chapter 50

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"Here we are here," said Noah with a smile as he open the lab door. "Ray, you got visitors," said, Noah. Rachel turns around and saw the superheroes and said "it's good to see all of you again." "Their new faces," said, Rachel. "This is my wife Felicity Smoak and my sister Thea Queen and as for my name is Oliver Queen, I was the green arrow," said Oliver. "I am Katie Kane I was Batwoman."   You all know my name is Sara this is my girlfriend Ava and are friends Nathan, Palmer, and Rory."  "I am Barry Allen this is my wife Iris and my friends Cisco and Caitlin."  "He is nice to meet all of you," said, Rachel with a smile. "What are you all working on," said, Eliza?   "Oh, we are working on cleaning oceans water we just got it to work the way I wanted to," said Rachel with a smile.

"That's fantastic," said Alex, Felicity, Thea, Eliza, Caitlin, and Kara. "Come and see mom, Nat and Lee are working on it now," said Rachel with a smile. "They all come close and saw an older Lena and the young Lena working with Natsuki with two big containers of water. One of them clears up fast as they walk close to it. "Can you show us how you did this it will help our earth" said Alex and Felicity in awe?   "Lena knows how it works so your world will be ok," said Rachel to Alex. "Will you teach my people how to make it?" said, Barry? Everyone was in awe of what they saw for the rest of the day. After lunch Rachel said, "who is ready to go to Z world."   "We are," yell all her family. "Ok, the rest of the family are waiting for us there," said, Rachel.  They all made it there in 1 hour and everyone waited for them outside.

The Heros play against Rachel's team Lena and the rest look from the Mater room. "Hmm, why are Kara and Clark holding back so much," said, Rachel? "They are a worry for they could hurt someone," said, Eliza.   "That is not right for when can they rest from that can of power," says, Rachel?   "When they go and visit Argo City they get a break," said, Eliza. "Why do they" say, Rachel? "Argo City has a red sun so they don't have powers there," said Eliza.   "Mom can you entertain our guess I have an idea how to help them I will be back in 1 hour," said Rachel with a smile. "Ok baby stays safe and takes Lee with you," said, Lena. "Come on it will be faster with your help," said Rachel pulling Lee with her.

Rachel and Lena came back with smiles on their faces. "Kara, and Clark we have a surprise for both of you," said, Rachel. "What is it," said Kara. "Here you go," said Rachel giving them each a wristwatch. "They are not your normal wristwatch just push the red button and you will see," said Rachel. They each did push the red button and then looked at both Rachel and Lena when nothing happened.  Rachel just smile and said, "try to float."  When they try and nothing happened both had wide eyes in surprise.  "How," they both said at the same time. "The watches radiate the energy of a red sun when you push the red button to turn it on you will only have to push it again to turn it off," said, Rachel.

Clark and Kara's eyes tear up as they hug Lena and Rachel and said 'thank you."   Kara and Clark were happier playing the games with their friends everyone noticed that a big burden on their shoulders was off and they smile more. Felicity, Thea, Cisco Alex, and Eliza have been over the moon with Rachel and Natsuki's technology. The next day Rachel took her them back to her labs where she shows Alex, Eliza, Thea, and Felicity their medical breakthroughs. They didn't leave that lab until Lunchtime. At dinner, Felicity said, "your technology and Medical breakthrough are so amazing."

"Thank you said, Rachel.   "What do you want for us for giving us the knowledge," said, Oliver. Rachel and the others just stare at him some in shock others in anger. Rachel put her spoon down and said "I don't want anything from any one of you."  "There is no way that you are doing this for nothing so tell us what you want" yell Oliver in anger.

"Can all of you leave me and Oliver alone?" said, Rachel. Rachel's family left without saying a word but they glared at Oliver. The others look troubled at leaving them alone. When they were alone Rachel just looks at Oliver as she took a drink then as she put the drink down she said "you have a very tormented soul for what you have done to survive if you don't let the pain that you have in your soul go you will lose your family for you keep them an arm's length for fear but they love you Oliver and they expect you for who you are." Oliver just seat there not saying anything.  "For your information, I want nothing from any of you for I to have everything I ever need in my life for I have the love of my life and the love of my family and the love of my friends that will do anything for me, and money, I have enough to last me a lifetime so no you and your friends don't have anything I want," said Rachel then walked away from Oliver.

Thea and Felicity came in as Rachel walk out Rachel heard "you are an idiot Oliver Queen." Rachel went to her mom and hug her and said: "he is in so much pain mom it's hard to be around him sometimes."   "Oh, my baby, it will be ok you will help him just let him come to your love," said, Lena as she hug her daughter.  "I will mom," said Rachel as she put her head in Lena's lap. The others found her 1 hour later asleep in Lena's lap. "Noah can you take Rachel to her room," said, Lena. "Yes, ma-am," said Noah picking up Rachel and taking Rachel with him. "Noah drops her and I will hurt you," said, Quinn.

"I won't Q I know if I do that Neo will kick me out of our bed for life," said, Noah.   "Damn, right I will," said Neo with a smirk. As she follows him and Quinn. "Natsuki please show our guests to their rooms," said, Lena.  "Lee can you do me a favor and take Alexia with you tonight I have to talk to my wife tonight," said Lena with a smile. "I would love to," said Lee with a smile. Kara for her part wanted to scream and say she wants to take care of Alexia with Lena.   "Mom did it work" whispered Natsukiint her mom's ear. Lena just nods with a smile. Nat just kisses her Mom's cheek. "Did you tell Ray?" said, Nat?   "Yes, she went with me to the doctor when you were out of town," said Lena. "I Am going next time," said Nat with a pout. "I know my wolf," said Lena as she hugs Nat.

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