittany went into the labs and how they save the humans and aliens that were being experimented on. They saw how Quinn and Chia took down the scientist and how they went into their database. They also saw how Lillian last Resort by shouting at Superman and Supergirl with Kryptonite bullet but Alex and Lilly shoot her and took her down fast. "It did your majesties are people and the Supers people going back to headquarters," said Noah to Rachel. "Thank you, Noah," said, Rachel.   "It's over," said Lena in tears. "It is and they will never get out this time," said, Rachel.

Regina walks into the room with Kate and said "we have some good news we found Lillian and Lex's money they have hidden over the years" said Kate with a smile. "How much do they have," said, Lena. "They have 80.9 billion each said, Kate. "No way," said Lucy in shock. Yes, way and we have to call your lawyer Lena she told me you will be able to get your hand on that money by the end of the week but there more we found money that your dad hand in your name is steel open and getting interested now is 100.9 billion as we speak" said Kate. "We also told your lawyer she told me that you will have it into your account by tomorrow we also have found houses, buildings, and lands that Lillian and Lex have been hiding so you should have Alex and her people look at them especially this 5 for they are been used," said Regina as she put an arm around Rachel. Rachel closes her eyes and said "why don't you have Quinn see if she can find out what she got in their main database" as she closes her eyes.   "Even half-asleep she steals outsmart us all," said Regina with a smile and she put Rachel's head in her lap and start playing with her hair.

Male and Lilly landed on Lena's balcony with smiles. "Are your two OK?" said, Regina?    "We are good we did not get hurt at all," said Male.   "That's good we know that our little Ray here does not like when one of us is hurt," said Regina as she looks at Rachel with a warm smile.   "Rachel will be happy then for no one got hurt," said Mal with a smile. Quinn came into the office with Natsuki and Shizuru. At seeing that Rachel was asleep Quinn smiled and pick Rachel up and said "I will take her to Lena's apartment."   "Quinn Rachel said if you could look throw the main database of Columbus to see what these buildings are being us for," said, Regina.   "Sent me the address on my phone and I will look over them tomorrow, for now, I am going to sleep for the first time in weeks with my girl," said Quinn as she walks away with Rachel in her arms. The others just smile as she walks away.

The next day Quinn walks into the DEO and growled as she hit the table and says "we need to get to this address ASAP for that bitch has Lena and Kara's daughter in the lab."    "What" yells Lena and Kara that came in and heard everything.    "Lillian uses Kara's blood and yours to make her so we need to hurry up and get your daughter now," said, Quinn in anger.    "Alex and Santana got up along with Rachel. Lena and Kara fly to the Lab the Cadmus had outside Of Nation City when they made it to the building they saw that the building was empty so they walk in and saw that the baby was still in the incubator.   "It looks that this little one is not ready to be born yet," said, Rachel with a smile.

"Can we take her away from this building and take her to the L Corp I want to keep an eye on my daughter" said Lena as she looks at her daughter with tears.   "Yes, we can but we have to be careful and it also looks like she will be born in a week," said, Rachel.    'God, we have to get ready for her and start buying her clothes and bed and everything else" said Lena in tears.   "We will have everything ready love we have our family and friends to help us, my love," said Kara with a soft smile at Lena.

They close the lab with the rest of the DEO agents and call their family and friends about what they found. They all went to Lena's apartment to fix the apartment up for them. The rest they help and bought some clothes and toys for the baby. Lena, Rachel, Eliza, and Alex have been busy seeing if the baby was ok so when they got to Lena's Apartment "everyone yelled surprise" Lena and Rachel jumped but smiled. They all told Lena and Kara congratulations and that they can't wait to see their daughter. Kara shows Lena their daughter's room as Lena saw it she had tears in her eyes and said: "it's beautiful so love." They were now all in the living room seating down Thea said "so what is the name of the little one."  "I and Kara talked last night and I told her that I wanted her middle name to be Rachel so Kara picks her first name so her name will be "Alura Rachel Danvers Luther," said Lena with a smile. 

"You name her after me," said Rachel in shock. "Of course, we would you give us the chance that we need to be together," said, Kara with a smile.   "Thank you I am honored," said Rachel with a shy smile.

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